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Everything posted by Zo

  1. MXL mics at 699 , i was like damm that's all lot , but i saw 2590 $ :
  2. Thks Larry , anyway guyz don't forget to put amp sim in you synths ...been doing this a lot with studio one or TH3 witch alows splitting / paralell /// Bx stuff have impulses that can be used byapssing the amp witch is another way to give crazy depth and caracter to stuff !!
  3. Do you remeber having the posibility to choose install path ?
  4. They're listening to their bankers lol ahaha
  5. Watch aand stop at 4 min 32 you see it well
  6. Yep this is what i meant by dynamic 57 Larry if ya have time , wtach the video and spot the pedal ...i just bought (second hand) a bx Bassdude just top route my synths in (stereo , IK you're listening !!! pleaeeeeeessseee) but that pedal (if this one does it alone) makes that synth sounds wiked !!
  7. dynamic 57 mic , right ?
  8. Inspiring to watch by the way : Would love to know the pedal they're using on the synnth
  9. This is the sound i have in my head and loo, for
  10. this one is what i found the closest
  11. guyz anybody knows what this fender model is ? This is teh sound i'm looking for ... achieved it with a 65'fender reverb without knowing they used a fender lol i'm becoming more accurate lol ///....
  12. Zo

    Waveform 10 Free

    I didn t knew it was a cut down version , waist of time , space and cluterred user area for nothing ... the worst thing is now if somebody wants those options , how to get those easily ? I m not talking aboutvme but about who gonna buy my whole traktion account , witch is on sale if anybody interested lol ....
  13. Ahahah since you don. T have modo bass , i thought you got that one ....
  14. Any fedback about the bass thingy ? Fleer ?
  15. Zo

    Waves SS Sale

    Nice thread title lol First i was like , tipo ? Also waves and SS in the same sentence is something stiky lol ... then i got it ... my old brain still working ... Back to OP ... kudos to waves because after all those years their algos still age well ... solid coding never gets old !
  16. Zo

    Waveform 10 Free

    It s great daw for ideas and inspiration but when it comes to mixing , a pain ....
  17. I wish ubk1 get an update algo and gui wise ... but yep def a color box and a comp beast ... same can be said for novatron ...
  18. Hi Guyz , here's my first contact with the new Overloud Comp LA suite !! 1) Intro and plugin tour 2) Use on bass (versus CLA) @ 9 min 3) On GTR (versus CLA) @ 14 min 32 4) On master Bus @ 24 min 37 5) Balancing a beat (snare / kick drum balance with built in sidechain) @ 24min37 6) Conclusion part I @ 35 min 28 7) Mid / Side on the master Bus @ 37 min ? Conlusion Part II Thks for watching , don't forget to like and usb Hope you enjoyed the watch ...
  19. Well guyz , the LA 's are known to be smooth and massage experts on vocals / bass / guitars / ....more generaly instruments that need as "smooth " compression .... spank is 1176 job or equivalent . I'm uploading the video , but you gonna clearly see at least the diff between the LA3A and the LA2A ... @Piotr you went UBK1 ? and AR 1 ? it's a beast ... Like i say in the video (that is coming) during creative process or even mixing , sometime i just need what i described upper , fast and easy to set up compression just to help sounds to sit in the mix or have a better stability in time ... and the LA's are typically the type of comps i fire !! The video was on the session i'm testin amps on and reflex was to put a LA 3A on bass (love that on bass , better than any other comp ) , LA2A on guitar (to keep transient but to shine and glue the perf) and even on the master wher i tried it and showed the M/S features The beauty of those is the screw (sidechain) witch in my exemple , made us rebuild the balance of the beat (kick snare relation) in a second !! So at the end ... it's my new go to because they do at least as good as others but with features that i need !!! being able to switch from LA2a to LA3a on the fly is a Gift !!!!!and pure joy , used it already ...to figure out that one was better than another !!
  20. Atom is real cool ... Faderport design is weak as f... the whole line , they cou,d kill it with something classier ... even Atom is kinda toyish when it comes to button lights , materials ect ...
  21. ThE key is anticipation , i will stress them to reset at 3 .... i have 3 systems ...all synced ...and when i upgrade i ipgrade 3 at the same to still be in sync power and feature wise , but during the migration i have both group during a certain period of validation witch means 6 licences runing ...a problem with the majority of brands .... Anyway , a btetter way to manage licences would be great ...
  22. Thks for the kinbd words ...and yep the vertigo is the beast in my folder ...it's ,not the mojo guy , or the color dude ..it's the soulja ready for anything !! solid / reliable / in case you don't know for sure what to use ? use it .... safe and alwayz better !!
  23. Sounds superb but i hate its implementation , as soon as uou inserted it , multiband feel from start , witch didn t even goes away with dry 100 %
  24. Friends i recorded a video yesturday , wanted to make fast and short , i think it went like close to one hours lol , will try to edit today , render and post ... i compared to waves in my video , i did compared to ik also prior to that , but i simple thing gonna makes me use them îsyead of the ik : control other harmonics and M/S implementation
  25. Yep i know you lve getting lost in time ... still i didnt jump on your wagon concering whormhole ect ...
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