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Everything posted by Zo

  1. A good way is every plugin at 29 , you/buy two and us one vaucher ...(can t recall i vauchers usuable ) 29 for this ea is already great imho , a great pultltec imho ..
  2. VSM 3 and VSC 2 are maintain by PA , so it's up to them , i doubt Vertigo will pay for those updates that should have been there from day one (oversampling one of them)
  3. Updates: https://www.vertigosound.com/support/changelog https://www.vertigosound.com/support/downloads VSM-4 CHANGELOG VSM-4: VSM-4-Installer-1.5.200 [macOS, WIN] Release Date: 12.03.2022 * The VSM-4 version with FIR oversampling has actually not been released so far, so the FIR option is new to all the plugins. (The default algorithm uses IIR filters which have a more flat frequency response and are cheaper to compute, but involve non-integer delay which cannot be compensated accurately. * Hence we added the option to switch it to FIR filters without fractional sample-delays for phase-accurate summing of parallel dry channels in DAW). * Create Universal Binaries for MacOS 10.9 - 12.x Intel & ARM * Use latest version of software libraries (JUCE, AAX SDK etc.) * Fix wrong AU version number (displayed by host) * Many other small bug fixes and cleanup of old code VSC-3 CHANGELOG VSC-3: VSC-3-Installer-1.5.61 [macOS, WIN] Release Date: 12.02.2022 * Increase GR meter update to 60Hz for more accurate stereo tracking * Add Windows High DPI display compatibility * the FIR option is added. (The default algorithm uses IIR filters which have a more flat frequency response and are cheaper to compute, but involve non-integer delay which cannot be compensated accurately. Hence we added the option to switch it to FIR filters without fractional sample-delays for phase-accurate summing of parallel dry channels in DAW). In VSC and VSE it is also new that the oversampling ratio can be set by the user, before it was a fixed 176400/192000 internal sample rate. * Create Universal Binaries for MacOS 10.9 - 12.x Intel & ARM * Use latest version of software libraries (JUCE, AAX SDK etc.) * Fix wrong AU version number (displayed by host) * Many other small bug fixes and cleanup of old code VSE-2 CHANGELOG VSE-2: VSE-2 Installer 1.5.59 [macOS, WIN] Release Date: 12.03.2022 * Move UI zoom setting to side menu * Expose “Reset Clip LED” in menu (before it was a hidden Shift-Click on the LED) * Add Windows High DPI display compatibility * Create Universal Binaries for MacOS 10.9 - 12.x Intel & ARM * Use latest version of software libraries (JUCE, AAX SDK etc.) * Fix wrong AU version number (displayed by host) * Many other small bug fixes and cleanup of old code New Preset System Built within all three plugins VSE-2, VSC-3 & VSM-4 along with many presets created for each plugin within the factory Folders. Presets folder location: Presets are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/Vertigo Sound/Presets C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Vertigo Sound\Presets
  4. Got it , i have an octo usb , never tried to open it to be honest but pretty sure it's not a simple card
  5. Tony , notice that via sonnet type boxes you can use pcie cards via thudner bold for exemple
  6. Guyz are you doing movies soundtracks with 600 tracks or what ?lol Does 20 cores means more threads on m1 or is it singl3 thread per core ?
  7. What ? a year for an HP ? i would def cancel ...and go for in stock stuff.... What HP did he wanted ?
  8. For a fraction of second i thougth it was Dwigth Schrutt lol
  9. Thks guyz so you guyz valided the fact that using hub (big numbers of ports ) via thunderbolt is solid latency wise with no conflict ? In a typical serial (usb) situation , latency was multiplied by the number of peripheral using it .... so sometime it could be chotic if a driver wasn't that solid and efficient .... I'm considering this to be able to choose laptops with port ports position, exept lenovo (ports on back witch i love) sometime ports are to close to mouse posistion ect ....so a great hub could un clutter the desk really well (i used to use hp's docking station back then !) As for my comment on boycott , it was just see the double standard ... boycotting apple will heart china in fact PEace and Love guyz is the only way , and other is bulsshit , no matter the side you're in , i repeat no matter the side you're in . War is already adefeat . Back to OT @Fleer did ya got the laptop or not yet ?
  10. at least this one has a lot of ports ... Using Apple laptops with a hub : how does it works nowdays ? (back in day it was a suicide with usb , but with thunderbolt , this might work great , any feedback about that)
  11. I created a thread days ago pointing my concern about the ongoing fuelled hysteria that brougth us back in the 70 ' . I was asking brands to anticiapate access issue , (roland cloud stuff, subscriptions , only licencing cloud based ect ...) the thread escaleted fast as usual .... But before closed this info surfaced and if true it's unbelievable and such an unilateral break on contract / deal is simply illegal and a VERY dangerous first. "iLOK SERVICES In solidarity with the sanctions implemented by governments and business partners, we are disabling our iLok services in Russia and Belarus. Our hearts go out to all of the people affected by the unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Allen Cronce President and CEO PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc. Andrew Kirk VP and COO PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc." I don't know if people here knows ilok CEO , but if so , CLEAR public clarification is a MUST , expecting to send such emails to RU based people while playing it cool with the rest is a proof of double standard , hypocrisy and a clear indication how placing a third party between Plugin makers and the costumers is a suicide imho !!! Such decisions should have been taken in consultation with all brands using ilok and even costumers .....wtf ....who the f...this guy think he is ? Sorry guyz for being upset , but why sanctionning people that have nothing to do with the situtaion and doing something tha will change absolutly nothing to the war exept showing its political believes and a sentiment of having to tell the world about it ....
  12. Orange vocoder was actually one of the best and the one i used in my own album in 2004 !!
  13. Don t have high expectation , never geled with this one and i. M a vocoder fanatic ... cool but nothing extra. waiting for the panning one that is trutly something . ...
  14. Yep , this volontary omission from media doesn t smell good and reminds me ethnic cleaning from rwanda to bosnia , we ve seen it already , same scenario , same narrative , like churchill said le more you look back in history the farest you ll see in the futur ... Notice that the video is some stuff edited by this channel using the work of the journalist , she s interviewed in mainstream media and its work respected since longtime but she s facing pressure from Macron and jounalist start to question themselves about this situation ... great job and congrats when she worked on armenian genocide , pressure on donbass work
  15. She s their since 2015 and realised two documentaries , been in zrmenia , she covers a lot of stuff ... fact is 15000 people kiled in 8 years by their own gov , it s a fact and documented by ocde , minsk cease fire never been reespected ...so from their you make your view , all lives matter is what i say , that simple ...
  16. Zo

