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FJ Lamela

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Everything posted by FJ Lamela

  1. Please,take a look to my latest productions.All made with cakewalk bandlab. Thanks in advance https://open.spotify.com/album/7qaJ3vmBHfPAdw9FW4u5N8
  2. Thanks a lot for the info Noel.Thank you!
  3. I use rewire with hypersonic (steinberg),a high quality and great rompler.
  4. New update works.But i found this version a little bit slow when i close projects.The update is great anyway!
  5. Works in windows 1809 64 bits. Plugin vst 64 bits,no problems!
  6. Now the arpegiator work great with cakewalk bandlab. (as 2.5.1----2.60 to 2.61 dont work ok)
  7. Thanks to all people of this forum. Thanks for listen and your time!
  8. Made with cakewalk and waves plugins. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR5p6gkfiS4 Thanks for watching,please comment!
  9. a video showing the problem with arpegiator in 2.6.1 version https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=E0248205FE178672&id=E0248205FE178672!1166&parId=E0248205FE178672!147&o=OneUp
  10. I've made some test and the problem is the plugin.The Lost Sync in arpegiator is the same in studio one 4 (last update) and cakewalk. omnisphere 2.5.1 works ok in both daws.The problem appear in 2.6 and 2.6.1e.
  11. Is a problem the way cakewalk and studio One get the midi notes or is a problem of Omnisphere?. The last update of omnisphere dont fix this!
  12. Arpegios seems to be get out control in version 2.6.0 and next.Previos version 2.5.1 and olders works ok.Since 2.6 arpegios get out of control with cakewalk bandlab.I dont know if is a problem in omnisphere or the midi off system from cakewalk
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