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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Do you guyz think HiFi guyz hate LoFi guyz ?
  2. Mini is cool , but i ll get a Z2 anytime instead hehe pretty sure 10 %here knows it exists ....
  3. Tape echoes was the first time i felt a softube release was wak ...
  4. And very few gets that the apple logo wasn't a mistakes , providing what you don't need , as they don't answer the need they create and manage it ....not comon from my mouth but their own team .... As for the debate , like Reid said .....
  5. you mean american class B ?
  6. Waiting for an softube french class b lol
  7. You still sing ? Lol lofi solves this problem with zero singing or just small phrases here and there , or movies dialogs ... and next ....
  8. Tweaking is optional , of course if you go for a best buy 500 buck comp don t expect anything from it , my tweaking on my xps was only to put my cpu in passive mode on balanced mode (when i browse or watch movies) and gpu thing isn t necessay unless you like me a 4 k display witch asks for gpu power if not carefulll , unde4 than those 3 min past on it ´ the rest is all fun ´ two ssd , a touch screen , top notch perfs and support on site that i used once for my keyboard accidental tea damage lol ... 4 usb ports , sd card , hdmi and display on a 1.8 kg laptop that i bougth 1500 euros after selling a brand new mbp 13 given by school ...(sold it 1200 euros) ... what a darkside ... it s just another way of thinking , simple as that ... either choices are just choice , some don t need upgrability , a lot of ports , second ssd slot or touch screens (so fun with drum machine and step sequencing as well as editing , melodyne mainly) there s no camp for me , i simply go for the best my money can buy and tech can offer with my needs at least met , but most of the time with them being anticipated ... and this led me with zero mac purchase the last 4 upgrades ...
  9. Heat , noise is a question of integrationn , some brands know how to do it , some don t , Some brands focus on reliability because their clients are sensible sectors (health ,security , ect ) so they do system with extra low temp no matter the loads ... and some brands lets you managed it , i uselly tune my system and they re dead quite zero fan on idle while just a litlle noise when on load , i know how to force the daws to use intel gpu instead of dedicated one (optimus is great , but just to be sure) .... a solid windows pc is untouchable in my non humble opinion on this one , been a mac user , testing macs or regualr basis , to date , two macbook were solid , the 17 ´ with expresscard and this m1 , my 17 died because of the gpu long time issue ... repaired it once , gave up since ... Apple move with the m1 is strategic ... the incapacity of doing tight integration was their issue , proven bybthe fact that sole brands managed to get constatnly quieter systems than macs and cooler with same to even finer systems ...
  10. Wait , i will post some more , those would not be my first choices , Pro level workstations are superb and solid .... Dell XPS / Lenovo Xtreme / HP Zbook studio line also
  11. Will it be possible to have a sort of hystorical about past price and timing ?
  12. I great thing would be to have a kinda of notification , like you check what you want / need , and once a deal comes on , you get notified with a smallrecap on how the actual deals is versus what the prices already been : exemple : dear Zo , a friendly reminder that plugin X i actually on sale , its prices Y is the best price to date , or its price W is 50% of original price and have been 60 % in sales during the bf or at this date ...ect ... Also small videos Reviews section could be great ( not thinking about mine lol mine are nothing but small or short lol)
  13. I'm posting here serious options for audio when it comes to laptop , of course GPU choice is yours i will always go lower that a xx80 nvdida but if editing is a big part of your job , worth considering You also have systematic M1 comparison , good to have to calm down this M1 hysteria ...
  14. I don't see any attraction onthis one , and i'm a mellotron aficionado ..... the dual layer thing on the pro I is the real deal , the sound source are plenty , and the sound design capabilities superior , this rythm thing i love , but should have been a plus in the pro , not a dedicated plugin ....usefull to jam or maybe live but that's all is see there .... laynch gas off from start here ....good thing ..
  15. IT scalled special edition , so it might be the small thing before the real thing that will be cheap due upgrade or some ...
  16. Yep , you see , we dont have enougth ssl emus around .... That said we ve been asking for the dynamics section alone for year , but not to have it in a rack ...
  17. As somoene said still remains the bypass switch ...
  18. Zo

    4 UVI Updates for me

    Everything not present in My uvi will not be seen in the center , i have old title that i can t remeber the serials since i dumped the boxes , not present there then ...
  19. Only Bapu can play Bapu .... when you drag an drop or try to analyse you get kernel panic an blue screeen of death .... lol
  20. no problem , and thks for sharing , you're reminded me this great tools that i snobed since i got into roland stuff !
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