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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. Hi all - I've tried to log in to Native Access and Native's website but it neither are accepting my login details - also when I request a new password it doesn't work Does anyone know if their website is down? edit - it seems that it is as others on NI forum having problems
  2. I don't think insulting developers is the way to go. Most people manage to produce music using the various DAWs that are available. Take a breath and start again - otherwise use offline hardware methods but that will come at a cost and limited flexibility
  3. He is - on his three YouTube channels dedicated to Cakewalk/ Sonar, Studio One and music production more generally
  4. As a moderator there I can say it's a very friendly group and we rarely have any trouble. Just like this place ?
  5. You really don't need to worry about the limited number of virtual instruments as there are hundreds available for free on the web - many very, very good ones that give some paid ones a run for their money! There are threads in the Instruments & Effects forum which list many of the free VSTs
  6. Thanks both. I'll try the MS Forum. My only concern about not having 23H2 is that it will go out of support at some stage. If I haven't been offered it by the time it does go out of support I'll have to do a manual update
  7. I'm using the free version of Macrium and like it. Shame they're not supporting it any longer
  8. Hi all - I am not being prompted by the Windows Update service to update to Window 11 H2 2023 even though it has been out since November. I know MS rolls out installations but I would have though I should have got it by now - I have it on my laptop. I don't have any strange devices attached (I gather drivers can cause issues) just a Canon printer, Logitech wireless keyboard & mouse & Roland Apro 800 controller Is anyone else still waiting? H2 2022 isn't out of security updates yet but it does seem odd to be waiting this long. I know I could install manually but a bit worried in case that goes t*ts up! Spec : 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700 2.10 GHz , 32Gb RAM 2 internal Samsung SSDs & 2 external Samsung SSDs
  9. @Wookiee your criticism of John, who has been very helpful to Cakewalk & Sonar users,over the years, including me in my early days, appears most unfair.
  10. I should have known Larry would have beaten me - I just posted the same in the Cakewalk sub forum! Still there will be a few people there who don't look here and a lot more who look here but don't look there ?
  11. Mike's video giving a brief overview of new features
  12. Mmm - to be fair he was comparing the strengths and weaknesses of each DAW and on balance he did consider Studio 1 to have a slightly better workflow overall. However IMO he has never 'lured' anyone away and in fact his Cakewalk group on Facebook is ever growing (full disclosure I'm a mod there). In the video he has been quite upfront about his reasoning, including the commercial aspect, and I, along with many others - judging by the 1.6k subscribers who have signed up (in a day) am glad that he will continue to provide new videos related to Cakewalk / Sonar.
  13. Thanks - I do seem to recall that it was a little later being released now that you mention it!
  14. Just checked in my Ableton account to see if Live Lite 12 is there yet. Still just showing Live 11 Lite - does anyone know if they are making a Lite version of 12. I don't use Live enough to justify the cost of the Intro version
  15. I'm still waiting forWin 11 H2 23 No idea why I'm not getting offered it in Windows Update though I suspect I'm not the only one. I did wonder if there's a compatibility issue with my Roland APro 800 controller driver but nothing on the Roland site. Hopefully it will get to me before H2 22 is out of support.
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