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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Those looks deep but not fun lol i want fun !! gimme fun !
  2. Fleer did ya got it ? Yep could be better (more hroiztonal than vertical , but it's super fast , same style as Softube Parallels , no zillion screen and all More and more i'm thinking about a touch screen to put it front of me on desk for those production (from synt to Roland Tr 's , it will be great)
  3. Actually on sale at 50% Really interesting approach , fun ,no cpu hogg , easy to make something playable fast https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/daw-software-digital-audio-workstations/tracktion-abyss
  4. no credits usable in conjonction i guess ....
  5. Oh yeah i think i recall that like 79 $ instead of 99 or some ...?
  6. Kinda OT (as usual should i say) , as a Mesa Boogie / Amplitube owner (the bundle composed by those two) , no upgrade path for MB 2 ?
  7. I say drinking coffee and Larry and me talks about the stupidiest deal of the week (stupid in the sens of worthless) lol Bapu As consultant and Fleer as moderator lol
  8. I'm starting a new video serie : "coffee and plugins ©" lol @Grem no need to thk us , Larry and Me have this ability to go OT and poluate thread topics like very few lol
  9. Yeah this is what i wrote Larry lol
  10. You gitta be carfull with freedbess because it usually , if you don't unselect them , increase your WUP if you have bundles ....beware
  11. it was already there since a week or two i think ..strange that they annouce it like "hey !!!"
  12. Are you on a mac glossy type screen ? usually my screen actually is at 48 % brightness !! because it's so bright , contrasted , but also mat ....everything is super crips and beautyfull but this is dull as f ...
  13. @Roland , are you reading !!!!
  14. Really , you're not concerned about that catastrophic contrast ?
  15. Guyz anybody have the issue of the gui size is not retained when switching modes ?
  16. Testing as i type : 1) Gui seems washed up with no more that beautyfull contrast ....-1 here 2) New Features : super well implemented : +1 3) New UAD stuff : a joke the propose SSL comp but not SSL EQ ? still zero Neve eq's while it's the most important set of eq's in uad platform , avalon comp , but not avalon EQ , zero uad tapes or drive for outputs .... 4) still that crappy Buy/ info on stuff you down own or stuff you uninstalled !! fu...k !!
  17. I hope they adressed this annoyiong thing that dispalying Buy / info and ccompenent you down own !!
  18. Waoh , SSL component ... wonder if legacy are suported or only the new cpu hogg one ....
  19. it's a partt of a bigger stuff https://www.google.com/search?q=Château+Miraval&rlz=1C1CHBD_frFR821FR821&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=-LHyO5nmM2GhDM%2C_V1-i4LsCrsKgM%2C_%3BS0iTjXyX9gpTWM%2CVCJcsxgGohKzhM%2C_%3Bwm-YLeCVkaMqdM%2C2Ml7fNLh7U-dGM%2C_%3BlJS08EznMQFcgM%2C22Gpg-ZhUiLHoM%2C_%3B9ld2wKQ0hWugyM%2CysyGq9O4jW8TsM%2C_%3BufXIqQceZ9UQlM%2C0J30GrVbwCNQ_M%2C_%3B8mhQhfxFxG2bxM%2Cbe-6gSqWb6CTWM%2C_%3BK8OrodzJxwWarM%2C0GxIvAP-yJpStM%2C_%3BQhS8PiGP9IEqJM%2CX3eZDAaVcnCznM%2C_%3BPfv4j8rmOfw3bM%2C0M2V4wQUzz6PBM%2C_%3BrbWk8kNMRx4MFM%2CScPJIRcyniEI8M%2C_%3Bbw_innidfNuI1M%2CXOE5PDUVpbf0fM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTE-1_54EMu2Ezsa6Sn5cVpd1OixA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjD2pCwv-P0AhUx5uAKHVaXCfcQ9QF6BAgeEAE&biw=2560&bih=1240&dpr=1#imgrc=8mhQhfxFxG2bxM
  20. The song writer kit is superb , just discovered this lerking around ..
  21. Zo

    Overloud GEM Mod

    Oh i forgot to tell you that i already have it lol
  22. Zo

    Overloud GEM Mod

    Sounds really great , super close to uad ... so might be worth getting it ...
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