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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. Good choice. I was listening to David Gilmour at Gdansk last night. Not sure I've seen this one. I've got the Pulse DVD - a different gig?
  2. Fitzroy - I don't understand what is 'meh' about helping the most disadvantaged in society? Unless of course you prefer not to?
  3. Without wishing to get too political, and not a comment on the legality or otherwise of JRR selling to the UK - I should mention that, unlike some others here, I have absolutely no problem in paying taxes - except that we have a very right wing Government in the UK (well not as right wing as in the US of course!) and some of my taxes tend to go towards making rich people even richer! So given this option to avoid VAT I took it knowing it would give me a little more money to put towards the causes I support which are helping the most disadvantaged in society. ?
  4. Thanks I'll give it a try! I assume I go in by clicking the Edit Config File button?
  5. I've been having some recent issues with crackling when playing VSTi's and have adjusted buffer size to no avail. My thread scheduling model is set to 1 - would setting it to 2 help? I have a quad core i5 2,500k at 3.3GHz & 8gb RAM What does the thread scheduling model do? Cheers
  6. Cheers Peter appreciate your presence here
  7. I've had a crash with ST4 in CbB when auditioning sounds. I'll see how it goes.....
  8. Yep if I hadn't got it for the cheaper price I probably wouldn't have bothered at the IK price - even with Jam Points it would have been around £150 - £160 and I was mainly interested in ST3 Max & Miroslav (I already have Miroslav CE)
  9. Ah I updated them anyway. No harm done presumably apart from the waste of even more time? ?
  10. I battled with a 60Gb SSD on my PC - when SSD prices were crazy - so feel your pain. Another good clean up option is Wise Care 365 - it picks up stuff that Windows clean up doesn't. Good luck. I swapped my 60Gb drive out for a 256Gb a while ago and also recently installed a 1Tb external Samsung SSD (under USB 3) to replace my ageing 1Tb HDD.
  11. In terms of functionality / features does ST4 have significant benefits over ST3? I find its interface a bit more confusing but that's probably just because I am not used to it. Navigating to sounds seems easier with 4 but I think 3's interface is clearer - again may be just familiarity especially as I use Miroslav 2 more than ST
  12. Thanks but I checked that - in fact that's why I opened it to check it was authorised ok
  13. Just opened Amplitude stand alone and have got a high pitched whine like feedback from my speakers - I recall this happening in a lite version of an earlier incarnation - anyone have any ideas - I am using ASIO4All with an onboard soundcard - I would only ever use it as an effect for a VSTi Edit - if I turn the input right down it becomes silent
  14. That drives me nuts! Such a pain navigating to my data drive every time!
  15. A long day here too! Been on it for around 7 hours! Got the ST3, extra ST3 content, Miroslav & Syntronik stuff installed - though somehow I lost the the installers for the ST 3 main library and tried copying files myself - wasted about 1.5 hours doing that without success then found the installers further down my download folder - my fault - screwed up the unzipping but still bloody frustrating. A download and installation manager is desperately needed! I'm going to leave it until tomorrow to see if it all works - Syntronic & Philarmonik were looking ok earlier so fingers crossed now I've used the installers on ST main content it will be ok - I have around 26Gb of SampleTank main content - does that sound right? Off to watch a film so my eyes have a different focal length to work on!
  16. Just when I thought I'd downloaded everything I found several sounds update zips to download in the Resources tab - I assume we install all the original sounds then run the sounds updaters - which are pretty large themselves? Is this correct?
  17. I've got the latest versions of ST3 Custom Shop and TRackS 5 CS - I assume I don't need to download and install the versions registered with TS2 Max? Finally finished downloads of sounds - now for a day of unzipping ?
  18. Ah I see now - the instruments are still in the original folders but the samples have been moved ?
  19. Interesting! I didn't have the full ST2 just different libraries - eg SampleMoog, Syntronik that I bought in a deal and they still appear to be in their original folders - there are a few Imported Instruments folders around but they have nothing in them - I will look further in case the Imported Instruments are in another folder! I assume they have a different file type designation from the originals? Edit - ah found them now in the Sample Tank 3 folder rather than the higher level IK folder I was looking in! I'll move the originals onto another disc before deleting just to make sure nothing untoward happens! Thanks for the help
  20. I was certainly giving it some hammer last night until 2am! SampleTank soundsets and half of Miroslav so far downloaded so a fair way to go! Get on there before I get out of bed if you want to get in front of me ? It's taking around 10 - 20 mins for each 2 - 3gb zip file for me
  21. Thanks for the clarification Peter. Shame there are no new choirs but I suppose it is an orchestral instrument and I am certainly not complaining at this price
  22. Odd that although the choral instruments are mentioned in the early part of the instrument list there's no mention in the detail - is that because they're a bit iffy ?
  23. Thanks Ryan - that is what I thought would be the case but didn't want to waste time
  24. On topic ? - Pete whilst you are here - do you know if any of the sound packs for Miroslav 2 are identical to those in Miroslav 2 CE which I already have installed - just to save me some time if possible ?
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