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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Can t reach any time and space link via ipad here ... hope they got it sorted ...
  2. Didn t knew lol thks , still hate this rushing sales ...
  3. I see this at 97 $ .... are theybactually thinking the whole world is sync usa or that people in music don t have to work ?
  4. @Reid Rosefelt do we have to re download the whole library or just the script ?
  5. They integrate easily in all type of production effordless that's a sign for me .....
  6. Same here , bluesbreaker has a really resonant roomy sound , but in some case it rocks , i made one or two presets on the 1959 inspired by the blues breaker
  7. Pads & strings in it : be sure to check the other videos , he did one for each sound category in the expansions so you can hear all presets
  8. Sounds great and out of the regular roads ....fresh is the right term !
  9. The IR section in AT5 makes the whole diff ,imho and gives it a brand new life cycle ...i bascially gravited between fender cabs or ir (boogie or bogner) , gaining sounds and times
  10. Was speaking with Vastman and he def got me interseted in this , and went to your libk and the velocity splitting is what exit me the more .... Am i safe to think that i can have have one vst trigger for exemple from 0 to 80 vel and then another when it's 81 to 127 and a third that will be all vel range *?
  11. Is it like Akai stuff where you load your other vst i , if so , what s the advantage ...?
  12. Reminder that man is nothing on earth , should be humble against Lords / nature (depends on your believes ;)) power , last months , people might have thinked that their life dependant on other humans ... at least this is how i take it when i see this level of power and how fragile is our certitudes ...( no politics or religion here , just a feeling , it always put me in perspectiv of life )
  13. Ouch !! Cool to know Larry s fam is safe ... hope it will not be too deadly
  14. This one that i actually consider , if you get it tell us how you find it ...
  15. waoah the marshall at 19 is a steal
  16. Is it me or Lofi is the new dubstep .... lol
  17. You can wash it , treat it (nuisible and fire) and play with density , i used to have a pillow made with this , since my mum change it to ergo stuff back in the dayz , i had trouble to sleep well until now in fact ..
  18. Their stuff are great , really the thing is that it's not consistent , some stuff sucks but once you know what to pick s, it's some serious stuff ... Edit : that said it's really poor , ballistic is on point , but option are very few , for me the best VU around is the PSP and i own VUMT pro ect ...
  19. ok for those , i'm testing this , instead of choosing "my products" chosse "all prodicts" then filter to V10 or V 11 and now it's there !!
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