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Everything posted by Zo

  1. I thout it was 1.5 of sample content but 0.5 dowload and install (like spitfire , with lossless compression)
  2. You really find a diffrenece ? the only VSL stuff i have is what comes with kontakt lol !The gui reminds me BFD !
  3. lol Larry never stops !!! i needed mesa lol 149 if i recall well ...
  4. By the way guyz , i really didn' NEEDED those stuff ...i was already set with fenders and ampegss and AMp deluxe ...but i must say that supporting a brand that have been around for so long / been cooling around via Peter and Ryan and that is consistent in several areas that are not easy top master (HW / AMP Sim / FX / VST'is )ect ... is an evidence So yep at least one group by per year for us guyz is like a controlled SUB but we own the product and actually choose our stuff ... and WE support a brand we love !! So this is what i 'm most happy with , that even new cats are digging IK stuff !
  5. Thks for your input , i don't use presets that much , but start from scratch when i have something in my head .. that said i've found sme presets in the Hendrix collection that' are superbe !!
  6. Well i did tried bot side by side , while the kanglem has more options , i prefer the psp mouvement and settings ... it s really like a real vu meter , onne of the few itb that really behave like that ...
  7. Got those nothing expetionnel .... BT ' s presets are the only ones worth the try imho ...
  8. I confirm , one if not the best VU around , mouvement and option are just spot on !!
  9. Funny because yesturday i was chilling with ex students ... and we were listening to one of my track , then they statred to ask where that this comes from ? Me : Albion IV and this Me : keyscape and the bass ? Drums ? Sonicouture Electro acoustic / Revolution from alchemy Uhe diva brass ? Albion III ..ect lol if we start to count money we spent on sound generation , we could certainly buy a used car !! Lol but quality comes at a price , that for sure ... when i was producing those tracks ... it was fast because of skills and sources that s the key ...
  10. I clicked on the link , saw 199 , is said "mmm nice price "..then i saw it was the SSD lol lib is actuall 799 !!!
  11. thks , may ia ask you input on Bassman and Chandler ? @Grem Man you're killing me the only thing i wanted was the Mesa 's and orange , i ended up having everythng but mesa lol would you say that the AT mesa non offical (old one ) are still close ?
  12. Old boss / roland gear are terminators ... you ll die before they do lol
  13. Thks it was more about the mark iii and iv , i decided to keep my brainwork megasingle for that heavy gain stuff...
  14. Zo

    Bx_Master Desk

    I didn t liked it at all petsonnaly , and i think you re set between what you have , ozone 8 could the only one needed ...
  15. Finally kept my deal and started to collect my freebees ... i see that some mesa boogie unofficial are present here and there , anybodybcompared those to the offical mesa boogie ones ?
  16. Ahah cool , we tend to forget that synths used to be a pain to keep tuned during anwhole session lol ... i clearly hear amp synth so i guess the Fender is in use maybe ...
  17. Zo

    Bx_Master Desk

    Now i understand when we request bigger gui's , he be like "why ? we're good ..."
  18. yep the deal is so great (the price of a software !!) that i wanted to jump without any gtr around lol
  19. Compare to psp triple meter , those are the most accurate i seens itb (even afetr buying Kanglhem) go in settings and check ...
  20. Actual price is more ok , but 2590 ? AKG C 414 = 1099 $ + SM7B = 399 $ SM 58 = 99 $ + Sm 57 = 99 $ and a Rode K2 = 699$ + 2x Audix f9 = 2x 129 $ TOTAL = 2653 $ Sweetwater ...pretty sure you can negociate a good price ... I would go this and handle any scneario than their stuff !!
  21. yep i'm talking data (library) just installed Phaseplant (kilohearts ) witch by the way is superb and 1 gb taking on C) witch i managed to reduce because it keep files in the "caches folders" to allow you to resintall or roll back versions ...
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