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Everything posted by Zo

  1. I don't have time right now to write a whole thing about that but to put it simple as possible . system latency is very dangerous because it doesn't depends on CPU speed , this is basically the time a request ,to cpu access for calculation, waits until the acess is effectif . This is why on my test for exemple i played 600 tracks on my HP 8560 W while my friend fully loaded MAc pro couldn't while more powerfull .... This impact the realtime processus capability . Off line rendering is not an issue , that'sw hy all those video randering stuff are useless most of the time Anyway , what could cause those hight latency : 1) Bad intergration : i had two computers , a sony vgn bx 97 and an aacer , same component , sony latency was 10 us !! acer was 800 us ... you know what i mean 2) Process (wifi refershing , ambiant light cencor ,anything that neeed random access to cpu in a constant way) 3) The OS itself (tests have made back then that showed that for exemple on the same MAC pro , same soundcard , same software , same plugins , the latency was 10 times bigger on osx than windows insatlled on it !:!! ) anyway if i say to you ferrari is better than bmw , doesn't mean bmw is crap .. Issues with MBP other the past : One of the biggest issue with macbooks was heat management (like all laptops in fact pc and macs) Tehnology have evolved , but physics is physics Heat formulas is important to undertsand what happened and what will happen P = F xV2 x E P = Heat F = Frequency of a cpu V°2 : is voltage X voltage E = epsilon , a vaiabels of adjustement (don 't pay attention to that for now) So the challenge is keep P low !!!!!!!! So if you want to gain power : 1) you can increase speed , but heat will go up : solution creation of turbo boost , use speed when needed 2) more power can be obatined by more cores , but more cores , more power (volatge !!) : solution created : hyperthreading , more "logicol" core while less real physical cores ... Real world scenario (tested i done on my macbook pro back then) stress test : wprime witch is the one that comes closer to real daw usage wprime 1024 is a heavy series of long calculation , objectif , seeing how the computer performance in long period of stress ( 10 min) beginnginof test : Cpu speed = X (high) heat = 80 degres quarter of test : CPU speed = X (still high) heat 99 degres / Fans maxed out !! Middle of test : CPU speed =X - 30 % heat 90 degres fans maxed out Everything possible only if the power brick on , adn battery fully charged since 90 watt power supply wasn't enougth Real scneraio for a producer .... I bengin a session : all good I stack plugins and plugins , vents start and heat jump , I keep staking plugins , heat to hight , cpu downclock , crackles start to happen suddently because you went from a Ferrari to a toyata cpu wise lol Don't know if i'm clear , but this could be a good discussion for a video live guyz Anyway , M1 seems to solved this very problem that made those macs a joke for serious heavy users , all good for regulkar people ....
  2. Kevin for real , there's no bad choices , the only bad choice is an unedicated one ... To make it short : Zo i want the best Computer for music : not mac Zo i want a great computer for music : mac in the list Zo i'm on mac , is this the best mac made to date : probably Zo woud you buy this mac : macs have been great , then crap for decades then seems better now , if i need a mac for something , i will happely jump on this one without the fear and apprehension i had with previous models (aka ferraris with renault engine and reliability) For music , ports and at least 2 onbaord SSD's is a must in my book ... At the end , APPLE smart as they art , is making the yellow brick road for video and photo guyz , the must understood how the world will work soon .... i wanted to update my video software capture and last version took 30 % more , yep they know online content is the next eldorado This M1 thing is really superb in that aspect !!!
  3. I don't understand your question ? what do you want to know ? i can go super technical or just regular ... i'm no sarcastic fo real ..
  4. i'm saying the only benefit other previius APPLE stuff is the heat management , of course perf is beter , but MAcs are all other my garage because dead of bad heat management , porr perf under heavy load due to throtlling ect .... A system stable in heat dissaption willl perform better and longer that's what i meant .... i'm talking old macs versus new macs ....i see a clear improvement in that area as well as graphical ones (they were limited , again becuase of the heat managemnt versus the poor design of the macbook .....and their crazy temperature . The beauty of the M1 is that they can keep their goal : fine design , near passive cooling and maintain high perfs !! People grabbing an Apple air M& thinking it will outperfome equivalents in Pc's is a pure non educated guess ... People grabbing an Apple AIR M1 thinking it will outperform previous macs : bingo , they did a great job . I'm not saying people will cool on M1 , i'm sating if some real guyz would do a serious test on sessions , one on let's say a fully loaded Lenovo X1 xtreme and one on this M1 , they will stop saying bullshit online like i see everywhere , from this guyz bashing UAD keeping saying M1 , M1 ,M1 ....i'm sot tired of this non eductaed people that gives their thougth , because they can ...consequences ? who cares .... At the end i will always prefer a well design PC with great cooling solution ( vapor chamber) than an other pirced mac , wit poor port selection and zero double SSD configuartion (ask Bapu , we need space) Pure raw power ? PC 's are still kings and when well designed , it's a keeper ....
  5. testing old mac versus new mac is useless .... Real test would be M1 versus top mobile cpu on windows , and see how cold people will start to become ...when os System latency will also enter the equation The only real benefice imho is the heat management witch is exellent on new ones ...
  6. Thks this is the infos i need to know I remeber a students came with only issues , when i saw asio for all i said , unisnatl it and use RME drivers only (she had an rme) and issue were vanished but it was like a decade ago lol so seems thats it's still randomly stable ?
  7. did a quik A/B on a setting , hard to match for the ik without filter ....(the lack of filter is why , i remember , makes me not using it that much) Gui is indeed crisper
  8. Thks , RME UCX , adat avaiillable but don't want to buy extra stuff , i fuked up my budget lately ... Wasapi latency is a pain and no option here , i'm curious why you you would skip asio 4 all as much as possible (witch is why i dunerstand via your answer) ?
  9. correction , the smoother the filter the biogger the values witch makes sens
  10. yep like always , i didn't done a direct A/B to tell you truth , but i never really gelled with the ik , don't know why ... i like using their 1081 or old eq's doe
  11. ok now i can talk about it : impressed, really each move is impactfull and i'm talking 0.5 db moves !! i prefer it other the amek 200 witch was alrready great .... keep your dineros guyz , this culd be the only eq you'll need for busses and masters ... When you select lesss smooth filters , you have bigger values in freq
  12. Hi guyz , first of all , taking this occasion to wish you all , health , peace of mind , freedoom and strength (mentally and physcially .) I just jumped on play 4 life roland cloud ultimate to grab at a "good" price the tr808 and 606 or 707 , but still 200 $ No i was thinking loud , well giving that i can have at 450 euros a TR 8s with TR 808 , 606, 909, 707, 727 built in , it would have been a smarter move (the fact that i have to bring HW to use those have been a debate ) Anyway , in case i go TR 8S , i has a built in Sound card , that , when used , alows you to get via inputs each sounds as audio inputs , my problem is that i don't want to use the TR 8s as main soundcard . (and routing each sounds via real audio isn't an option , my RME is already loaded) So i know that asio 4 all is supposed to handle those kind of scenarios : Anybody using it for a similar scenario ? not stability issue with Main sound card usage ? Thks
  13. Zo

