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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Softube wasted space .....on my ssd ....lol
  2. Hip hop heads check the transient section on Bass and 808 Snare and ya will understand why this thing is untouchable !!
  3. Here guyz i show you why i consider this plugin one of the best if not the best Chorus around !! Frankly i don't push people to watch my video , but guyz be sure to watch this one or ya will be missing a BIG one and it's on sale right now !! (This thing is superb and i don't see any equivalent ) The advanced sections are savage and the transient Mod is something i wonder why no one implemented it before !! Link to promo : https://www.xils-lab.com/products/effects-c-64.html 00:00:00 Intro & Plugin tour 00:04:50 On Juno 106 strings 00:12:30 Advanced mode : Modulation Section 00:18:40 Stereo Space Section 00:21:33 Transient Mod on Juno 106 Bass 00:28:14 On some Zenology patches versus Zeno FX 00:38:52 On 808 Snare with Transient Mod 00:42:55 Conclusion Thks for watching , don't forget to like and sub
  4. Zo

    PA Amek 250 EQ

    Max there's a big gab bettween capacities and efficiencies , this what i've found with year ... No Flex at all on what i 'm gonna say next : During the Alpha of Claro , i had visios with Sonnox for discussing the concept and what features can be introduced . In this moment i explained that during the crucial creative phases where time / results ratio is the most impacting , i tend to use tools that answers this very constraint . So you see me firing eq's like the pultec, api , neve ,ect ... not pro q or anything like that ...during those phases ... THEN during post prod i start some time replacing those by more advanced stuff as the problem solving is on the table ... That's why the concept of produce view versus tweak/ mix view was introduced and its form was pultec style The beauty of this concept is that the tools "morphs" according to your need and instead of replacing it an losing precious time at the risk of losing the initial caracter (since you change eq) , it stays untils the end : SIMPLY BRILLIANT And of course the sound gotta be solid witch is the case with sonnox !! Now what i saw is people coming in beta having the same "pro q" type of thougth asking why the produce view ? i'm not gonna be saracastic here or full of ego , pure fact here : serioulsy it's the diff between pro and young cats .... pro that had to make good sounds and decisions on the fly on sessions (knowing that the instant truth is a waranty of art) and people sitting on a computer not really knowing what they're doing , on what phase they actually are and what this phase of production asks for ... and what has to be skipped during this phase ... Sorry for the long post that i might erase once you read it to avoid giving infos that i might not be able to give ...
  5. Oh ? that's why i saw more views .... cooool !!! if i knew i would have edited better lol Why didn't i received it lol
  6. Zo

    Good recorder

    Talking about the recorder , olympus does one with battery , built in memory that seems cool also ...
  7. Zo

    Good recorder

    LOL you guyz are terrible ahahah .... as a « youtuber » (hate this label ) we spend a lot of time doing those reviews for that exact reason lol .... I decided to do you guyz a video on xils chor x , shot it yesturday. Said to myself be fast zo , 20 min max ...results : 48 min because the thhing is deep and i was having fun .ect... gonna try to edit or reshot ...because i know people don t like long videos ... strange time ... we used to read manual for a week to master stuff .... and a lot were in english back thhen (for young cats with scholar english level at that time , it was challenging !!)
  8. Zo

    Good recorder

    This one has a built in baterry and seems more hightech when it come to control /.... https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07TYFVV6G/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07TYFVV6G&pd_rd_w=M2idl&content-id=amzn1.sym.f19653fc-d974-4897-b076-1fbc2c891b94&pf_rd_p=f19653fc-d974-4897-b076-1fbc2c891b94&pf_rd_r=VA6QT2V11TV4Y3X13APH&pd_rd_wg=bHNiB&pd_rd_r=f64c0f7d-3d20-49a0-8794-d8b60ba2763c&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFHUFhBWFBENDJKT0gmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA2Mjc5MzMxV0Y3RkNMMVQyS1lPJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA0MTA1NjYyVVQ1Nko1TFhXRjRMJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsX3RoZW1hdGljJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  9. Zo

    Good recorder

    yep sounds good enougth indeed , price off acessories will equal the price of the unit lol
  10. Zo

    Good recorder

    A lot of infos and concise review here
  11. Zo

    Good recorder

    Reading specs seems like the H1N does allwos usb transfert , ya never tried ?
  12. Zo

    Good recorder

    yep i think it needs to be layed or fixed on some support .... usb transfert to computer ? or sd removal only ?
  13. Zo

    Good recorder

    Seems exellent , i'm fortunate to have a very lively garden in my house thks to the fact that i try to print the less human impact on it .... (square gardens and all : i hate those ...i want nature) , anyway the Zoom seems exellent to also carry it when i go at work ect .... i might do some recording and do a library (will share it to ya friends) Need this for my chill music projects ....
  14. Zo

    Good recorder

    is the "n" metal ?
  15. Zo

    Good recorder

    Sound quality ? pro enougth for production use ? Stereo field ? no model with lithium built in battery or some ?
  16. Zo

    Good recorder

    watching this one as i type ....
  17. Zo

    Good recorder

    Thks @antler you guyz are the very reason i post here not anywhere else usually
  18. Zo

    Good recorder

    Is te zoom rechargeable or need to buy batteries ?
  19. Zo

    Good recorder

    Hi my dear friends , as usual i'm looking for your inputs on a good not too expensive recorder to record outside (stereo ) with an easy way to transfert files and with an onboard battery (that can be recharged) usual supsect would be zoom or tascam , but so many models .... Couting on you guyz .... i just want to sample natural sounds ....no library better than God's Creation
  20. Zo

    PA Amek 250 EQ

    The curve bender is ok , my problem is on the lows , when i will do the vertigo i will try it on a beat , i need that lowcut +resonnance that i can do in for exemple my manley passive that i can t really on the curve bender ... but the rest is superb no wonder it is considered a rock eq ...
  21. Zo

    PA Amek 250 EQ

    i have and do use pro q as well as claro ....what the vertigo does you will have to fire proq , saturn and tweak for minutes with a saturation that i don t really like in saturn compared to vertigo. ... Also a dynamic eq is different (i love my sonnox for that , it is the best imho ) frol saturation type compression where you loses dynamic (dynamic eq keepingvdynamic) ...as always a question of scenario ...i will do a video on the vertigo if times allows because it deserves it , crazy that i didn t seen any video online ...in fact not so surprised , this thing is for pro s ... lol
  22. Zo

    PA Amek 250 EQ

    I just tried today the vertigo vse4 and this thing is surprisly good ... not surprised but the eq knowing vertigo pedigree ...but the concept is brilliant !!! What i saying is better get 3 or 4 great eq s and stop buying ones that are cheap but inferior imho ...( the amek are inferior to the bx digital witch has more features and a strong dynamic eq feature) ...
  23. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    Massive X is a beast ...but i get lost in it so it has options .....lol
  24. My experience with ObE is the exact opposit , at least versus Cherry Audio .... pretty sure that if cherry audio was priced 149 $ each , less hype would be around .... Abacab is right , synths with a lot of chraracter are suited in certain scenario / genre while not so in others .... i went personnally with Xils lately because of a certain esthetic i want for my next album more in phase with the 70 's ... I will say also All SAW's are not created equal ..... lol at least in the analog world .....
  25. Zo

    UVI sale up to 50% off

    Beware , this word make a lot of people nervous lol
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