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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Isn't there a ratio for the amount of jampoints usable , like something 30 % or so
  2. Just watched it , i really love the way the made it efficient interface wise , sidechain , harmonics , even the opto mode is brillantly done !!
  3. Usually i can try to get those prior to release for a video covering , but Ryan must have forgot me Probleme being when i record a video , i must be off internet to get it work great , but not an option with IK way to do demo since i have to be online ....
  4. I'm talking timing here , same day VSM3 , the day after another mixbuss saturator ....
  5. Zo

    AIR Updates

    At least the green one is exellent for pad design imho
  6. Windows users .... be like
  7. lol somebody really want to hurt vsm4 release or i'm tripping ?
  8. I totally agree with you , i'm more talking about making new things , giving their pedegree and the quality of existing tools i really want them to serve us a little more Brands keeps releasing stuff here and there but the one that i want to hear from them nope ...
  9. Isn't the same as last time or i missed the last one and this a new one ?
  10. Exactly my thougths ... they must be the slowest dev around , they sure take their time to do things right !!
  11. Honestly o was hoping at forst for windows support but theers s sp much stuff we do n daws that aren t there yet , that i doubt i will do any serious job in it ... even if it was availlable .... new bigger gui for the dbx 160 lol they went from 1990 to 2000 lol what wrong with size ? The api preamp is smaller that the neve ...they even doing the opposite way lol ...
  12. Zo


    Dude you scared the H out of me homie , i thought we lost another one !!
  13. Zo

    FabFilter incoming

    Is it able to have caracter ? I went lately for the ec 300 from mcdsp because the color are lovely...
  14. What ? ? Rip to Billl , can t believe that...
  15. Console 1 i asctually a solid choice , and for real just the default 4000 is what i use 90 % of the time , best cpu hit quality ratio, i own the zenr , api , neve , ssl 9000 and the weiss C1 strips ,and still ... also you can use C1 as a regular controller wutch i do often ....solid purchase and one of the best i did
  16. Fleer is that this one you lobbyed me to try , i trieed a green one also made stuff ..?
  17. Zo

    FabFilter incoming

    The release date might be delayed ..... lool ok i'm out ....
  18. it's crazy , too much , you'll love it !! ?
  19. LArry , could you re-lock the offer lol
  20. Well i paid way more for libraries , i would say if you re making a living of mastering for exemple this tools will paybfor itself in a second ... but for hobbyists. Nah !
  21. I cant say , i really don t have any infos ...but if it was my company and did that , it would have been either a bizness oriented move or the fact that the emulation doesn t meet my wishes .... or both ...who knows ? A third option witch is more than possible and actually the one i think is that maybe vertigo is rethinking its bizness model , and consiering plugins not as a side stuff , but really as a bug part of their activity since hw work is tuff ... this would make full sens to have more control other stuff and to it in their schedule , instead of depending of PA coders availlability ( those guyz , Ray , Nembrini , Daniel ect have quite a lot to achieve)
  22. Features are great but also the sound !! Like stated in the video , vsm 4 , like blackbox is tube based , while vsm 3 isnt so you get diff vibes and impact on sounds , blackbox share more in comon imho with vsm 4 than vsm 3 exept just for the workflow ...
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