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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. So, Zinc only owes you $4? Nice
  2. I'm having a tough time releasing a 'song' let alone an album.
  3. 12 is correct if you're a fan of Iron Maiden.
  4. I also love cinematic sounds. Tranzform sounds fantastic and will be checking out the others as well. Any recommendations Mr. Fleer?
  5. Just FYI.....Version 4.5.2 is actual the latest NagBap release. Those of you whom have worked with him, will know what I mean.
  6. Oh yes they do....got mine for 40% off 2 weeks ago.
  7. Something like this....
  8. Oh oh....this is not looking good (for my wallet). I wish these guys like Ola would show what they use from the input stage with whatever he used to get the initial tone, and THEN add the Ignite Libra to his sound. His tones all sound great even without Libra as it's a well mixed track. When you hear this you just want to buy it, but I don't get anywhere near this straight out of the box (even with a little/lot of tweaking).....Of course, that's not going to hold me back in getting this.
  9. Thanks Zinc, will get it and check it out. For pads/atmosphere etc...I still use Alchemy often and love it. However, I'm going to ignore that comment on "reading the manual".
  10. I'm trying to read between the lines, butt haven't cracked the code yet....
  11. Ain't nobody knows what that means
  12. Don't be so pedantic monkey boy....yew know it hertz my head.
  13. Well, some of us were naturally gifted with the "after" stage. Just to keep things balanced, Slip will join us shortly with the women's "Before and After Before" photo's.
  14. Good morning gents!! I'm guessing all the ladies are in the Deals forum?
  15. Looks like I've been on the dark side all this time...
  16. I have Shevannai and it's very, very, very good....all of Eduardo's libraries are simply top notch (the man's a musical genius). These libraries don't go on sale very often (possibly twice a year) and this BOGO is a great deal.
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