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Everything posted by Zo

  1. @Jacques Boileau be sur to check if in both cases the HD engine is in the same setting ......
  2. The quetion is are we able to choose install version (older versions) had the same issue with roland cloud , i hit the support , no way to get old isntaller , crazy , i copy and paste old dll from laptop to desktop and it worked , lesson learned and i knew it !! i tend to become to much confident versus my old dayz where even comp was plugged to internet !!
  3. Thks Peter , is the cpu hit same a s other tapes or was it lowered ? Don't have the time to test before 2 dayz
  4. Not included if somebody buy tracks max ?
  5. I want to sell my old stuff and get them free then , this is the play , for exmple lursen and then get it as freebee here , you know what i mean . Isnt jampoints are 30% max witch would bring it to 140 ?
  6. Thatvwould be great , the porta one , i grabbed the fuse audiolabs one witch is color to taste !! Curious to do a comparison ...
  7. The way i inderstand the second paragraph is for the actual group buy , to be able to choose stuff you have to keep the new purchased unloker until the group buy is finished and you choose all your stuff (usually several weeks after it s other ) i have another question , it s really messy .... i can buy amplitube at 199 $ and on the pages of elligibles , i see sampletron , modo drum ect at 199 also .... because i suppoose those are price when logged in for me ... does this mean this will unlok those alos or those are 399 category even if less on my account ?
  8. Good'to know ... just got this from Ryan : Free selected promotional products cannot be sold/transferred. They reside in your account separate from the original purchase and would not be transferred if the original qualifying item is sold. Note that qualifying products must remain registered in your IK account to retain eligibility.
  9. Hi Peter thks ..... i think iwasn't clear , i don't want to sell what i'm gonna buy , i wanna sell what i already have in my account from previous pucchases and so i was asking if for exemple i bought Lurssen Console and got several freee plugin , i could choose lurseen in this group buy as a freebee and resell the old one knowing that the old one was used to unlok freebees ....(don't know if i'm clear lol ) Also may i ask if we buy a product of X value at Y price , is the X value retained for freebee or it's the Y value that is retained ? Can anybody confirms that sampletron opens 299 $ freebees ?
  10. Guyz i remeber talking with Brian and if i m not mistaking , if we sale a plugin A that unloked B and C , selling A will remove B and C from account ... Also isn t the original value of the plugin that unloks same values stuff , not the actuall amount you paid for it ? @Peter - IK Multimedia could you confirm those ?
  11. Thks , trying to buy some more credits to buy amplitube 5 , even if i get at 200 $ does it open 399$ stuff as supposed ? 1) Can anybody also tell me if sampletron opens the same stuff as amplitube 5 (i have an upgrade price that is making it less expensive for me than amplitube 5) 2) I have some stuff i could resell after but i know that some stuff (can 't remeber) have been purchase during another group buy , so it will remove some free stuff from account ? is there a way to know what ? 3) @Peter - IK Multimedia , is there a way (since i have pretty everything) to choose some individual stuff in amplitube as an alternative to what's proposed in the promotions list ...?
  12. You're welcome , i keep advising it to students , it's really one of my fav and it entered and replaced in my templace Slate Reverb .... Guyz since i have some credits , can we buy let's say sampletron 2 in custom shop and qualify ?
  13. Anyway having great preamp , a comp and a drive for that prices is great , that said my rme has even an eq and delay + reverb and an analysis suite ....
  14. Well unless the open for windows , i dont see a "that great" jump in volume of sales
  15. Actually there smust be a dsp but not usable via plugin since there s built in compressor 76 and a drive so it must be like their pedals , digital algo , dsp calculation...
  16. Can t we get single stuff like amplitude stuff or tracks like we used to ?
  17. Any link to the elligible freebees ( not the stuff we need to buy but stuff we get free ...or are they the same )
  18. So anybody can sum up where we re at today concerning this group buy ?
  19. I guess no dsp , so regular ones , question being does it unlok luna ... strange i see plugins coming with it ... are they going native ?
  20. Do you have the new play engine free with it ?
  21. Can we use monthly vauchets on those ?
  22. Didn t knew this artwork ... nice ...
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