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Everything posted by RexRed

  1. How do E-cores work with the new Cakewalk Sonar? I currently have an Intel Core i9-10980XE which is 18 cores, 36 threads. These cores are only 4.8ghz unlocked and I do not overclock them. Contrast that with Intel Core i9-13900K Desktop Processor 24 cores (8 P-cores + 16 E-cores) 36M Cache, up to 5.8 GHz Granted the E-cores are smaller and have less power but my songs rarely ever light up the entire array of cores I have right now. Sometimes they focus too much towards one core. And I would assume the E-cores would be great for load balancing. Also this processor runs at PCIE 5.0 and uses DDR5 ram. I would think the 20 PCIE 5.0 lanes would easily rival the 44 PCIE 3.0 lanes I currently have. Even with only 8 (hyperthreaded) cores I would think it would easily beat the performance of my 36 thread processor running at PCIE 3.0. Anyone know if Cakewalk Sonar is optimized to make good use of E-cores? Windows 11 sure is and it would probably break up tasks for Cakewalk if possible, including, making higher speeds available for M.2 devices. Is anyone using processors with E-cores for Cakewalk? What is your performance like? Any stutters and is the performance stable? I need performance cores for rendering 3d art as they can help the graphics card, as well as the PCIE 5.0. I would think with this kind of throughput and power that Cakewalk "Sonar" would have no problem running massive loads with barely pushing the cores up in the perf chart. 1 PCIE 3.0 lane can handle 1 GB of transfer. So that would mean, 44 lanes would handle 44 GB of transfer. While PCIE 5.0 one lane can handle 64 GB of transfer. That one lane is faster than my entire 44 lane bus at 3.0 speed. Thanks in advance for any help on this topic.
  2. I have all of the old stuff and I have the latest collectors edition of NI and nearly every other synth and sound pack in the world and I still use Dimension Pro in nearly every song. I had to install all of my old versions of Cakewalk a while back to get the old synths, Rapture and Dimension and effects etc.. I have not had Cakewalk crash on me yet. And I love the new graphics! So much easier on my eyes, once they adjusted to the new look. My eyes do not need to work as hard and it is better just getting all of the graphics glut out of the stream. Kudos to the graphics team! I am not there for the graphics anyway, but for the music alone.
  3. Yay Tom! I updated my license for Vocal Rider and now I am V14. and it displays perfectly! You are a big help, thanks very much for the info! Best to you all and thanks for your input! ?
  4. It was already clicked and I unclicked it and this happened. I restarted Cakewalk and still the same. I could possibly upgrade my Vocal Rider with Waves but I fear they have not upgraded the interface graphics. It is usable and still works but it is tiny and bothersome. Waves wants 17 dollars on the perchance that they might update Vocal Rider in the next year. I think I'll wait.
  5. I assume the new graphics are built on a new engine and will be able to be fancied up over time. I am amazed at how much Cakewalk has stayed the same in the switch from Bandlab to Sonar. Every single parameter got ported over! I am wondering about this though. Vocal Rider appears as a tiny window up in the corner of the screen. How do I fix that? Most of my other plugins seem fine but I have not tested them yet. The new graphics are a bit hard to see. I have 2 x 3090 Nvidia graphics cards so a bit more in the graphics might have been good but I figure in time this can come. No problem so far and I will get used to it. Maybe the streamlined graphics are actually easier to work with and the dark theme has better contrast. It is sharper! This might actually lead to less eye strain. I also assume less graphics overall mean MUCH better latency. And latency is, EVERYTHING! I like it a lot!
  6. Where is the new Cakewalk Sonar? I don't want a beta, and I don't want to sign up for other websites. I just want a page fully dedicated to subscribing to or buying the new Sonar... Please keep me informed. Thx ?
  7. RexRed

