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Lost Phases

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Everything posted by Lost Phases

  1. Even i have found this behavior to be annoying. And it's not just with the meter options, i have noticed this with custom channel layout for the Inspector or the option to display compact prochannel eq module and settings similar to that. Is there any workaround right now to set these options permanently and not have to set them individually for each project?
  2. Also, LMMS is open source so that's why it doesn't require an activation license, Cakewalk is definitely not open source even tho it's free.
  3. U don't need internet connection to use Cakewalk, u just have to connect it with the internet atleast once every 6 months to refresh the activation, if u r on a machine which doesn't have internet connection u can use the Bandlab Assistant to export th license file from a machine which has internet connection and then copy it to ur Cakewalk machine and import the license for offline activation.
  4. Dam, they really made sure to make that strip thick overtime ?
  5. Maybe give this user made midi fx called Humanize a try, this is the link to the forum thread where u can find the download link to it: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/529-new-midifx-available/
  6. Ah ok, so it's basically for making those tracks draggable to open directly from TV itself without using shortcuts or on screen buttons, for which they had to make it like that so it appears to have enough space to drag open them open....interesting and a nice idea tbh. Still, i wouldn't mind if it actually gets hidden when i toggle off these tracks from the View menu in TV. Like maybe for collapsed it can be that the options are checked on in the View menu and the tracks are just collapsed and they can be expanded and dragged open. And when it's checked off the tracks actually gets hidden, letting me reclaim my space. Btw, John i love ur Cakewalk tutorial videos, they are really helpful. ?
  7. Tbh, even i noticed this a few weeks ago that this space has grown over the last 2 yrs. But what i dont understand is even when i have all of the Arranger, Tempo, Navigator and Video Tracks hidden or toggled off in from View menu on top of the TV, it still appears so thick, like they have just been collapsed in there and not actually hidden. Is there any specific reason for it to appear like that?
  8. If you don't mind me asking, is there any plans in the future to replace TTS-1 with any other default midi instrument for Cakewalk?
  9. Yes, i normally use Performance power plan all the time for when i am using my DAW, otherwise there are audio dropout issues tbh. This was just some checking up on one of my projects to check on something so felt too lazy to switch the power plan again for a quick check, lol.
  10. Oh, i have noticed this b4 too, i usually do the same thing actually, just zoom in and adjust it correctly right on bar, would be good if it snapped right onto the bar without zooming in entirely to set it right. Didn't occur to me that it might be a bug ?
  11. Oh my...didnt know u could assign multiple controls all at once. Thnks a lot! ...I still think it would be a helpful if i could use these controls while i have the synth rack docked below or above the plugin browser like it is by default. Atleast maybe limit the no. of knobs shown depending on the width of the plugin browser already set (?)
  12. Oh, that happens when i have my Windows power plan set to the Balanced one. I also use this pc for other work and i don't want the CPU running in like full power all the time and making the back of my laptop hot and consuming power even faster. Usually when i work in Cakewalk i have the power plan set to Performance and the CPU works in full power, but this time i had just opened to check on something in the project and then after moving around a little i suddenly noticed that line and decided to record it, lol.
  13. When u select that Assign Control button on the synth rack, it will open the synth UI and u need to like, wiggle or move one of the synth controls a little bit and then close the synth window and then press again on the Assign Control button to add it as a control knob in the synth rack. Here, check this video: Synth Rack Assisgned Controls.mp4
  14. I came to know about these Synth Rack knob controls feature a few weeks ago, most of the time (actually now that i think of its all the time) i just hide the Synth Rack bcoz i don't find any particular use for it. Now that i found these knob controls i think i I'll find more use it...but, unfortunately i don't have a lot of screen space on my laptop to have the Synth Rack undocked to use the controls. Really wish that it was allowed to open these knob controls while the Synth Rack is docked below or above the plugin browser like it is by default, then i qouldnt need to undock it to use the controls. Does anyone have any idea if this can be actually made possible by the dev team and if it can be taken as a feature request?
  15. Ah, so it's basically just a UI glitch. Interesting....didnt know Cakewalk could have those tbh.
  16. Wait, I just checked again now...the line, it disappeared just like that, i reopened the project half an hr ago and the line was not going away but now i reopened it again to do what is suggested in @scook's link given above but while i looked for the line b4 checking Aim Assist off i couldnt find it anymore in the project. ?
