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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. Ah, I see what you were saying now. Yeah, it looks like I've had a few of them and that's how they got me!
  2. I think I just had one from that, then one for the month of June and then this extra one.
  3. I also find this really lame. They seem to be trying to force you to re-buy, just to get the add-on. I eventually found this, but it took forever... https://store.sonarworks.com/products/soundid-reference-virtual-monitoring-add-on-without-software
  4. This is the hook that got me... ? Never again!
  5. Salt looks good. Need a better sale than that to get me though!
  6. Haha, was going to post the same thing. Definitely looking forward to AD3 if it is happening.
  7. I don't think V Collection is a factor, but I could be wrong.
  8. If you get the 2 for $76 and add another for $49… using the $25 it ends up being $100 Which, strangely, is cheaper than the Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal.
  9. Aww rats... Wonder what their licence gifting policy is...
  10. Oh no! I also bought into a new ecosystem!
  11. +1 As much as you mix with your ears, the experience and flow is very important and what makes things fun too.
  12. A bronx cheer could blow up your preamp.
  13. To be honest, with all the controversy surrounding the last release, I still haven't updated to 6.6 and I've always been a risk-it-on-the-first-day-of-the-update kinda guy.
  14. Kinda wish there was an upgrade path, that EQ looks like it could be a go to. ETA: I know it doesn't really matter too much, but I really like their plugin interfaces. Nice blend of skeuomorphic and modern.
  15. Nooo!!! Now my Original D19 is worthless!!
  16. I wonder if the next Amplitube will still be a separate thing, or if they will bring the guitar stuff under one umbrella.
  17. This could be pretty great for the Guitar Pedal Toneprints
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