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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Yes !! goood to know , i swear in the video , barby man said that old project will just load fine with ezd 3 ....
  2. Guyz just came back from work , so what's the concensus ? any good ? is EZD 2 dissapear ? CPU same lib on ezd2 versus 3 do you feel cpu hit diff ?
  3. Take your time , there s some cool features here and unless your done with libraries (like i do ) you will need v3 for future releases ...
  4. Franky the ssl duende channel strip +bus comp at 49€ is what i call a crazy deal that can cover 80% of a mix need ... i paid 600 euros back then to have it in dsp just 32 channel ( in mono!!)
  5. One thing bothers me is that it seems it replaces ezd 2 dll from what i understood from the video ... i hope we still can 8nstall the 2 if we get rid of the 3 ...for any reason ...
  6. So you re giving up ezd 2 also ? personnally if it unstable or more cpu hungry i m asking fir a refund ... or at least a vaucher to get some expansions better try than never
  7. I ll call you « pain in the eye » ?
  8. You re right , but it s more like 1) they re changing policies like underwear 2) dev that makes vauchers not worth are just taking us as dummies , just don t and make sales 3) Don t get me started on transfert fees ... i always have this feeling that costumers are treated like a « proie » not valued as people that support your bizness ...
  9. finally jumped in for sample loading and midi parts replacement , great features , the band mate pretty sure i'm gonna never use it since i never use the ezbass one ....
  10. That s the goal , PA seems more forcus on making money that providing something consistant on the table ...
  11. Now i have to google Brown nosing .... unless it's brown noising lol
  12. As i'm watching the video i found , being a content creator myself , the performance quite high level , because live is never easy , the guy is cool , and pushes some comments to the border line witch i always enjoy personnaly lol I did notice a big similiarty with the guy on "unbox therapy" maybe he's watching him a lot lol Still not impressed by the update , but i know i want it lol ain't we crazy around here lol
  13. Wtf lol had a notification , link to this post , i was like "man what thread did i participated in to see that ? oh EZ drummer ? well i have some post to read to understand how we end up there lol "
  14. Am i the only one thinking that the drop down menu to select samples was better linked to the sound on the gui instead of being up left ...?
  15. Guyz , i didn t saw the walthrought yet , is it replacing ezd 2 dll in old project or different dll ? i find that the resize serves no utility sinc3 it doesn t resize fronts , am i tripping ?
  16. One of the best bundel in Waves with the kramer (tapes , pie ect) api and SSL (not so fan of the neve)
  17. Zo

    McDSP May Sale

    The ultimate moduel was at 49 (99-50%) in jan ...(if you own the delay if i recall well) even at that price i skipped it and glad i did , this sale was to trap people just before v7 it seems ...as for ultimate channels no big deal but for other stuff , new gui;would have been welcomed ....
  18. Not too much montoring disturbance ?
  19. So my bad and my apoligies then , i'm editing my post so it doesn't fuel anything unecessary . Don't see any quoted message that's why Now you got me intersted in that post actually lol
  20. MAkes sens .... is it close to you or behind monitors axes ?
  21. LArry Secondary screen or main it is ?
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