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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Zo

    PA Amek 250 EQ

    It's the same algo , but Gain range is less on 250 in the lows and for the type of music i mkae it has an impact ...i usually do the trick top locut and boost quit a bit after and on the 200 it's superb while 250 not enougth .... the key on the thing i do is to have curves and curves depends on gain a lot of time so to have a certain curves at X freq i boost at y freq ... and compensate for it
  2. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    One thing i would love to see updated to new interface is omnidphere ... synth anthology multiple pages gives me the same feeling .... waste of time and energy ....i mainly use it as presets , take off all fx and record ...
  3. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    More synth ? Nah don t need it , but new features ... maybe ....ya still on the 2 ?
  4. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    You pretty answered your question Falcon is great if you go deep in sound design or wanna tweakt some title ...(had to clean the mess they did with beatbox anthology and resave it as new program .... drives and filters all around a shame and surprising that no reviewers noticed that ...on all kits ... As for world suite , it s exellent ...their perf thing is useless but coming from motu ethno , i was at home, and you re pretty well covered .... solid title ... if i had to do a selection : beatbox anthology 2 synth anthology 3 xtreme fx wordsuite falcon ( no expansion )
  5. I don t think it removes all partition , if i recall well you can choose the one you want it on .... also if ya run this on the os , it will ask if ya wanna keep data or data and software sometime .... this last one i did. , it fuked up my graphical drivers since and it impact my ability to record heavy videos fir my channel !!
  6. My computer is under 8.1 , i tried installing windows 10 , used my windows 8.1 key and it worked ..... if i enter a windows 8.1 key does this unlok widnows 10 pro ? Am i entitiled to be oem ?.
  7. I always heard pro was a pain in win 8 and 10 ...some goodies on side and issues on the other .... so no way to control defender in home ?
  8. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    Make us some uhe presets ... we should do a bank : bandlabs bank !!
  9. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    it's a trap for you to rush .... stay away homie !!!
  10. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    Mores seriously , been conta cted by a viewer that wanted me to explain a track i made for my BBn105 video ...it was full of Falcon ....i opened it to chec k and Falcon vst64 version won't load (S1 says its missing) but it is installed and even in the Plugin file txt file of S1 but not shoiwjn g in plugin browser , i force a rescan ect , no way for the regular vst 2to be seen .... anybody had this issue with uvi stuff (falcon or workstation) ?
  11. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    100 % off ya pay nothing ain't that superb Let's make some songs and stop buying stuff for a Minute , gonna ask @cclarry fam to call him to do some babysitting aroung lol it's gonna be good for everybody lol
  12. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    Coupon : 2023FleerStayaway
  13. Exact but i suspect people been like me , i slept on those cause of guis and all ...but those actual guis are superb ...browser can be better as well as mod fx arp section , but it s actually a certain style ....
  14. I'm testing this Syn'X based on a very rare synth : Elka Synthex (italian beauty) https://www.xils-lab.com/products/syn-x-p-134.html Xils really have something , for real ....
  15. Sale Still on XILS stufff !!!! I absolutly love this brand , late to the party but man , still stuff to perfect here and there (for the brand on some synths) but it's really plugins that have an analog dna !! Cheaper on Audio deluxe site Trying to show you some here .... 00:00:00 Intro and architecture / plugin tour 00:08:32 Presets : SYNTHS 00:11:37 FX : Reverb 00:13:36 FX : Chorus 00:15:22 Presets : PADS 00:19:09 Original Factory Presets & Split 00:23:54 OSC (Pulse and FM modulation) & creation of a patch 00:30:48 Modifiers (Filters) 00:34:47 Presets : SPLITS 00:39:36 Presets : STRINGS 00:42:55 Presets : LEADS 00:44:27 Presets : Conclusion
  16. Zo

    ANA 2 65% off

    Guyz do you guyz know any high quality wavetables .? can we put Pigments wavetables in there ?$
  17. Zo

    ANA 2 65% off

    Lol yeah Fleer made me test it ... nice but i passed ....
  18. Zo

    ANA 2 65% off

    I think last track i needed a taurus like sound , it was diva if i recall well
  19. Zo

    ANA 2 65% off

    yep there's also so 3rd party skin that are great .....and some great p^resets , if i recalkl well Swan from Gearlsutz made some superb oberhiem patches ...
  20. Zo

    ANA 2 65% off

    For Roland i'll stick with roland lol as for the moog i'll happily sell you my softube version, not because it sounds bad (sounds superb) it's just moog sound i don't reach for it (the mini) .... Just bougth Xils Poly M and it's superb , this is the moog sound for me lol (this and the taurus lol)
  21. Zo

    ANA 2 65% off

    100 % not only it sounds better than diva imho , but when you tweak it sounds always good , there's not weak spot like on hW when you go from one sound to a toatlly new one in few moves ..... that said what they emulated is imho simply one of the best if not the best monosynth and polysynth in the world .... i do think it eats a moog for lunch (Pro one HW) but it's a question of taste ....
  22. @Bapu is like a taxe system ...lol fast collector ////
  23. Zo

    ANA 2 65% off

    For what's worth zebra is a beast , but more for sound design while Hive is the equivalent for producer imho ... i would say the same for Diva versus Repro .... i'm buying Hive and Repro as a owner of Diva and Zebra for that exact reason , more direct .... waiting patiently for Zebra 3 , it hink it gonna be either too much or simplier ...
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