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Everything posted by Zo

  1. This thing is a secret weapon here ....shhhhh .....
  2. What os ? It says mine is no more supported (win 8 here)
  3. I got for free from beta and didnt even installed it ....
  4. Both , it s really powerfull , but not inviting at all ....and i m not a fan of fx and filter .... under than that i made some great presets today but i much prefer korg opsix , while way less powerfull when it come to number of soundsources ( and the filter isnt that crazy also) , it sounds superb and has options to make a sound complex in its movemrnet and behavior ... Never got my head around fm 8 but f’em is quite easy when you understand , but still the modulation i didn t went deep into it ..
  5. Thks homie , but seems of course to late , i recall having it but can't find it ...
  6. guyz , if i recall well the ppg was free at some occasion with either and offer from 3rd brand or with one of my HW , can't find out , any ideas ? How to demo their stuff ?
  7. i want vauchers also, ..... did i said i own nothing ? Werbsite is terrible ....can't load it enterly
  8. Have fun homie , take time to relax and spend time with yourself , don t know if zenitude can be achieved in those boats ...but try to find a spot cool and calm and relax ...
  9. Are you gonna take your laptop or a guitar ?
  10. Waiting for Bapu's feedback lol
  11. I really into fm latly , grab the gs 1 emu from xils and finaly took time to dig in the synthclaclier from arturia withc is beatyfull , This one looks great , id there a filter ? listened to some presets in youtube , must be the most boring ones i heard lol ... need to test on my own ... expectented at least some classic ep ect , all i heard is boring sequences and dubstep noise...
  12. By the audiothing springs updated with a new model ... installed and working well ...
  13. I always wait for Bapu to sacrifice .... lol
  14. On time with the new Quadra .... and rive us to sounds sources isolated and more simple sources to see if it can answer also the need of various quality instruments with the option to beef em up
  15. Simeon , all there ? nothing missing ? At least seems like Youtube is effectiv to get security issues resolved .....
  16. Same here my problem is finding a mother baord that has low profile not those tuning heat sink all the way ...(long story short because i have a passive system and pipes passes by sides from cpu) Limitations are a part of natural rules , physiques is a limitations , religion, morales , ect ...no limitation : alienation ...cancer. This apply to eveything , balance is keyb, restreint and self control also ... In a word of consumerism and control , the push is big to embrace this heresy that you have to fallow your passion ...exzctly because it leads to a state of dependance ... to your passion and those who fullfill it What s funny ( no so ) is that those who created and promoted this concept now are making everrything to create limitations lol but to their benefit ....perfect proof of error ...error generate error , truth and right path generate « pairainity » and positives impactes systematicaly ... Humain being imperfect , humility is key .... but instead ...we have Davos ...
  17. Hence the preset « c est la vie « meaning « this is life « he smissed , had some exchange with him and he was a gentleman ...
  18. Guyz anybody knows how Lotuzia passed away ? Covid ?
  19. Ahaha ...here my cpu decides for me ...but the day i upgrade hw ... it s gonna be tuff lol ... Anyway solid bundle and this synth is great , mor3 îviting imho than pigments , but i miss the fx section of pigments ... i do think pigments is slowly falling in what omnisphere did , trying to do everything at the exepense of user experience , freak is imho benefiting from limitation the hw imposedc, healthy ...
  20. I grabbed polyM for 49 $ , prestes are great but i agree , presets numbers , quality ,even level varies ... but like you say Lotuza ( just fogured out he was dead man ... i was playing earlier and saw a preset he made named « c est la vie » this sadden me straight... Sonically they sounds great once you design your presets , as for interface i m already lobbying Xavier ....hehe ... and a juno for chorx lol... I don t see overlapping , synths he made , he was one of the first to make them ... and soncially (if you talk about cheery audio ) both osc and fx are way superior in xils ... but you re rigth , price wise he should be aggressif , but synths at 49 during sales and fx at 29 ( at audio deluxe ) is more than enougth .. Even at 59 for a poly M or a yamaha gs 1 or a synthi or a synthex ? Comon ...played with the synthi and it is indeed superb ... preset are meh ...sometime but i like a lot some presets because they stick with the synth epoque ... Anyway just sharing my finding , i do find some things absolutly brillant , some things that need tweaking but are way do able... finger crossed ...
  21. Here's it's VOICE XY !!!! Modulation per voice you place it in axes and choose what axes does for exemple you see the voice up left it opens Filtr one when i polay this voice this gives some playing juice like nothing else
  22. Testing this bad boy and it has some unik features i never seen elsewhere like the SPACE X : you disperse voices to taste in space Why the f.... we don't here about this brand ? Ugly gui alone ? strange .... And it sounds superb You see the dynamic button in space X ? you engage , choose aquariuml it move , handle speed ect .... each time you hit a key it's panned and modulated acooring to what you want .... Smooth zero artefact and way more control than Roland rnd Pan , i ain't even gonna compare with arturia (witch is there to be there imho , nice to have at least)
  23. Just when dev will all catch silicon , apple gonna drop something else lol
  24. Got it ... finger crossed ...stay confident and positif ... everything happens for a reason .... If we can help in any manner just ask !
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