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Everything posted by Zo

  1. This and kontakt lol
  2. Do you guyz more videos learn to farm
  3. I skipped voyetra ... for the exact same , since i updated to synth anthology 3 witch is great since on osc 2 we have now all raw files categorised ....
  4. Yeah i know them , but not so into getting solething else exept the v8 that i should have gone for from start ...i can t ask them for lofi since it s working ok exept for some patches ... did n knew for multi core and falcon , such a shame .... no wonder last version of falcon patches are unplayable here ...i should stik with my first primitve thoughs lol .... also i don t find organic keys that great , to hollow , not enougth materail in sound , overloaded with fx to pretend if ya know what i mean will mess with voices limit to see if it helps ...
  5. Went for Lofi + Organic keys (instead of vklm) and instant regret !!! Organic keys , when you play hevay chords the cpu hit is a pain !!! no wonder not a lot of reviews online .... I7 4790s 8 threads at 3.6 ghz and one patch floor it ...
  6. i have ethereal stuff and didn't liked it (from simon) Fofi dreams is indeed tempting ... , yep the VOKLM is imho less powerfull than heavicoity na doutput offering , but the pads (beds) are great ... ORganic keys don't know this one ....but a lot of keys already in Falcon factory banks ...
  7. Those are based on samples .... Memory moog for the memories
  8. those are exactly the ones i was thinking about LoFi Dreams - Organic Keys - VOKLM
  9. Anybody owns the UVI PX memories ? versus the V8 ? need to pick one or the over to use a vaucher on uvi !!! or two falcon expansion
  10. Thks , i 'm not in a rush to update , wanted tot do so with the vacuhers but , nothing urgent , so i might simply skipp...
  11. Damn .... Thks homie Now i remeber why i never updates uvi stuff
  12. mmm bad move so ..can t keep those just for that , planing on upadteinbg beatbox anthology , synth anthology and worldsuite , if double the size i will lose like 50 gb for nothing .... Please give me the name of Worldsuite 2 ufs on your hardrive .... (is it worldsuite or worldsuite 2 )
  13. But does old sessions opened UVI loading the new one or UVI looking for the old ufs ?
  14. Guyz , when you upgrade from let's say World suite 1 to worlds suite 2 , is it a new pack (witch will then double the hdd space ) or does this repalce the first one ?
  15. Looks my nephew ... he s Savoyard ( near franch -switzerland zone) ... 17 and a guitar player alreay ....chick magnet i m gonna call you lol ?
  16. I think it s more an agreement than anything ... i emailed them few dayz ago asking them to buy direct from them , because at NI check out i saw this « in solidarity to ukr..... » bullshit , so i said ok let s buy from uhe direct .... but they said it s an NI sale handled by NI ( and i suppose as partners they don t want to short circuit it ) i should have asked to pay in roubles just to piss NI offf ....
  17. Zo

    AAS Annual Freebie

    Trudeau !! isn't even better ? ahahhaha Yep i had contact with them and it's for me one of the coolest guy in the industry indeed !! knowing a lot of tabernacle , i'm not suprised , Canadian are indeed super chill !!
  18. Happy b day oncle L , may you be like wine , getting better by the years lol indeeed we re blessed to have you around (unless you re my bank account ?) Take care of you oncle L
  19. This could be also a solution https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/JD08--roland-jd-08-boutique-series-jd-800-sound-module Small controll but might be actually fun and if you get the JD 800 plugin (legend version) you can tranfsert back and forth patches and use it to control the software also In fact i was considering this as a regualr ultimate synth controller ...
  20. Tell me what's the confusion , i will help By the way do you recall if , per partials , on the kd 800 are we able to pan those or have random pan like we do in the xv 5080 and zeno ? As for your question : Play 4 life opens you to be able to choose on Legends plugin versions Zenology and expansions are not , at this time included in this scheme . The JD 800 , the cheapest way to get , is to get a play 4 life pro witch is 100 $ for one year pro sub plan and opens 1 licence of any legend to choose from , you will use it to choose your JD 800 .... it will be the legend version : If you want zenology expansion version , you will have to buy zenology and the expansion : https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/RCldZenPro--roland-zenology-pro + https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/RcldJD800Exp--roland-jd-800-model-expansion-for-zenology-pro-software-synthesizer
  21. We should have an option to batch react to all people in the thread lol
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