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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. Mike's video giving a brief overview of new features
  2. Mmm - to be fair he was comparing the strengths and weaknesses of each DAW and on balance he did consider Studio 1 to have a slightly better workflow overall. However IMO he has never 'lured' anyone away and in fact his Cakewalk group on Facebook is ever growing (full disclosure I'm a mod there). In the video he has been quite upfront about his reasoning, including the commercial aspect, and I, along with many others - judging by the 1.6k subscribers who have signed up (in a day) am glad that he will continue to provide new videos related to Cakewalk / Sonar.
  3. Thanks - I do seem to recall that it was a little later being released now that you mention it!
  4. Just checked in my Ableton account to see if Live Lite 12 is there yet. Still just showing Live 11 Lite - does anyone know if they are making a Lite version of 12. I don't use Live enough to justify the cost of the Intro version
  5. I'm still waiting forWin 11 H2 23 No idea why I'm not getting offered it in Windows Update though I suspect I'm not the only one. I did wonder if there's a compatibility issue with my Roland APro 800 controller driver but nothing on the Roland site. Hopefully it will get to me before H2 22 is out of support.
  6. Do you mean Bandlab or Cakewalk by Bandlab? This is primarily a forum for CbB users so you may find more help elsewhere if you need advice on Bandlab
  7. yes - an excellent upgrade to the downloader system
  8. Odd - I got it fine. Maybe because I'm in UK?
  9. I sneaked in - sorry! Your post is far more informative though! I'm only practicing for beating Larry with something! ?
  10. Can't say it grabs me but here it is! https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/super-meat-boy-forever
  11. Has anyone watched these - wondering if they are worth investing some time in?
  12. As others have said there are lots of excellent video tutorials available on YouTube - the links already posted to Creative Sauce's (Mike Enjo) and John Vere's series are a great place to start. Watch these - and watch them again ? - and you'll be well on your way. You'll always find friendly advice here and if you are on Facebook you might want to join this group (full disclosure I am a mod there!) for more friendly CbB related discourse! https://www.facebook.com/groups/4529701167094391
  13. Happy birthday - even if it isn't by now! ?
  14. Glad I missed the excitement! Edit - just seen them now! What a PIA!
  15. Thanks - I was just this very moment wondering whether we were going to get one this month!
  16. Welcome back @cclarry!
  17. Apologies I missed that! I got too excited thinking I may be able to help rather than asking for it! ?
  18. A very long shot but do you have the AIR VST's on a disc different from your system disc. I ran into problems and contacted support a few years ago and the told me to move the VSTs to my C drive and they worked fine after that - including installing on a new PC. It looks like your problem is different but thought I should mention this!
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