I will give a try later today - Thanks for info @scook.
One question (lol - for now) Since the "instrument" only shows audio type outputs (from complete routing as an instrument track), when I go to connect the synth
input should I be seeing something other than the "fake audio outs from my VST"? (i think I see "instachord-1 . . . ouch . . . more brain hurt)
I can get the VST (instachord) to run with my controller, but once create the target instrument (i.e. synth), seem to lose the ability to drive the VST. For instance,
as soon as the target track is create, my controller will latch on to it, moving things around (trying to get controller back to VST), the VST will no longer connect to the
VST. Mull that over and I will get back to it later and verify whether your suggestion works out and report back. Sometimes thing can get a bit frustrating!
Thanks for the help . . .