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Posts posted by Mesh

  1. 1 hour ago, craigb said:

    Start a new sub-genre of mono-only music? 😉😀

    Ok, on to the next "real" answer.  You should be able to unscrew the shield around the TRS.  Look to see if maybe the cable to the right channel (typically the ring) has broken.  Then you can get it soldered back on (or take it somewhere to have them do it).  Worst case, take it to an electronics repair place and have them replace the entire cable.



    My issue with some of my older headphones isn't cable related, but the earpiece covers have all aged and are crumbling.  I wore one set and ended up with dozens of small black pieces stuck to my head afterwards - *bleh!*  On some you can actually order replacement ear cushions and covers but mine, like yours, are discontinued so good luck with that!

    I don't think it's the cable as my 750's came with an extra cable (which is brand new) and that also played only in mono. I think it's inside the right channel speaker itself where something has disconnected. I probably will have to take it to an electronics repair shop....

    I've tried to listen to music in mono and it totally put me off.....I don't even want to think about plugging in the guitar. There goes that sub-genre... :/

    Appreciate all tips and advice....sure does help.  

  2. Update: I tried using the Wetordry sandpaper and it didn't work. Then I tried my old Line6 Toneport DI box and got the same problem with only the left channel working. I also switched the cable on my Ultrasone 750 H-phones.....same result (only left channel). So, it's NOT my Focusrite box that causing this and seems to be within the right channel on the headphones.

    Will try to open it up and see if something needs to be soldiered. I love these headphones (even though they're discontinued) and would hate to replace them....hopefully, there's a fix for it. :( 

  3. 11 minutes ago, synkrotron said:

    Hi Mesh :)

    Can you not borrow some headphones with a quarter jack just to make sure that it is your headphones are broken?


    Or have you tried your headphones in another device? I t could be the socket on your focusrite...

    Hi Andy 🙂,

    Yeah I'm looking for another pair of headphones to test this and thanks for the good tips.

    Hope all is well with you.


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  4. 9 minutes ago, cclarry said:

    Since the Instrument is only on one side of your 2i4, and the inputs are "Left" and "Right", you need to either make sure
    you are using it on a Mono Track, or that you turn the interleave on, which will get you output on both left and right.

    Hi Lars,

    I'm just using A4 in standalone mode and I think it's the input jack on my headphones that's having the issue. I've been using the 2i4 for years now without much problems, but the headphone jack has been a bit flaky (having to manually adjust it to get rid of static noises/getting it to be in stereo etc...). I'm wondering if I changed the cable on my Ultrasone 750's might solve this or it might be the 2i4 h-phone jack itself.

  5. Hi Bill, good to see you too....wish I can access this place during work hours, but can't on IE.

    I'm hoping I don't have to get new headphones.....I love my Ultrasone 750's (they don't make em anymore). I can remove the cable and try replacing that. 

    How have you been?

    Nice sunburst addition you got there!! That's a dream for me.... 


  6. Thanks Mr. Fleer!!

    I went ahead and got more GC using jampoints as well. So far I really like FC2....trying to sort out my 2i4 playing only on the left channel, but still sounds good.

    Miss hanging out with you guys (during my work hours)......BL hasn't found/given a solution to logging in from IE.   😭


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  7. On headphones, my Focusrite 2i4 (1st generation) is only playing through the left side. Of note, I've generally had to manually move the headphone jack slightly (could hear a little static noises doing so) to get it in stereo and it stays in stereo after that. Now, nothing has worked. It works in stereo on my main monitors, but I primarily use the headphones. 

    Any tips on fixing this or would I need to buy a new interface?

  8. 4 hours ago, ZincT said:

    Hey TS, I just had an email from Overloud with upgrade pricing from full TH3 to TH-U -->

    Until Feb 28th the intro pricing is €49 or $59 (after the intro pricing it will be €89 or $99).

    I will definitely be doing the upgrade which is around 43 GBP currently.

    Thanks for the original post HS.

    That's a very reasonable price ZT, and I'm definitely with you on this. 👍 

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