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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Zo

    AAS Chromaphone 3 : ???

    To be honest , i was so pistoff that i wanted to ask for a refund , yeah for 30 euros , because i just installed stuff that i know i ain t gonna use , simple as that ... sessions during production are loaded with other stuff ... But i think i ll give up , i googled and people said that the aas response was :this is the way it is ... even on their faq page about chromaphone , damn i should have tested it before , i m prettybsure i did n t upgraded before because of that. I don t trust myself enougth lol .... Shame , really , the worst thing for a dev is making plugins people gonna skip more and more and being ok with that is a suicide ...
  2. I wish everybody health and pease of mind !! Stay cool and don't forget to share and love if you care about Jesus teaching ...
  3. Hey guyz , late night here and don't ask me why lol decided to puagrde from chromaphone 2 to 3 (as well;string studio 3 and that modular thing , all for 34 $ witch was hard to resist) Cromaphone always been a superb synth but the V3 is barely usable due to the cpu hit , and don't even think about using pitch wheel ... Am i missing something ? any infos from AAS on that subject ? what's going ? 2 instance of C2 are less cpu intensive than C3 !!
  4. Is the code other ? why so much rush ....
  5. Zo

    UAD Neve Sale

    Got it .....might be that Noiseash release stressing them lol
  6. Zo

    UAD Neve Sale

    Lol Larry , it's the same sale Neve price aren't changed or i'm missing something (i only miss the 31102, witch is still 124 $)
  7. Zo

    FL Studio

    man project 5 and kinetic were ancestors to live and maschine ..so sad cakewalk were not that great marketing wise
  8. Zo

    FL Studio

    So you're full Bitwig ?
  9. @Peter - IK Multimedia On this one i vote leslie , those are rare gem's ....
  10. oh man the ending song is dope ....
  11. if you owned the 31102 , you have an extra 30 $ off the bundle price if i recall well ...
  12. if i listen to you , i will have small sized plugin and ugly old gui's (still on 9 here lol) , that's the only reason i want to wup .... their new relases are 90% useless given what i already have had to buy ovox cause the projects i'm working on , the producer is using it ....under than that ...nada get's me exited ...
  13. Enougth for me to skip , my 2 tb data ssd is showing 90 gb free lol
  14. Exact , if i had to keep one , this would be this one and darkglass maybe (i love the sub cab , but with eden you can also introduce those subs thks to the right mic + cab combi and corssover) This plugin made me actually check eden amps .... and seeing the prices i went back to plugin lol
  15. Edit : i thought that was your card Larry , not another guy card lol hence my comment .... but in both cases i still find it fun lol can't help ... More seriously , you got me , i really thought there was a sale on wup ....
  16. Larry , are you palestinian ? Ok i m gone lol .....
  17. Decouverte here .... so far happily surprised
  18. Guyz be absolutly sure to try at least the 533 aka portico , it is a superb one , surprised by how well it was .... workhorse , don't have the steinberg portico to compare but i say it's at least great to have in arsenal , imho the one to grab in the bundle if not the bundle
  19. Exact they dropped a message saying this could take some time .... or maybe they boycott those who didn't bougth anything since a while lol guilty here !!
  20. Can't seems to register it , i kept trying it says a licences have been deposited in your account but nada !!! 3 times in a row
  21. Exact , even mainstream word is useless ....
  22. Produced by fox news .... lol And voila , done ... the art of scary ...
  23. you should stop posting uvi stuff lol it's embarrassing lol
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