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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. Just now, cclarry said:

    If you don't have Paypal, a "Credit Card" option should pop up when you get there...

    In the past I've bought using Paypal, but this time I wanted to use my CC and didn't get that option. 

  2. 6 hours ago, TheSteven said:

    Quit trying to trim your toenails with that pigsticker and commit.  You know that it's what you need to push that RiverDance infused Polka Ballad that you've been secretly working on since high school to completion! 

    Not sure how you found this out, but it's true and was hoping to release with the right vocal treatment (doing the installment plan). BTW, it's a RiverDance infused Black Metal Polka Ballad with a splash of Reggae to be precise. Just keep a lookout in the Songs Forum.

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