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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Do people owning the hw get for free ?
  2. DON T know what s going on but count me in the support team ... Hoping you the best ...
  3. Just got it and i really do miss that the freq goes under 200 for the notch eq ...in fraance low pitch voices has a lot of resonance near 170 hz ....
  4. Just tried for fun the oberheim : this thing is superb , a pain to programm but the sound is superb !
  5. Yep sample robot was great back then ... Is there the auto loop fonction .... ?
  6. exact ...good news is even without the hw someone can do it !!! Wonder why kontakt doesn't have this features or does it ?
  7. Are you able to do unbiased A/B while 5e B usually louder ? By the way curious to know how the plugin stacks against the hw , very few feedback on this ... i had the hw on my radar for a mastering chain , then switched to neve mbp to finally stay itb and invest in uad system for conveniance ...
  8. ve console one , get the channel strip (witch i did ) you ll have the eq and the drive section is actually the limiter while the comp is the comp , a superb mastering console .... be sure to test also mdh4 from tc ...
  9. Zo

    Time and space down ?

    Dammn i should have bougth my edu stuff before ...
  10. Zo

    Time and space down ?

    Woah i hope all is ok for them ... when is it supposed to go back ?
  11. Zo

    Time and space down ?

    Wanted to purchse stuff and the site says it s in maintenance ... anyone knows how long it has been out ?
  12. No need to install everrything ... for xemple i don tneed 10 pianos .all bass stuff ect .. and some maschine expansions are just not installed ... same for ocrchestral stuff since i m cover d with spitfire and project sam ...
  13. Paul you have 14 dayz to ask a refund , done it once , you can also try a plugins swap they might accept (didnt tried the later )
  14. Tom , it is an exellent compressor (i done a video on it and it's one of my fav) it's just that you pointed out mastering and better option are around .... Me saying Masserati is top deson't mean the a Class S or BMW 7 is wak
  15. Thks Larry ... guyz look at « who we are « there s at the end a list of other dev they like ...(sonicouture , sounddust ´ hollow sun ...). And some do pretty unik stuff as well .... classy act to point out those imho ...
  16. Larry did ya tried this ? I wonder if we can acces 8ndividuals sounds , reminds me the cr78 but it def has a vibe on its own ..... anybody knows this brand ?
  17. Tom i wouldnt recommand this one on mastering , if you need serious itb mastering comp i would go for softube weiss or vertigo vsc3 , specially if you need respect of the source , on PA offering i would go for Alpha comp , even why not the shaodw hills class A ( even if the opto side is also colored )
  18. Exact , specially since there's a features pack bar under the plugin they coul simply add extra gain knobs ...digital
  19. Zo

    VSL now iLok

    I think you right , i recal some saying that it wasmore efficient .... giving your signature , i do think your main desktop should be more than enougth ...
  20. The real question is what s the impact on actual mainteance /dev ?
  21. Yep just really wished the would oversample a little on this one and do a full input output knobs without 2db incrementes ... if i would have bougth the hw i would have been really bothered bout that !
  22. Zo

    VSL now iLok

    SO you need too computer ? To take full advantage or is it optionnal ? no latency bewteen both ?
  23. Didn t even knew we could do it (writting like this lol) learned some today , useless but fun ahah.
  24. Zo

    VSL now iLok

    Use to really did ilok but last move making me really re consider anything ilok for real ... really curious about vsl stuff ,you guyz told me the echo system is powerfull and it s intreging me more and more ...
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