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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. If I didn't already have Garritan & Miroslav (the latter via TS Max 2) I may have been pulled too!
  2. Spot on - I have had so much help over the years and there are many great people here. I tend to be at the free budget end of the market but mainly because I can only devote a small amount of time to music making so significant investment would be out of scale with my efforts. There is just so much great free / low cost stuff around that combined with my major purchases of ST TS Max 2, Garritan Personal Orchestra and Reason 10 I have far more than I need (though I still have free GAS!)
  3. Great idea - I'll try to remember to post my recommendations tomorrow!
  4. Nowt - as we say in Yorkshire ? Though I did get Syntronik CS at a good Yorkshire price!
  5. Yeah I just assumed that it would pick it up under the ST3 folder - IK works in mysterious ways ? Hard to complain though as Syntronik CS is an excellent freebie!
  6. It appears that if you copy Syntronik 2 files to a subfolder of your ST3 folder as I did you have to specifically identify that sub folder in your sounds path - neither Syntronik 2 nor ST4 picked it up when I just rescanned the ST3 folder. I've rescanned Syntronik 2 and now that works ok - just waiting for ST4 to complete the rescan......
  7. Ah good point about removing ST4 reference to the C drive folder if moving samples - I'd just moved the Syntronik 2 sounds over to my data drive and rescanned Syntronik 2 but forgot to do it on ST4 - thanks!
  8. Thanks for the quick response Pete - I'd scrolled back to your earlier reply on this and was in the process of doing the restore my purchases operation when you replied. Once I'd navigated to the newest version of Custom Shop this seemed to work ? Seems a very strange glitch though!
  9. Having installed Syntronik 2 it seems to have wiped out my authorisations for all my ST3 and 4 instruments - did anyone find the best way to solve this? It seems unbelievable that installing a totally separate programme / VST would do this - a serious problem at IK's end! @Peter - IK Multimedia do you have latest advice on this please?
  10. Thanks - assumed so but thought I'd better check! ?
  11. That's even worse than full Kontakt ?
  12. Can I download Syntronik 2 CS and its sounds and run alongside the original Syntronik without any VST or sound file overwrites?- don't want to mess anything up!
  13. Bear in mind that unless you are on a subscription do not update to latest version of Loopcloud as it does not scan your personal sample folders (unless things have changed recently?). Fortunately I found this out before updating!
  14. I can hardly justify what I've already got ;-)
  15. As if the world hasn't suffered enough already ?
  16. @bitflipper - Just caught up with the thread again - so pleased you've found a new bass player - hope all goes well!
  17. You need to get out more ?
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