  17. Hi, Can someone help me figure this out, this line appeared out of nowhere when i opened one of my existing projects to edit it. I believe i must have pressed some shortcut key or something on the keyboard to add some kind of marker thing while this specific region was selected. Now it's not going away as i re-saved my project and closed Cakewalk and reopened it to see if it would go away, but it doesnt. Also, the line isnt appearing in any other project. Cakewalk Weird Marker Line.mp4
  18. A quick small issue i noticed in this early access update is that after the update was installed i was redirected to the Bandlab home page in my browser and not the update release notes page like it usually does.
  19. The Cakewalk audio to midi conversion feature actually uses Melodyne's pitch detecting feature to do it, after the Melodyne trial in Cakewalk ends u cant use it directly as a region fx anymore but it still works underneath the surface with Cakewalk to allow audio to midi conversion. So, u need to have Melodyne installed on ur system for that feature to work. Also, something else i noticed is that from Melodyne v5 onwards it doesnt allow audio to midi conversion in Cakewalk after the trial period ends, u need to buy any version of Melodyne to make that feature work in Cakewalk again, till v4 i dont think it used to be like that. So, if u uninstalled v4 from ur system after v5 got released u cant get that Cakewalk feature back without buying a copy of Melodyne, coz even the Cakewalk installer now installs v5 trial of Melodyne. Luckily i managed to grab hold of a Melodyne 4 trial installer from the internet and installed that instead of the v5 trial and now my Cakewalk's audio to midi conversion feature is back and working ☺️. Someone correct me here if i am wrong, it will be much appreciated ?.
  20. I think it's more about the Windows scaling than Cakewalk's here. I used to have my Window's interface scaling as the default 150% on my 1920×1080 resolution laptop screen and Cakewalk looked a bit blurry then tbh. After I reduced the interface scaling to 100% in Windows settings and started using Cakewalk (which by the way looked much more spacious now as compared to before) it's UI started looking a lot more crisp. Maybe @Richard Penrose is facing the same issue here, he might need to reduce the interface scaling in Windows settings.
  21. You couldn't have asked this at a better time. IK Multimedia's Modo Drums plugin now has a free CS version (like SampleTank and Amplitube) with the recent v1.5 update: https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/mododrum/ I have been playing with this for a few days now and I have to say this is really amazing, they give u only one drum kit with the free version(u can add more kits to ur liking later on from their store) but u can shape the tone of each individual drums so that it might sound like an entirely different kit like a rock kit. You can tweak the hell out of each individual drums, like the drum membrane, body, rim and on and on, this thing is truly amazing. There is a good selection of drum groove presets too. I think this is the only other drum set besides SSD 5.5 Free that has truly impressed me in terms of tweaking the drum sounds.
  22. I was receiving this same issue, but i don't know what made this go away. It could be because I switched off Auto-Save (as it was somehow slowing down Cakewalk everytime it was saving the changes) or it can be also because i started saving projects in Cakewalk Bundle (.cwb) format, which basically takes anything related to your project, from bounced audio clips to audio samples that you use within the project and puts it into a single project file. You can try any one of these changes to see if it goes away.
  23. I tried to uninstall and reinstall Melodyne Editor, but even after i uninstalled it( which was too a hectic process bcoz another administrator of Windows 10 was marking Melodyne as a dangerous software, so I had to use Command Prompt, with admin rights, to uninstall it), I can't seem to reinstall it through Bandlab Assistant. In the Addons window, the Melodyne option is ticked and greyed out, which should mean its still installed but I checked it and its not installed on my pc. So no idea what's the issue. I didn't try the Cakewalk feature of converting audio to midi, until a few days ago, bcoz I didn't know about it, but from the first time that I tried to use this feature, it didn't work. Everytime I drag my audio clips to a midi or instrument track, the dialog box pops up asking for confirmation to convert audio to midi, I click Ok, the processing bar appears on the top in the Transport Module for a few seconds and shows it's processing but after that no new midi clip appears on the track. No conversion occurs. So now I cant even reinstall Melodyne Editor and cant even use the audio to midi conversion feature.
  24. I can confirm this. Hi, I am new to Cakewalk, started about 8 months ago, and I heard about the Cakewalk audio to midi conversion feature and tried to do it, but every time I drag the audio clip onto a midi track, it shows that audio is processing for a few seconds and then nothing happens, no new midi clip appears.
  25. hey, i am having an issue after installing 2021.04 early access 2. I am trying to switch between the screensets, but when i am clicking on screenset 2, 3 or anyone except 1, its not changing and is stuck in screenset 1. Is someone else having this issue??. I am attaching the screeshots of before changing the screenset, then the transition when i am clicking on screenset 3, and after clicking it
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