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Michael Fogarty

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Everything posted by Michael Fogarty

  1. yes, it does sound like Elvis. Al has that smooth rich, almost lazy sounding tone, and the song at first was so melancholy I wasn't sure I would want to get involved. As for the rhythm, we are all country boys.
  2. hey Jack. The scratches are samples that I synced with the turntable video. The harmonica of course is real, not a VST.
  3. a song written by my friend Al Pratt. He sent me a guitar/vocal and asked my help with the arrangement/production/chords. Threw some pictures together to accompany the music.
  4. that was really good. Very warm audio wise -voice, instrumentation. Best of luck.
  5. second song I have heard from you. Like them both, but this is more my bag, not that that matters. What matters is this is nice. Especially like the piano.
  6. friendly song, upbeat, wholesome, and fun. Great arrangement.
  7. great graphics and the way you put things together. The sounds don't sound like Omnisphere. What are you using?
  8. the person you wrote this for must be happy.
  9. hey, look at all these famous chaps. Thanks for including the credits and Cakewalk names. Nice to know who played what. Is this an online collab? Who pieced it together and mixed?
  10. very nice you can say, "like father like son." He has a nice voice and feel. Mixing is good as well. Did you do the video a well?
  11. you have a great voice my friend. Nice composition as well. Looking forward to hearing more. Would love to hear it with acoustic drums and keyboards instead of a string pad. And bass eq'ed a bit. But---nice. Soothing voice but cuts through the music. which mountains (unless private.) I'm from the Smoky's.
  12. love those moms. Very nice thought.
  13. nice. Relaxing genre indeed.
  14. Thanks everyone. I passed them up. Got Wharfedale 10.1 and Onkyo 933 amp instead. (this was always about listening, not mixing.)
  15. well, I got my answer. They must not be very popular.
  16. A chap is leaving Japan to return to the States and selling these almost new with stands and hi-end cables for $240 including shipping. I don't really "need "them as I have Dynaudio BM6a, Auratones, Yamaha HS50m and others for critical listening and Epos ES11, AAD hi-fi. Do they sound good? I have the JBL LSR305's (sold them) which were a little floppy but nice to track on as no fatigue. Has anybody heard and seen these Adam's? I'm not looking for comparisons as I don't need speakers. But I love speakers.
  17. as mentioned in my post, he is a professional performer with no production skills.
  18. hello. Have a friend who uses Sonar and he asks me here and there to make drum tracks for him for his work with mentally challenged kids. He is a professional performer but no production skills. I remember once when I did some kids songs a couple of years (or more) back there were media files -hip hop, latin, 8beat, etc I could access. I don't use those in my present station, but is there a way I could download those or even he as a Sonar user could download those? Sorry I can't be more of a help but I don't even know what they were called. There were some pretty nice energetic loops for kids that followed the tempo of your project that would be perfect for this pro bono work. Thanks everybody.
  19. yes, its amazing isn't it. I set mine to time instead of amount of changes as I sometimes will track an event in event list and move it from 25 -70 one increment at at a time. Adds up quickly. edit: sorry, read the whole thread and it seems you may have other issues. Don't know how to delete a post.
  20. Thank you John. Hi. Number 1 won’t work, as I mentioned in my post, my transport won’t be running so how can I record the midi data? Number 3, they ? don’t have the same VST instruments otherwise why I am going to this trouble. Number 2 I see. That is the purpose of that “enable midi out”. Thank you. Will this work - thought of this as I woke up. Send my midi out to his midi in to a track on his computer (no triggered VST ). Send the midi out of his interface to my computer and use it like an external module. Seems the simplest. Or am I missing something (probably.) Number 2 seems like a winner.
  21. so, I am doing a session tomorrow and this is probably a simple answer but not getting my head around it. I am recording keys at a clients house. I want to trigger my sounds (VST) on my computer but he gets the midi data. My computers transport will not be running. But I will use midi out of my controller into midi in of Cakewalk. I will send him a stereo audio signal out in realtime. But how does he get the midi? If I send a midi out from my interface (Babyface) into his computer is that going to work? Will he get the data? Weird I can’t grasp this. Is midi thru what I am looking for?
  22. I wish it were true. That is the set-up I am using. The only thing that could possibly be different is that the MOTU doesn't have the actual word "Toslink" as an option. You have either internal, optical, SPDIF, or LTC. I have chosen optical. The fact it also doesn't work with the Babyface caused the Asian Presonus rep (who gave me the unit) to think that even though it shows that the DP88 is in sync, it is a hardware problem and it isn't actually syncing. It is one of the early units. But, because I know you know your stuff (and I thought I did) I will try it again at a later date. Thanks for taking the time. This is my favorite line --"As long as everything is properly functional, it has to work."
  23. Thanks for chiming in never got this working. Tried every possible combination. Presonus rep said the DP88 should be the master. Even tried using two cables, though you are not supposed to need to do that unless you are running at 192. Tried using the RME or the MOTU as the master. No go. Nothing worked. Ended up getting a DP 25 balanced connector.
  24. hey. Lock tracks? Maybe that is what I should be looking up.
  25. You know how you grab the bottom of a track and expand it to be smaller/ larger? For some reasons (and it only happens live and on my laptop) I try to grab that bottom line of the track to expand it and it won't grab. What setting is that? Does it lock? It never happens on the Busses.(why is busses not a word?)
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