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FJ Lamela

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Everything posted by FJ Lamela

  1. Hello again,with the new update (2.6.1) arpegios (inside) omnisphere lost sync.Maybe is a problem with midi note off (notification of cakewalk to omnisphere plugin) . With 2.5.1 and older arpegios works ok and hold the sync. Thanks
  2. Nope,no automation.No into offset mode.
  3. I would like to tell you about a problem that happens to me in an intermittent and random way and I really do not know how I can solve it. Usually I send all the rhythmic tracks to a patch point, which usually works well. But sometimes when I reopen the project that track (patch point) to which I directed the battery, goes up 6db for no apparent reason. The funny thing is that sometimes i lower the volume of said track 6db, and (in this moment) it sounds like it was thought... but if I save the project (volume lowered 6db),when reopen, the track behaves correctly and now it sounds 6db lower. As I explained, this happens randomly and I can not find an explanation for this error. Does anyone have a similar experience? I use the last bandlab cakewalk release 64bits,windows 10 64 bits 1809. Thank you!
  4. Only Cakewalk and one VST Air Xpand. Enjoy it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiayvcfPy1Q
  5. Yes,for example in midi filtering (Edit) have some problems when you increase,decrease parameters.......and other minor bugs....but... Im not a beta tester.... Please dont feel angry with my question,I LOVE CAKEWALK DAW,I USE IT SINCE THE FIRST VERSION, but all software have some minor or major bugs ,and can they can be improved!.
  6. Any news about improvements,fixes soon???. Thanks in advance!
  7. Maybe they will release the new version of Cakewalk.
  8. Sounds good,but anyway you can translate with google,and the results are more or less corrects.Im Spanish guy!.
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