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Everything posted by Zo

  1. I do think omnisphere interface is the real problem imho , not at all inviting to tweak or to play lol .... but some superb sounds in it and abilities .... it sure has a sound but at least it s musical .... some synth dev preset are a pure mystery for me , like are they aware some people do music ? Lol Arturia used to be catastrophic in that aspect , as well as uvi , presets were awfull but bougth made some good work .... be sure to check the HW bank , it s solid , easy to introduce in production and handle post ...
  2. NO more amps for me lol i skipped the bleusbreaker at an incredible 19$ ... i think that those 9to 29 sales are the most dangerous lol ...
  3. Thks , so this should be the same for me ... it s not cool because the 30%edu price i have is sometime less good than their promos .... Tell me how ya feel about lofi dreams , i l holding purchase because instead of buying small stuff here and there i m might go with the omnisphere big expansions...
  4. Curious on what you got , i jumped soon on first expansion , one from simon , another analog something not bad , but nothing worth imho so i watched some epansion videos and the only one that had my attention was the lofi thing , the vocal one was great but not solething i will introduce in tracks easily ... yep falcon is superb , and most of the time i get regular patches and tweak them to do lofi stuff and it s enougth hence my hesitation... you can check my last video , everything you hear is falcon , expt drums ...
  5. To be honest it's more like i don't buy what i don't like , in this case all options are meh ... maybe the vocal thingy but even ....
  6. I just need lofi dreams , if anybody wants only one also we can split costs ....
  7. The good thing is that you ll have those in all’the eco system from amp room to modular ...
  8. We might be able to buy 2 licences and split cost , nope ? we get serials rigfht ?
  9. dammm anybody succedded to get it ?
  10. I don't see this at all i see big prices and i own, the gambit https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/21-Channel-Strip/6850-Weiss-Complete-Collection-Upgrade-from-Weiss-Gambit-Series-for-Console-1-
  11. I would rather get 50 % off than having to buy two to bascially pay regular price , ain't that BOGO the biggest trick eiether : hey you get 50 % off like , but you pay 100 %
  12. Not working here Larry , might be because my account is set to Edu with -30% on all prices ...
  13. Doesn't work at uvi , it does work at audiodeluxe .... anybody can try at uvi ?
  14. Larry do you how it works , we purchase two and it 50% off or we buy one and get instructions then ?
  15. You guyz remember the xln audio packs mess back then in the cakewalk shop lol , best deal ever ahah ... still have a spears slot to choose a kit hahah !!
  16. Didn t knew thers was a gap ...
  17. Is the 2 really brings some stuff noticeable ?
  18. yep larry just copy and past homie it was for you and then i delete
  19. Toontrack has updated Superior Drummer to v3.2.8, featuring the following bug fixes: General : MIDI files dragged out from SD3 no longer contain a key signature, so no SysEx track should get created in Cubase (even with the "Auto Dissolve Format 0" Cubase option on). Controlling a knob or slider using MIDI Learn, it is now possible to set the value to exactly 25%, 50% and 75% instead of just very close to those values. Alternate Hits on stacked instruments made the instrument become muted after saving and loading a project. In projects with this issue (saved with version 3.2.5-3.2.7), the Alternate Hits option needs to be manually disabled on the affected stacked instrument, or the stack should be recreated. Cancelling the saving/naming of a new MIDI Learn preset would cause a crash. Fixed a potential crash involving changing certain mic parameters after having replaced an instrument. Song Track : MIDI dragged from the song track did not include any time signature changes. Dragging an external MIDI file to an empty song track did not change the main tempo of the song track. There were cases when dragging an external MIDI file to the track did not trigger a dialog about importing tempo or time signature when it should have (when the tempos or time signatures differed in certain ways). "Import Time Signatures from MIDI File" did not update the main time signature display. Pasting or removing sections in the time signature editor did not update the main time signature display. Going to Edit Tempo or Edit Time Signatures with minimized song tracks would only properly unminimize the current song track, so closing that editor and switching to another track would show that track in a bad state. Edit Play Style : Changing Amount and then deselecting the song block could cause a crash. It was possible to open the instrument selection menu even though it is not visible in Edit Play Style. Grid Editor : Pinch zooming now works in the grid editor (using a trackpad on Mac). Tooltips for the nudge buttons were flipped right/left. Song Creator : Changing libraries or changing scale no longer removes MIDI from the MIDI drop zone. Shutting down SD3 while Song Creator was searching for results would cause a crash. Saving a song structure from the current track would change the name of the track to the name of the structure (starting with "New Structure"), though it would not show up in the GUI at once. Drums Tab : Library names in the instrument right-click menu were often inadvertently shown in capitals. Grooves Tab : Dragging a Groove Part onto a song block did not merge the instrument into the block but would replace the entire block – bug introduced in version 3.2.7. Selecting a groove part, changing libraries and then dragging the groove part no longer causes a crash. In Tap2Find, it was possible to open the instrument selection menu even though it is not visible there. Mixer Tab : The Valve Distortion Box effect would sometimes sound too distorted for a while after it was added or a preset was loaded. Bleed mute buttons in the mixer were never shown as active after loading a project/preset or changing the GUI scale. It did not work to load only selected mixer channels from a Drums and Mixer Preset (by using "Select Parts..." in the preset menu). Loading only selected mixer channels from a preset now properly clears the solo state on those channels. The Clear Mute and Clear Solo buttons in the mixer were also not updated. Tracker Tab : Fixed a crash that could happen when loading a project where the tracker audio is missing. Standalone : The standalone can now use ASIO devices with a buffer size larger than 2048 samples. https://www.toontrack.com/product/superior-drummer-3/ Just trying to help Harry
  20. All i see is that pink bonnette !!
  21. Are you crazy it would be like hip hop without autotune ...
  22. Everything healthy until exess ...this what are the thing i learned in life ... modular and 500 modules are imho real world plugin folders lol
  23. Today and since a while in fact i was checking stuff around , looking to grab a new controller (Keystep pro , kst 37 , TR 8S for seq and sounds ect ..) and i 'm investigating since like 2 weeks , also i went even deeper in the fantastic under estimated fonctionnalities of Maschine MKIII (already fantastic for daw control but also in a step seq mode with per step mod capability internaly or in daw) I can't stop thinking that a lot of us might encounter productivity / inspiration problem , due to a lot of option / sounds / tools ....but in fact very poor interfacing .... Software are superb , great sounding and most of the time more capable versus HW , but interfacing is a pain , so is the workflow ... I really think that what will def boost your work achievement is the right controllers / HW and not having 200 vst'is ...... period !!! So my advise is be sure to digg in this cause the impact is immediate ....there's controllers , and controllers ... keep your money and go for a solid set up .... stop buying plugins cause they're cheap , period .... you can have the best aresnal but without the right way to take full advantage of it , you're just collectionning stuff !! Stuff i liked lately
  24. I believe in freewill , anything else is dangerous .....
  25. Good question ... one side is obsesssed with clean , the other don't care ...kinda reminding me something pretty recent .....
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