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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. I just want to add, that I really like the fact that all Softube plugins have that gain-matching side panel that can be opened on the right side. Wish more people did this.
  2. Does anyone know of a program that's a little more simple than BIAB? I kinda just want something to blast chord progressions in quickly, doesn't really need to sound amazing. Just for practicing.
  3. LOL. I even knew that and forgot ?
  4. I wish they'd add one to the ToneX software too.
  5. As someone who has had perpetual licences since v3, this is probably their worst move I've seen and I'm a Studio One user and fan. Look at the Youtube comments on the video Presonus posted about this update, really says it all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmPtTyX_1eE&t=17s
  6. I'm still hoping for a Addictive Drums 3 at some point, but it's been a looong time.
  7. I've coveted this for so long.... but do I need it?? ?
  8. That's the reason I have everything at this point!
  9. Interesting. For some reason none of the upper right things were showing in chrome, but they do in Edge. Thanks
  10. I must be crazy, but I can't even find where to log in on the site?
  11. Can't say I've ever been in an audience that sang in tune. LOL
  12. Not enough new stuff since the last sale, for me.
  13. The amount of fraud happening through Amazon, is pretty alarming. I'm not a fan of how some items come up through other sellers. Pretty shady, imo. It's like they don't vet anything at all.
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