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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. +1 No need for it - everyone has different ways of working. I have never needed an audio interface - if I was going to be recording live instruments I would have bought one. Everyone has different requirements. I used ASIO4All for years with no problems - I've now switched to WASAPI. Most people here are friendly and supportive when responding to people's queries and concerns rather than being antagonistic - lets keep it that way please
  2. Well I've used it for many years and have had no problems. I'm just using midi with VIs along with loops with an on board sound chip but it has served it's purpose well. I've switched to WASAPI now
  3. You leave my Citroen Berlingo alone Starship - it's great to sleep in at festivals! Just don't try to do a u turn on anything narrower than an airport runway!
  4. Safe journey and hope all is ok
  5. Interesting thanks I think my ASUS mobo & Intel Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz are probably too old to handle it but hoping to have a new PC built before the cutoff date!
  6. @Creative Sauce @Home Studio Simplified - -possibly an option for a future tutorial? I'd certainly appreciate it! I'm sure you guys would have it sussed within half an hour ?
  7. I agree. Mike is a superb tutor and a thoroughly nice guy
  8. I've kept my old hard drives to keep them on ?
  9. I can confirm this - there was a library I missed when I bought the huge Total Max 2 bundle and when I brought it to IK's attention they let me have another 180 day window to download the files (and all the others I had downloaded already)
  10. I forgot that once. Never forgiven myself.
  11. Just searched and I remember your post now! Doh! Must have seen it when I didn't have access to the PC and then forgot about it! I should have remembered that nobody beats da king ?
  12. Ah sorry - must have missed it - don't know how! Nothing that is free usually passes me by ?
  13. JoeGBradford

    Rasa Free

    Anyone tried this one? Not heard of the company. Came up on my Facebook feed - looks like you have to install a host VST first. https://www.mntra.io/rasa
  14. Thanks I hadn't got the latest update. Good news about the installer options!
  15. That was funny - I suspect the Spitfire guys would find it amusing - except for the bit about support which to be fair was excellent the only time I have needed it! They told me to turn it off and back on again ?
  16. From Loopcloud's FAQ on website 'Free users also cannot import new user-content or use the AI user-content tagging, which is new to Loopcloud 6.' I assume the first part of that sentence means personal sample folders and so the comments here are correct and the new folders showing in Loopcloud must have been created before I installed 6. Very disappointing from a company I have had a lot of time for. I don't use loops enough to justify a subscription so will have to swap to another sample manager - a shame as I almost knew what I was doing in Loopcloud ?
  17. I hadn't noticed that. I updated to 6 a while back and thought I'd added libraries since then but not sure. Will investigate further when I have time. I'll certainly hold back on latest update!
  18. Now my comment makes no sense ? But no change there ?
  19. All of the LABS instruments are free - there are some real belters in there! ?
  20. Do these work on all versions of Vital? I just have the free version
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