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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 11:12 AM, Grem said:

    Grab it while it's hot!! Some of the best sounding rev I got. It just works magic on Vocals. Especially female.

    I've been meaning to get this and seen a lot of your posts recommending this....thanks Grem!


    ....and now it's all


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  2. I tried a few times to pay via CC but keep getting this message:


    "We are experiencing issues connecting to our payments provider.

    You have not been charged. Please check your internet connection and try again."



    Anyone else experiencing this?

    UPDATE: It worked fine from my phone.

    Got the Emperor, Hell Beast, Discharge Amp Pack, and Hidden Gems Amp Pack.





  3. Not sure if this will be a solution for me, but using my Focusrite 2i4 (1st gen) is giving me constant drop outs (on playback/tracking) and everso-slight latency (which drives me nuts) using my amp sims. Will read a bit more on ODeus and see if this will solve my issue. Appreciate you posting this Mark.



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