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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. Awesome, just grabbed the Match Mini. I've found them all quite good. I really like the Tweed. I expect what guitar you are using has a pretty big impact.
  2. I know we mix with our ears, but this is a bit of a letdown on the GUI front, compared to their other offerings.
  3. Was hoping they would add something drum related.
  4. Looks like everything is already on sale, kinda defeats the idea? Unless they now auto-apply the gems owner discount. ? https://overloud.com/gems <--here I'm seeing $69 for everything except the Tape Desk and Voice for $79
  5. In a new song, only loading Addictive Drums and slapping this on the bus... It says 7% (AD is only 6%) Which seems high, but I think I use a lot of stuff that would say that and would actually work fine while mixing. Depends on the project for sure, I'll wait and see.
  6. For sure. I was so annoyed with it I made a thread in the IK forum asking for a fix.
  7. For me, ToneX is the best solution for in the box playing. You can load custom IRs. You can use both amp and cab, no amp just cab, or just amp. Feels great in my hands. ETA: The custom loading of cabinet IRs is a bit cumbersome in ToneX at the moment, if you are trying to load a bunch in. I suspect they will update to allow multiple IRs being added at once.
  8. Well, the BF100 code didn't work for me. But I bought the rest of the packs for the BF90 price. I'm satisfied.
  9. Ok, I got two more with the BF90 code. So a couple at BF80 and a couple at BF80. I still feel like I made out like a bandit.
  10. My assumption is that Pigments will remain separate. I'd love to see something drum oriented for v10
  11. Awesome, got the Fender Pro and Dumble this time. I've really loaded up on Tone Junkies over the last month! What a deal!
  12. Well, I added it to my account, but I haven't updated Waves Central in at least a year. No plans to either.
  13. Kinda going cross-eyed on their site. Seems to be everything BUT the monitoring add-on for just the Headphone version.
  14. Was interesting to know the history of this Canadian console (The Olive)! ? Seems like Rock and Roll Hoochie Coo was recorded on this. Always liked that track.
  15. That makes sense. I guess I was thinking along the lines of rare one offs. But yeah, there are also a lot available, so it would need to be pretty special.
  16. I would be interested in a small combo signature set. Like 10" 8" and 6" amps.
  17. I always forget I have this. Elite too!
  18. I managed to get a couple at 73% off. Couldn't resist. The 57 Tweed sounds really nice. Feels great too.
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