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Everything posted by Zo

  1. They got me .... dammm /... i should have given my listen since i plan on upgrading my mercury when i go win 10
  2. Guyz are 'nt those supposed to have a V 11 also or V 12 ?
  3. Thks no big deal , really don t need any other stuff to be honest , we need to calm down this boulemia , thing was more for students
  4. I dont see any freebee ´ is there a code or some ?
  5. is 79 $ is the price for mesa boggie 1 owners ?
  6. strange , no way to load those in program data ....i'm giving up for now .... will hit the support , if not used i will happely erase those , by the way is halion is availlable in other daws ?
  7. Checked the center and it's 700 MB , other stuff are loops and stuff , so i wonder why halion deosn't sees its content , it's seeing the lofi piano with zero issue ...
  8. I did so but it say on the library content manager "this content is already registered" ... All other content are shortcuts created by the lib manager by the way , those are not , and supposed to be those halion Se content right ? As cubase 11 pro owner , do we have full halion or some or only those ?
  9. By the way i sinatlled halion and it has zero content , but in program data , steinberg , content , halion , i have like 700 Mb of content , why halion doesn't see those (no option to point it in standalone or plugin either ) and no way via library manager !!!
  10. Ok got it sorted , once ask to activate say yes , then you 'll have another screen with the activation code , copy it and cancel activation( on computer) LOpen E licencer and enter activation code and choose key as destinantion (or computer if you don't have a key witch should have been done before having to go those steps)
  11. You open the download iassiatnt and enter the code your recieved by email , it will ask the question i just posted before ...
  12. it's asking me to activate on this computer , no way to use the key ?
  13. Is the song saying "adjust your shit ? " lol
  14. Zo

    Nice bass

    Lol had to double check witch thread i'm in ahahahah it escaleted fast ahahah
  15. Each time i see Softube Central , i see more like South Central lol ...each time lol Imagine plugins made by creeps lol the guy coming in namm C walking on sound on sound .... souwou !!
  16. Client presence is becoming a thing of the past sadly , more and more distance work is on the menu , i spent last hour cleaning vocals with rx cause i receive takes that are as crap as my first cassette recording back in the dayz i recorded using boom box built in mic lol It gave me the occasion to test uad c vocal denoiser ... great but rx sepctral denoise gave me more controls ..
  17. Zo

    Nice bass

    Lol don t know what you re talking a out since i don t drink
  18. Zo

    Nice bass

    Yep , solid group since begining , not a fan of their more recent mixes (to modern and bright ) ... discovered those while cooking (i always ask Alexa some mexican or chinese music when i do so , don t ask le why lol) , been attracted by the lyrics also i quite speak spanish ... not as deep as russian melancolic love song , but great ...
  19. I really liked those , specially that feature where you specifi the target and it get the job done , da clipper sounds greaat also
  20. Was about to moan , but good .... lol for those that paid premium hihi ...
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