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FJ Lamela

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Everything posted by FJ Lamela

  1. Sorry what is the insult?. I ask you seriously? I have not used any swear words, or bad-sounding words. Can you please point out what the insult is? I wanted to express that I did not want to do anything mandatory, I wanted to say that it was a possibility, but it was clear that you did not understand that I did not want to force anything. If you consider that an insult, then I'm sorry, but I repeat, it was not my intention. And I repeat my native language is not English, it may be that some phrases are made incorrectly but I do not think that with this I insult anyone.
  2. I have never insulted anyone in any forum. I haven't insulted you either. If that has seemed to you, I apologize but it was not my intention. My native language is not English, maybe the way I express myself is not correct but I have not intended to insult anyone.
  3. Thank you, I thought it was just me who had thought like that
  4. Do you understand what "posibility" means ?. Of course you dont. Posibility is the option of, It is not the obligation of. Having options in a software is always something positive and for users it is a plus.
  5. Posibility of import stereo file, splited in 2 tracks : L, R
  6. Thanks a lot, they are really good!
  7. Studio One, tells you what amount of latency added by the plugins you have in the projects, i think to know this is very positive sometimes in some projects.
  8. Hello, In some DAWs, you can see at the bottom of the arranger window how much latency is being added by the plugins you are using in the project. Is there any way to meet him on Cakewalk? I think it would be very interesting to also have this option as in the other DAW. Thanks.
  9. I have experienced this problem constantly with some vst3 instruments, mainly roland cloud. Instruments 5080 and 1080 vst3. When I have saved the project and reopened it, the presets load incorrectly. I've tried some fixes, but none of them work. This problem is present since old versions of cakewalk. Has anyone experienced the same problem? Any possible solution? Thanks in advance.
  10. I wouldn't change either. But in my humble opinion I think it's good to know what our Daw fails, and also for developers to be able to fix this kind of thing that makes the product go from good to Excellent. ?
  11. After reading and see this interesting articles and testings... Daw v Daw 7.2 update, again... (admiralbumblebee.com) Daw V DAW 7.2 - MIDI Input Latency/Jitter tests for All DAWs (S1 redeems itself?!?) - YouTube I ask myself and the great Cakewalk team, the following question, What is the current midi jitter situation at Cakewalk? Unfortunately the creator of the test has not included Cakewalk in his tests, so we do not know from his methodology the situation of this fantastic Daw. But knowing that they suffer from midi Jitter: ProTools, Cubase, Digital Performer and Waveform and that have no midi jitter: Logic, Ardor, Live, Mixbus and Reaper I would like to know what situation Cakewalk is in. It is curious that the creator of the test explains that the developers of Presonus Studio One have corrected the Midi Jitter problems after reading his article and knowing his results. I want always, thank the Cakewalk team for their efforts, and also thank them for an answer to this interesting question in my humble opinion. Thanks again.
  12. FJ Lamela

    Beat Loud

    Made with Cakewalk and voxengo plugins. Beat Loud - F. J. Lamela & Nympholepsy - YouTube
  13. i've experienced same issue sometimes,and i dont know why.
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