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Everything posted by Zo

  1. By the way if you need that gritt , just put a kazrog true iron before and have fun
  2. UAD (new user here since few weeks) is simply the best emulation (the mk2) , and yep you're right the bus comp is something on its own , same thing , my go to here ... and i oiwn all UAD comps
  3. Plugin alliance : SSL 4000 (bx console E and G , townhouse being a in house SSL 4000 G comp made for rack ) Tracks : SSL 4000 , not sure about the white Duende : Taking from the algos from the 200 (digital) , the 200 algos were an attemp to create the closer thing to the 9000 Sonically , while the Eq are quite close , the compression seems more accurate for the duende in the channel strip . Notice that the SSL comp from IK is a pure beauty and one of the closest to the real thing around
  4. I ll keep those instead any combo you listed ... it sound more like the 9000 than the 4000 , i suggest rock : stick with PA , modern music : duende .
  5. wasn't that thrilled by big al , the knif is a gem ,on its own but really , try it before anypurchase since it can really put solme stress on cpu .... if you need color , HG2 is exellent and next version is a beast ...
  6. IS it extra presets or factory presets for use in unify ?
  7. Use mine , grabbed this one , for 15 $ it's like having extra presets , copu is ridiculous some time , like 60 % in studio one , but worth for the bass presets , solid ones ....
  8. If i knew i would have grabbed this one , not the weiss , because it's way more cpu optimised , brands tends to forgot that we have a lot of brands and tools in the arsenal , and think their stuff can be the only thing cpu heavy .... so if anybody want just an eq i think it's exellent , if anybody want the combo , the weiss channel strip is superb at the expense of some cycle . Also one thing annoyed some people (not me) in the weiss C 1 version is the shleves curves witch are like the Manley Passive EQ (witch i love) aka Shelving and cut witch accentuate the perception , and i love it ... some people hated it since it wasn't possible to deactivate this behavior in C1 Basically if you boost at 50 Hz you will get a cut just after .... kinda like the Pultec trick .. Concept : If you boost 50 hz by 6 db , you perceived the 6 db but might have some phase eq's .... If you boost 50 hz by 3 db and cut by 3 , you will have this fx perceived with less phase behavior and even more pronouced fx since the 3db cut is also affecting your perception of what's ,next in freq
  9. By the way i own all C1 Channels strip , don't hesitate to ask here
  10. I own the gambit for C1 and the eq is superb , compressor also , i needed a mastering grade C1 channel and it delivers but man this is cpu heavy , i grabbed it to put it on my master during mixing but i might sell it cause it's too heavy .. sonically , possibility in the top 3 best sounding Eq / Comp itb ...
  11. Zo

    Arturia 50% off

    exact it's on singles .... so nothing interseting exept for pigments eventually or if ya need some specific
  12. For a sec , when scrolling i thought it was Camel audio ...
  13. Even when installed it keeps telling me not installeed or stuff like that , the old one was simple and working ...
  14. Zo

    SSL UF8

    Watched thos one yeturday , as usual , better than own brands ones ...
  15. At least if you type real names in search exemple : fender , you ll find the stuff .... it typed once fender in amplitube , got nothing untill entered the real amp name lol
  16. I m pretty sure they will update the sonic , but the interfacing , specially with a product aimed for musician jamming , should be considered secondary ...
  17. Mademoiselle is always right !! I can t compete ahahha Mores seriously , not super happy with maintenace from them , smring age coul be superb , markbass also thu could have been refined at least zoom not looking a 90 ' type of 1024 * 768 resolution screen ... preset management mic selection ect , everythingvis aging not so well ... they should gibe their tools the attention theybdeseves , i understand the need to create new stuff for new sales , but i swear that redesigning old product would have not only consolidated users base , but also created new sales ...prior to stuff like neural and ik , now it s another story as the bar is even higherc!!
  18. Zo

    SSL UF8

    I think , this is just the 360 integration and the ability to customise stuff via it and rename .... 360 takes all possible control of the daw , i think this is it ... but i might be wrong , anyway i ain t tripping ... i do think for someone using sonar that the vs 700 is the beast to have unless form factor is a problem (witch is why i m selling mine , under than that i m loving since day one ) i almost decided to open it and take part to built a custom smaller unit , but it s a tuff journey and time is something that become more rare than never.
  19. My issue with th3 thu , is that you really feel the static convo sampling , meaning that reaction to their additionnal knobs eq , tone , what ever on their amp is ridiculous , you can crank one knob and have a marginal move in tone ... unlike a real amp or in ik imho , if the tone you re looking for is close to nominal values it s ok , but if not , prepare for a a foght including cab , mic change , pedals ect ...
  20. Zo

    SSL UF8

    It s just pre mapping you can do your own in sonar and mackie control surface plugin ...
  21. Never heard the comp , but the eq is something dope ... i skipped the api because it wasn t as expected (hence no video on. It from me ) ,curious about this one ... i will keep you guyz informed at first contact ,...
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