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Nick Blanc

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Everything posted by Nick Blanc

  1. We are slowly getting the hang of this. We keep practicing and making music. Everytime we learn something new. And everytime we make something awesome. We're both very happy with how this one turned out. On to the next!
  2. It always baffles me how they come up with these prices. €999.95 €74.97. Yeah right, a thousand bucks for a couple of plugins πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«. For just 200-300 more you can get the hardware unit secondhand.
  3. Here’s the result of an afternoon of music fun. Nice analog sounds, an amazing singer and (imo) a great track.
  4. Poorly lit thumbnail, but at least the music side was fun Had a nice buildup and decided to roll with it. This is more techno-y without very clear breaks. Enjoy!
  5. Lots of reverb and (granular) fx give this jam a lot of atmosphere with all kinds of glitchy textures. A bit live playing, even 2 synths at the same time.
  6. I had the pleasure again of hosting Inge. We learned a lot since our last jam together, so we felt more comfortable vibing off eachother. And also safe enough to tell eachother when we went in a direction one of us didn't like. Result: a fun afternoon, nice music, great vocals and lots of synths.
  7. I've done it before and I'll do it again; using the Malevolent for a sharp and beautiful arp with an edge. Everything came together very nice and the Microcosm gelled some other synths together very nicely.
  8. Thank you! It was also awesome to do. I've never really made music with other people around and it is something I can recommend. The jam for this week was just me, but next week will be with her again. We recorded it yesterday and it is again very cool!
  9. I had the pleasure of hosting Inge, a local talent and friend. We had a great afternoon where we learned a lot about recording live with a singer.
  10. What would you say are the main features worth the upgrade?
  11. Just a year after part 1, we already get part 2. No free upgrade. From their email: You can get it through their website https://babyaud.io/transit where it's: I haven't checked out if the new features are worth an upgrade. But seeing I have only used part 1 a couple (literally) of times, I think I'm fine without it. Actually, this is new: I actually a bit surprised part 1 didn't have those motion modes.
  12. Haha don't worry, I'll play the calendar. Oh and sneak peak for next week, I had the pleasure of hosting a lovely singer this saterday. It came out great!!
  13. Yeah no, I'm all out of title ideas for this one πŸ˜… I figured out too late I forgot to press record on 1 camera. And I forgot to latch the arp on the Matriarch. So I decided to sample that one burst and past it a couple of times. So no, not everything is live, 98% perhaps?
  14. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/54-Vocal-Processing/13320-Topline-Vocal-Suite Your Price (Inc TAX) €218.80 List Price €439.63 🀣 πŸ˜‚ You Save €220.83 Sure, a €439 plugin. Don't sleep on this boys!
  15. €192 at Thomann. https://www.thomann.de/nl/behringer_grind.htm Available "in a couple of months". We'll see.
  16. For us harware addicts, Behringer just launched the GRIND. In the same formfactor as the Crave and Edge (and upcoming Spice). I think they only sell through their own website nowadays (or from now on, older synths are still at places like Thomann), but I haven't found a buy link yet on either. Price: $199.
  17. Perhaps sales weren't going as they hoped...
  18. I love that distorted atmosphere where certain elements have this grit they are not known for. The Matriarch for example has this lovely saturation when you fully open the mixer. The distortion on the Prophet 6 adds a lot (! be careful) of character.
  19. Don't sleep on the free Gain suite. Use it all the time.
  20. Thank you both for the comments. As a little hint of things to come, I might have a guest singer in 3 weeks...
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