    New Year's Gifts - Gone

    He and Bill blurr were ahead of their time ... they re still top ...
  14. The uvi drum designer is a great option also , motu Bpm is also superb combining strong sequencing , synth engine and layering ...
  15. Lol just googled it , i swear i was thinking it was an old dude from the 70 i didn t knew because of my age , but dude that girl , never heard of her and don t even want lol gonna finish watching my wes montgomery video ...
  16. I thougt the engine was on sale ... younguyz wake me up when it s the case ...
  17. Lol i swear i ve read "new gear porno" thinking something new was out lol ...
  18. Of course it's more the interfacing Larry ....
  19. yeah indeed Larry the question is ez drummer + a better browsing and kit option is enougth most of the time , instead of updating ezdrummer they put all tose desrved update in another product ... i love ez drummer becuase those limitations are healthy most of the time .... Superior drummer is killer for acoustic based guyz , witch is not my case , i love layered drums and i'm looking for texture and color instead of realism and zillions stuff ...
  20. Yep saw that this morning , this put my edu superior drummer price down to 193 euros !! still scratching my head bewteen what it can do versus what i just need ...(better search option and kit building, don t care about mixer fx, audio to midi , grid editor ect ...and not even talking about zillion db of samples i ain t gonna install , at least from start ...)
  21. Guyz can t believe the year .... anyway , health and peace of mind for all my fellow humans ....
  22. Zo

    I' m officially ZOld

    Lol i let you handle it ahah ...
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