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Everything posted by fret_man

  1. Thank you for the suggestion, but that didn't work for me. Gonna switch over to MSEdge. Then I'll move over to my laptop. I think they changed the samples. I'm only hearing 2 out of 6 that I believe are clearly the Reed200. I used to clearly hear all 3.
  2. It seems to allow 2 guesses per browser.
  3. I did an impulse buy on this, forgetting it uses iLok, which I don't want to get involved in. I have not downloaded or activated anything. Anyone want to buy it from me for $25? Please PM me.
  4. Indiginus is good, too. Orange Tree is a little long in the tooth. But I really like Amplesound's GUI.
  5. Riff Generations still seems a little steep. Is it that much better than Scalar 2?
  6. $42 upgrade from RX8 Standard via JRRshop. I'm in.
  7. https://www.waves.com/v13?utm_source=wnletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=v13-release-b-mix-oct-2021 The DEAL is you get $20 voucher for your next purchase of $50 or more. Highlights include: New: APPLE M1 COMPATIBILITY Native M1 Compatibility with ARM Silicon computers. See full list of supported DAWs New: WINDOWS 11 COMPATIBILITY Compatibility for all DAWs providing Windows 11 support New: HiDPI GRAPHICS FOR SELECT PLUGINS Scheps Omni Channel, Abbey Road RS124 and Kaleidoscopes now with ultra-sharp HiDPI GUIs New: ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS Ongoing improvements, bug fixes, and additional updates. See full list of updates https://www.waves.com/downloads/release-notes
  8. Hmmm, I guessed wrong the 1st time, then after reading this I heard 3 with the scratchy artifacts but it still says I guessed wrong. Does it know I already played and lost? Do I need to delete my cookies?
  9. How did he coax harmonics out of those dead old strings?
  10. M-TRON PRO - ALL EXPANSIONS BUNDLE The 'All M-Tron Pro® Expansion Packs' bundle includes all 11 Expansion Packs (8 x Streetly Tapes, OrchesTron, ChamberTron and OptiTron) offering M-Tron Pro owners the largest, most comprehensive and authentic digital collection of carefully curated 'Tron sounds in the market. This is the ultimate upgrade for M-Tron Pro owners adding 7.5GB+ to the sound library with 275+ tape banks, 1000+ presets and instant classic vibes for your productions. The ‘All M-Tron Pro Expansion Packs’ for M-Tron Pro® is available now with an additional £30 OFF until Tuesday 12th October, 2021
  11. NEXT STEPS FROM LABS 72 HOURS ONLY SAVE 40% ON YOUR FIRST SPITFIRE AUDIO LIBRARY* USE CODE LABSFIRST40 AT CHECKOUT Take your music whole new places with your first Spitfire Audio library. Recorded in the same studios as major Hollywood film scores, Spitfire Audio libraries offer unparalleled inspiration, expression and control. *Exceptions apply.
  12. SampleTekk's Summer Sale with a 80% discount on all our samples has just ended! As a customer to SampleTekk, you will have a chance to get something you missed during the summer sale at a 90% discount! To get your 90% discount, just write "postsummer", (without the ""), in the shopping carts coupon field and hit apply. (All prices in store are regular, discount will be reduced when applying the code). This offer ends Sunday, October 26 Check it out at SampleTekk
  13. Thanks, everyone. I'll probably wait and get the IK version when I upgrade to Total Studio Max 4, whenever that will be. In the meantime, I'll get the Indiginus version this BF (if it's on sale). IK's GUI just seems a little, um, odd, to me. Don't know why exactly.
  14. Oh, good. The pops are gone now. This is mine.
  15. Thanks, I just posted this on the forum. I hear this very clearly in the walkthru video while he's showing us the staccato and tremolo articulations and will be surprised if no one else brings this up. Surely it's not just me.
  16. Hmmm, in the Walkthru video I hear pops in the staccato and tremolo articulations. That's disappointing! I want to like this. Listening again.... Wow, it's really annoying....
  17. I sent an email to Indiginus to explain the difference between their Resonator and IK's Resonator (since it also comes from Indiginus) but they never responded. Does anyone here know what the differences are? Is it just the GUI? Do they both use the same sound set? Do they both have access to the same articulations? Thanks,
  18. I'm seeing 6 soundbanks for $48 to complete my Chromaphone collection. Done...
  19. Any relationship with Garriton's Aria Player? Not too impressed with that, but I may not know how to use it properly.
  20. Guys, guys, guys, hardware is expensive. Those pedals have to be pretty heavy-duty and monkey-proof (and beer-proof) to be any good. Guitar pedals are expensive. These are really a pretty good deal in the scheme of things. Who cares if there's a processor inside or a bunch of analog circuits if the function/capabilities are useful? Many of those flexible delay pedals are processors running software . Without the embedded processing, there are many pedals that wouldn't exist. I'm convinced some of you just like to complain...
  21. Their in-depth walkthrough sounds pretty good to me. Sounds like it has all the folksy articulations I'm looking for with easy accessibility. 1/2 price for another 3 days.
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