    A Reason for Love

    I know I know, sometimes my songs start to all sound the same. But they still take a lot of time to make them regardless of some of their similarity to one another. I hope they have some redeeming quality that makes them shine on their own merit. One thing I realized in making this song is, sometimes love needs no reason at all... Lots of love to you awesome Cakewalk peeps! RexRed ❤️
  8. I will not own Behringer products because they refuse to offer block diagrams (schematics) for them. Search the internet forums far and wide and they are non-existent. I end up pushing buttons all over the unit hoping to get a signal out. They advertise the Behringer U-Phoria UMC1820 as 8 ins and 8 outs but in reality it is only stereo out to the PC. Maybe this is why they don't want the schematics out there in the wild. I found one partial schematic scribbled in someone's handwriting. A unit with 8 actual inputs into your PC will cost over 1000 dollars. RME is the way to go. Behringer tech support told me, "We only give schematics and block diagrams to our partners." But not the consumers of your products, the people who actually need to know how to run the product? I have 2 Behringer U-Phoria UMC1820s that have sat in a junk drawer since the day I bought them. They are for sale for $50 each (plus shipping) I got ripped off and deceived by Behringer, never again. I got the wrong thing too and I am stuck with them. As for the sound quality of the Behringers, "unremarkable". I only kept them because I don't like to return stuff I used. If given the choice again they would go right back. My Zoom UAC-232 blows the doors off the Behringers, wide open.
  9. I just ordered the bottom one, the old version of the bottom one I have and it is only wireless (no Bluetooth). That works well for Cakewalk on my PC but I plan to use the Bluetooth bottom one to send commands to a teleprompter app "elegant teleprompter" And pair that up with the Neewer Teleprompter shroud and glass and the Airturn DUO 500 foot pedal. These mini keyboards do work well to remotely control open apps on tablets. Just got the RME remote app up and running on the latest 1 TB IPad pro. As for fanless PCs, about a year ago I knocked a hole in the wall and all of my PCs are in the other room, I run long USB/HDMI cables through, my studio is perfectly silent now. First time in years. I have at least 20 wires going through the hole in the wall. (Still recording in Cakewalk with the Zoom 32 bit) I use the RME Fireface UCX II for Windows multiple inputs and patching broadcast signals to a secondary PC with OBS. I run the Zoom 32 direct hardware inputs into the RME Fireface.
  10. A piece of gear that I thought might be of interest to some people. First, I am not affiliated or benefit from passing this piece of knowledge on to you. My YouTube Channel, @midimakertv https://www.amazon.com/Rii-Bluetooth-Keyboard-Smartphones-Mac-Black-dp-B07T13GLY3/dp/B07T13GLY3/ref=dp_ob_title_ce When would this come in handy? Well, you know when you drag your synth/keyboard controller out of the closet and and place it on your computer desktop and it takes up all the room there? And, you are not sure where to put your mouse and keyboard because the controller is taking up all the room? Well this thing is about the size of a large cell phone and it is both wireless or Bluetooth. VERY responsive and you can even use it remotely from across the room not tethered by a wire. I was using Touchdaw on my tablet but even my tablet it too big for the little bit of space in front of my keyboard controller on my desktop. Most of the time I just need the spacebar and the w key. I keep this thing plugged in and charging on my desktop now all the time. You can see it in dimly lit environments as well. I believe the "upgraded" version has USB C but I am not certain of that because I own the older model of this device. I hope this is helpful! This is the one I own (which may be discontinued but this is even smaller and very well made) The size of a smaller cell phone and mine is mini USB with no Bluetooth and uses a USB A wireless dongle. I just found this: https://www.amazon.com/Rii-Bluetooth-Keyboard-Lightweight-Compatible/dp/B0BML42L6X/ref=sr_1_1 This is the one I would recommend purchasing. V6
  11. 2 Zoom UAC-232 32 bit audio interfaces simultaneously in Cakewalk? I recall being told that Cakewalk will use two audio interfaces at once if they are the same brand... I believe someone mentioned that Scarlett brand audio interface will allow this. Is that still true? And if it is true, or if it is true for some interfaces... Does anyone know if I can get Cakewalk to recognize two 32 bit Zoom audio interfaces at once? This would be a huge game changer... Google AI said this: In general, you can't use more than one audio interface at once in Cakewalk due to technical restrictions. However, you can use interfaces that have an ADAT input as an exception. You can also use multiple smaller interfaces together by connecting them to your computer with a multi-port USB adapter and creating an Aggregate Device. And this was also in Google: You can if you use a common word-clock. But your interfaces need the facility to act as a clock master or slave, and have the appropriate interfaces. You need to designate one interface as your clock master and every other interface needs to slave to that. Comment: I assume these options come with added latency?
  12. Hello Cakewalk Peeps! The final version of this song was just uploaded to the link above a few minutes ago. I may go in and tweak a few things before it is published. There is about a day window for changes to be made. As for the suggestion of not using "fake guitars". I have given that some thought and I am considering making some changes. I cannot promise I will not use fake guitars in the future. But, I am considering not using song loops that I build some of my songs on. I have decided that it is time I make all of my own songs from scratch. It is not because the song loops do not make good songs, but because the copyright holders have become more aggressive in the last few years. They will take ALL monetization for your lyrics, vocals, melodies and instrumentation just because a minuscule song loop that you bought from them was used as an ingredient of the song. I am a musician and it is time I make my OWN music. If I were not an instrumentalist along with being a singer and lyricist I would reconsider using their song loops. For now, "instrument samples" seem safe to use. But song loops are not worth the hassle. This song, "Beautiful Beautiful" has no song loops in it, only VST instruments (fake guitars) which are still "royalty free" once you buy the VST you own the music created by it (at least for now). Let me know your thoughts. Best RexRed ? (I am not referring to samples like Splice.com I am referring to samples like song samples (about a minute long) and stems that you buy as a subscription. There are always strings attached. Those strings are they take all of the income other than a single YouTube channel. The song becomes locked forever in their grasp because of a sample that you paid them for.)
  13. I am hoping when I add solo instruments and a few other instruments that the guitar will be less noticeable. ? I will let you know when I have updated the song.
  14. All of the instruments are "fake" other than my voice, even my voice is fake, it is not actually me singing "live" in a room, it is a recording of me. That is the nature of VST "instruments". Unfortunately, I am not as good a guitarist as the fake VST guitar arpeggiator. The cello is fake, the bass is fake, and the other instruments I will be adding are fake as well. Hopefully they will augment one another and create the illusion of realism. Maybe someday I will have Nashville instrumentalists to make my music for me. ?
  15. Still a work in progress, suggestions welcome. ? Thanks for listening! ??? RexRed
  16. RexRed

