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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Guyz stuff like that has to be shared !!! Justa wanted tha Spring
  2. Thks Simeon , so basically we access those via tabs ? cool
  3. MixBix SE Modules AMPS British Tube Lead Flexi Amp Preamp SVT Classic CHANNEL STRIP Channel Strip DELAY Digital Delay DISTORTION Distortion Lo-Fi DYNAMICS Limiter White 2A EQ Parametric EQ FILTER Env Filter Filter Phaser Wah 47 MODULATION Chorus Electric Flanger Ensemble Phaser Slicer REVERB Ambience Digital Reverb Plate Reverb SATURATION Saturation X
  4. Thks Simeon , on the video i understood this but when you opened some programs , i didn t saw where the layers were and how to access each to modify those , hence my question.
  5. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/softube-marshall-plexi-super-lead-1959
  6. @Simeon Amburgey when loading a program (FM lab) , how do we know and control the Rom used ? or program simply means new presets ? (same architecture as rom)
  7. I really wish they would update their padshop and others to 2023 standars (resize ect ...)
  8. Watching FM LAB as i sip my coffee .... @10 min he dropped those "Don't stop believing chords" , i'm now hyped for the day lol Thks Simeon , as usual superb content ...
  9. Lol it escallated quik ... like ballons up in the sky ....
  10. Is the b3 it s taking from native only also ?
  11. This one is a beauty in all term , once you understand how it operate , the FM tones i get from it is superb , notice that we have an analog engine with the FM one ...
  12. His body here , but his mind still on the boat !!! Normal behavior i see here ...
  13. For me it s the best synth in the cheery audio line .... but can t understand why the extra strings don thave a filter for them cpu hit made me skip it ...
  14. English version ? wanna hear that one !!
  15. The balllllloooonnnnn !!!
  16. Mores eriously , Bandlab should provide themes for the forum ....
  17. say thks to EU and NATO .... go learn to ride horses .... i do ....
  18. it works here here's a keyz also my first preset Flute.ffp Keyzo.ffp
  19. i was doing a flute sound ....this is your gift !! Need to tweak the expression , if ya do it you send it Active high quality to make it less lofi Flute.ffp
  20. done thks but can we schoose the sites it's on or is it always on?
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