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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Yep Kevin if EZ drummer is used via withing maschine i have this control no problem no need for serato in fact as i can map any pad to any midi note (watch my video on how i mapped soncicouture stuff for exemple) the issue is when i use maschine as a regular midi controller witch i prefer when using 3rd party drum maschine because i have a super solid template that conterols also S1 around
  2. Exact i ahev the electronic ezx , this one has an organic approch to it that i love and grabed it for LoFi vibes ...
  3. And don t say i didn t tried hard to spam any thread i could to take off attention ...
  4. For the LOFI heads i made this , you can use it as a starting point , play with the Sample rate (on left) to increase or decrese details in kit , play with the jitter and dither for noise Saturation if you need to beef up the thingy
  5. Ok guyz rimshot can be loaded here (from other expansion ) on this f...n wall lol EDIT : keep in mind that in other expenasion , you will not see Rimshot but snare , you check the sample details and you'll see rimshot , this is what's gonna be loaded ...the secondary thing
  6. Grabbed the ezx pop 2 hours ago ...on time and space ... had some points but if i knew i would have kept them for superior drummer,the expansion is interesting but he lack of rimshot is killing me since i can t load it , the snare has no secondera shot meaning rimshot from other expansion are either non possible or you have to replace the whole snare ... saying that already made a track lol ... Really the lack of simple things like sample star adsr and stuff is killing me the more expansions are organic ... The other thing is the lack of possibility to customise midi trigger notes , so on maschine i have to go bank and banks to get that one interesting percussion and then go back 5 octave to get that snap , go back one octave for maain kit ect ...
  7. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    depends if we can choose titles or not and if the same applies to Akai stuff , akai samples are top quality
  8. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    On a more serious producer tip , i do think that sometime Kontakt and omnisphere are really to abviously visible , discernable and over used ... and UVI has some crazy go stuff .. i was checking randomly stuff here and there to unsinstall and it seems that i underestimated some stuff ...that said last time i checked i was more looking for modern hip hop struff , but for this more organic dreamy vibes , those "Vintage stuff" has no equals , period !! Add to this some superb fx (thorus , sparkverb , ect ..) , crazy sript (the step sequencer , rain sequencer , eiclidian ect ...) and you have something DOPE .... glad i didn't sold Falcon !!
  9. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    By the way all Lofi lover don't forget this , it even has built in Bit crusher
  10. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    Seems you don't have ezx hip hop , from acoustic to electronic , from percussions to fx , hard to not find anything , curious to know if you have hip hop
  11. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    @Fleer You also have those in the falcon lib
  12. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    At least to have good laugth when reading some patches name lol
  13. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    wait , let me try it ... Fleer , if ya have Falcon , the built in library is pretty dope , was exploring it yesturday becasue i needed to free up some space, , seems like i'm gonna tale some more space at the end lol /... check the bells for exemple , even when at first some sound strange , fast tweak on macro is suuficent o make some great Exemple here : patch is "Fog Chime 1.1" (not the blue one my mouse is other not yet loaded) Original patche sucks , but bell 1 and 3 off , reduced Bell 3 and delay and reverb and voila ...
  14. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    @ZincT by the way was thinking of getting also ezx dream pop , do you have it ? there's an organic touch on it , wondering to layer it for Lofi beats Hip Hop ezx is already superb in that aspect .. By the way the cpu numbers you gave me , are those on the Falcon Gui , right ?
  15. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    Needs ? i don't need anything but water and food lol oups and air ...
  16. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    If ya had to keep one ? Cpu will be the double here isnce i have 8 threads
  17. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    @Fleer don't watch this one Full song at 14 min 55 sec Each presets used were ^presented in the rest of the video (prior)
  18. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    Now you're tempting me , i was going for the Omnisphere giant one but was worring about cpu hit , how does this one is in that aspect ... Did ya tried Ez keyz dream , i really like their approach in pacthes really stuff i would have created on my own , but the controls are kinda limited ...
  19. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    If i get it i'll tell seems more complet than ez keys dream , those pluked are superb , and i have my 30 % off edu Checking quadra also , metal and wood seems great and what samplelogic failed to deliver : soemthing fun to use !! Edit just discover tha i can cumalte my 30 % with the holdayz offers , hey hey ...
  20. Zo

    2 AAS sound bank free

    We need a scecret word ... i'll pass too much hassle Fleer do you own this babay :
  21. Zo

    I'm officially cold !!

    This reminds me my first time in NO , went at the end of spring breaks , 2002 , came from Paris like i was in alaska , landed in NO : Africa lol Heat and humidity , really i was like my holidayz in Africa , i got sick because everyone using AC lol ain't that ironic...
  22. The Maures done that in spain when christians done a real massacre on Muslims and Jews during the re conquista , they then dissapered (Assassin Creed is a great movie to feel the atmosphere at that place and time ) ... so it might be a temporary solution (Eppur si muove) , but you're in fact helping the move ... not giving resistance
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