    Let Love In

    Hey awesome Cakewalk peeps! Here is my first song I have recorded after recovering from Covid. I am better now, fully recovered and ready to make more music! Comments and critiques welcome. Love to you always and forever on! ??? RexRed
  17. I work in a program called Daz Studio and for many years I just used the program with stock settings. Recently I found a video that goes into the Nvidia control panel settings and give Daz Studio full access to many of the Windows system resources. There were actually about 20 or more parameters that needed to be changed to allow Daz Studio in particular to take full advantage of the graphics hardware. I am thinking that Cakewalk needs this too. Not only to give full access to the graphical interface in Cakewalk but also my RME Fireface UCX II would also benefit from going deep into the driver and maximizing priority settings for the many resources Cakewalk sound is utilizing in particular. It would be nice if someone who knows a whole lot about this would make a video or PDF/HTML page, "Optimizing Cakewalk" so we can get the most out of using Cakewalk and so Windows would give full control to Cakewalk in regards to priority and utilizing full system resources. If there is already such a resource, please link to it in the replies. Thanks.
  18. RexRed

    With You

    Hello awesome Cakewalk peeps! New tune here, critiques welcome. All the best to you! RexRed ??
  19. New music awesome Cakewalk peeps! Let me know if it needs something more or something taken away! ? All the best to you! ? RexRed
  20. RexRed

    Love is Real

    Wow, thanks peeps for the awesome feedback and compliments. This song, the lyrics seem to have deeper implications that spoke to a part of me that desires to reach back into antiquity and embody romance at its greatest pinnacle. Back when civilization was just beginning and when mythology was perhaps, actually true (for the most part). Not all songs of mine do this to me. I like that it has generated some interest, it reflects the caliber of artists here on this forum, and that we may all share an ethereal philosophical connection that spans eons of time. Music inspires us. All the best to you! I hope to bring more of this kind of genre to light. ✨?
  21. RexRed

    Love is Real

    Wondering if this song needs more. Let me know your thoughts peeps. ? All the best to you! ❤️❤️❤️
  22. I just uploaded the final version of this song. I have a flamboyant style and I add the falsetto because, well, I am gay and my songs I edit to gay romance films. My fans expect the falsetto as a signature of pride and identity. So it may seem out of place if you are expecting this to be in a "straight" romance. But, in a gay romance that falsetto fits perfectly right in and signifies the spirit of the effort. ? This video will premiere tomorrow morning. ?
  23. RexRed

    Be All You Can Be

    Encouraging and uplifting message, great song Jack. ?
  24. New tune awesome Cakewalk peeps! Let me know your thoughts! Lots of love, best to you! ? RexRed
  25. RexRed

    Come Away with Me

    Thank you Jack for the Merry Christmas and lovely compliment on my song! Best to you in the New Year! ??? This song was very difficult to make. At one point I had nearly 50 tracks all going at the same time and I had to figure out which tracks play at what time. It was a soup of sound with everything from the refrigerator in it. I had to slim it down and my ears got tired and I almost gave up. The Oohs and Ahhs helped me to nail down the song. I tried about 100 different pads in the song and hundreds of different congas and bongo samples till I found the right one. I tried several basses and then settled on a bass that I use in most of my songs. The vocals were sung "very" close to the mic with no windscreen so it would be "intimate". There are percussion sounds for bass and snare that took many tries to find the right samples. The wind sound is an arctic wind (the best wind sound I think). Even though the wind is from a cold place it sounds dry and warm. The cello solo is a Stradivari cello. I hope this synopsis of the song is helpful. ?
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