    Cubase 12 is here...

    I stick with the minimal loops and other stuff are. Waste of space and cluutering browser imho but some people love it ... Guyz anybody got it sorted ? Are those that got it working bougth the licence on steinberg website (trying to isolate the case)
  17. And if we want to give to donbass ? actually i just watched this , thisliterraly broke my heart , the old man is crying because he said "i grew up in caves during WW2 ,my grandma died to protect me then and now because of those nazy's i don't want my grand kids to do so .... ukrainiens srole all food , bombing eveyday (even during interview) this is the reality since 2014 !! Since the whole world seems to be concerned by ukrainiens , let's help ALL Ukrainiens ..... Sad to see that Millions "non white"people dying because of illegal war don't get 1% of this attention Ready for my Puns , it's because we say nothing that we're inthis situation today , like we say in France : Qui ne dit mot , consent (who says nothing agrees) Can't be one of them , i know it's not the place , but just be sure to hit Soundtoys if you by some and ask them if 50 % of ukraniens that speak russiands and are in the est gonna be helped also ....it's a serious question , if not , you're just replying to propaganda ....since real humanitarian don't make differences ...
  18. It was 19 at some point if i recall well
  19. Zo

    Cubase 12 is here...

    I opened a tiket , i m in the midle of a client mix , i ain t bothering to waist time specially fir something incan t use it ...doing it just to be sure allstraight ...
  20. Yep a very inspiring and beautyfull tools. I always thougth that culure is the most accessible way of fist contact and link betwén people , of course this the first thing that have been labeled non essential , go figure why .... I m always amazed by some instruments , scales , techniques , articulations ect ...
  21. Zo

    Cubase 12 is here...

    It should be in my product download
  22. Zo

    Cubase 12 is here...

    Download Access and Activation Codes : of cubase 12 or 11 ? 11 is present in my downloads , in the elincencer , and in my steinberg as posted , maybe the 2 other instance witch i don't know why they're here might mess up the stuff ...11 pro is installed and running (authorised also) smooth
  23. My last laugth video was removed with puns point apparently .... just a donation list names that was just epic ... Didn t knew this guyz , he s brutal lol (in a good way ... yep we have to state things now , in a karen s world) We have one guy in France like that , i wonder if he got inspired by this guy or he is as fuked up lol Superb discovery , too bad audio quality isn t that good sometime , hard for me to get evrything ...
  24. Zo

    Cubase 12 is here...

    Exact , a simple email with a new code and basta !!
  25. Zo

    Cubase 12 is here...

    Same here , even wrost i have 3 cubase 11 pro strange
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