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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. Well, not to be all negative, the deleting of the folders DID work so the issue is solved. I believe it were some temporary folders/files which gets recreated upon launching the application. But still. Not updating. It cost me a lot of time and stress.
  2. I have this whole system (derived from Baphometrix's Clip to zero system, check youtube!). For drums and other transient oriented sounds I start with KClip by Kazrog. Very light on CPU, easy to use and very transparant. Just dial in the clipping up until it is noticeable with output/input linked. When you find the sweetspot, unlink them en adjust output back to 12 o clock. Free loudness! On melodic stuff I start with DMG Tracklimit (also very light) and replace it with Newfangled Audio Saturate on mixdown. On summing points it depends on what material is being summed. BOZ Big Clipper is a very good candidate and is used a lot. On the master I do multiple stages of clipping, depending on the project, but mostly StandardCLIP and Acustica Audio Gainstation. So, short answer, it depends on the sounds and the project.
  3. I'm holding off on the NI updates because the last Kontakt update broke it (is disappeared as a vst and standalone crashes instantly). They admitted it but suggested some trickery with deleting folders instead of fixing the bug.
  4. This is actually a good point. Clippers aren't really useful for 1 or 2 big clips. You get the most (in terms of clean!! loudness) if you place clippers all over your project. Every channel, every bus, every other summing point, every send and (multiple on) the master. Which comes down to a lot of clippers. My empty template (which has just the categories, sends and busses) has around 20. Which can easily double or triple. Granted, a lot (at least every melodic channel or bus) are ultimately replaced with limiters, but initially I use clippers. So what happens when this eats 5% CPU?
  5. The Gojira is something else. I used it as an insert on a Roland SE-02 and oh boy...
  6. I have this, like the sounds very much and this topic triggered me to make something with it. Well, turns out my entire Kontakt doesn't work anymore. Standalone doesn't load, VST doesn't even show up in my DAW. WTF ?
  7. From what I could remember you can select the product you want in the installer, it does not install anything you don't want. As far as the Codemeter thing. I believe it does, it is part of their anti-piracy / security thing. It is not a problem as in the program is not problematic. It is very light. But I have an issue with this kind of system. I like to keep my production PC as clean as possible. And the need for software to run some other software is something I'm in principle against. Also the codemeter website looks a bit dodgy. I had a flashback finding the real megaupload link amongst 30 other malware buttons and clicking away 10 porn popups before my parents saw what I was doing.
  8. https://www.ujam.com/usynth/deluxe/ Vibrant Soul Keys Luxuriate in style These organic, warm flavors breathe soul and warmth, enriched with inspiring sequences and soothing effects. From Neo Soul to RnB, from Top 50 Pop to Hip Hop – treat your tracks to comforting vibes and bliss. Usual price: $79 Intro price: $59.25 Loyalty price if you own any other Usynth product: $39.50
  9. I'm curious about this one. Anyone tried it on synth lines? And does it pick up chords / multiple notes?
  10. The world is not fair! You are drowning in sunlight and nice weather and your IK problems are gone like...snow in the sun. Where for me, I'm having the same UNO Drum issues as I had with my old PC. Support wasted a little bit of my time not reading my ticket thoroughly that I'm working in Ableton and wanting the UNO working with the VST and over MIDI/USB instead of just MIDI. Now I didn't have a lot of time the last few days to follow up on their suggestions, so I'm wasting time as well. And now I know the cause! Because this is what I woke up to this morning: And the view from my work is not bad either: I think I'm staying in this weekend to troubleshoot. Except for a nice local blues festival this sunday.
  11. Indeed, Swing sounds amazing. I use Ableton and they have an Ableton pack with a selection from Swing. I think I got it on sale for 50% off, so about €40.
  12. I've always had a weak spot for their stuff. I was hoping for Lumina though. But these sound absolutely awesome. Imo they put the fire at the heels of Spitfire and surpassing them.
  13. I'm was wondering this myself. I have it on my wishlist since forever. I watched an extensive demo yesterday, and after a while it all sounded a bit the same to me. It still sounds great and the idea is great, but going with de demos, I didn't think it justified the price. Even at 50%.
  14. Is here once again. This time it is Pure House Kick Drums. https://www.zenhiser.com/products/pure-house-kick-drums-sounds?_pos=3&_sid=b80b8d34a&_ss=r Files - Audio: 180 Type - Audio: 16-Bit 44.1-Khz Info - Key: No Info - Bpm: No Zip Size: 7 MB
  15. At least this topic reminded me of using Rhythmiq. Clicketypop aaaaaand I have a cool beat ?
  16. Great! Get all those SSL plugins.
  17. I was looking at that one, but I figured it added nothing really when I have Kontakt libraries like the Vocalise ones from Heavyocity, Mosaic voices, Output Exhale, etc. I went for the Apache Flute. I don't have something like that.
  18. https://newnationllc.com/ Choose any $14 plugin and use code: VST4FREE You do have to create an account with them first to order.
  19. This is bad practice. So having the installers and the serials is not enough. I hope they fix this soon. But I can read a little bit of corporate lingo, and repeating the same generalized message often means "we cannot fix the situation".
  20. I just have their 'boring' plugins, gooddither and canopener. I don't have them activated all the time (depends on the situation of course), but they are a standard on my master bus.
  21. Seems I changed PC's just in time. I did this early january and I could re-install and activate Rythmiq, Regroover and Beatformer just fine. Seems that if was just a couple of months later, I would have lost them? I'm not sure, but is the issue that you get some kind of error when you enter your serial? I still have my serials in my mail (and I save them in a txt file on my PC as well together with the latest install file).
  22. I already have the Diamond lift and can definitely recommend it. I use it all the time on busses and the master.
  23. Funny thing is, I think I got one the ERA5 plugins as a freebie somewhere. And now I've got the entire ERA6 bundle. for free. Nice one.
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