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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Same boat...I don't have the Cinekinetik or Electromagnetik products...or the Resonator, and that can wait until TSM4
  2. PRODUCT UPDATES Bela D Media has created 2 product updates - Vocal Tools Quartet and V Alto Choir v2.0 If you own either product, please sign in to the subscriber section to download and update. https://www.beladmedia.com/subscriber/ Password: See Email V ALTO CHOIR 2.0 ONE Bela D Media has announced the addition of V Alto Choir v2.0 One. Bela D One Audition is an ongoing project with more products to be released over
  3. Buy this, or any Zero G Title over 20 GBP, at Time Space and get Ethera Gold Lite FREE (just add it to the cart)
  4. 50% off Individual and 70% off Collection https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/output-offer-2021/
  5. I can get Forgotten voices Francesca, Terrie, and Barbary (already have Cait) Progressive Metal Guitar, and Wind Chimes, plus the FREE Anthology Strings for exactly $98!
  6. https://audioplugin.deals/datacode-focus-techno-risers-fx/
  7. JUST $39.99 TODAY!* MATCHA-3999 Use this voucher code during checkout Offer ends August 8, 11:59 PM California Time This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional plugins you may purchase. *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/wedge_force_matcha.html
  8. 70.77 Euros https://admin.lootaudio.com/category/bundle-deals/karanyi/total-bundle-karanyi
  9. Release Notes (2021.06 Update 3) Bug Fixes in Update 3 (build In-app Google authentication not working. Projects with tracks containing embedded synths in the FX rack can hang on load if aux tracks are also present. Pressing spacebar/play fails to start project in Play List. Enhancements in Update 2 (build Added support for 'Modern Standby', a new power management feature introduced in Windows 10 build 2004. Improved handling for resuming from a sleep state in Windows. Cakewalk will additionally reload the driver if necessary, if the driver requests a restart or it stops responding. Suspend and resume are properly handled when a dialog box is open. Handle VST instruments that change output counts. If a VST instrument changes its output count, ports in projects previously saved with the instrument could become offset by the change in outputs. This could cause projects to stop playing through other virtual instruments until their instrument track inputs were reassigned. Cakewalk will now detect change in outputs on opening a project and automatically reassign ports appropriately with no user intervention required.
  10. . It contains fixes for a few user reported errors and addresses sign in problems when using Google authentication to sign in to BandLab. More info below https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/31279-current-release-202106-update-3-updated-6-aug-2021/
  11. I imagine one of the beauties of the Sub is that there is no WUP. As long as your sub is good, you stay up to date
  12. 613...at this rate we'll hit 2 free by the end of the promo!
  13. Calling all Studio One users! Please take a moment to complete this survey, if you haven't already - https://bit.ly/2V2R978 **Complete and enter your survey to be entered for your chance to win a pair of R65 AMT Studio Monitors
  14. Completely agree....they're crazy
  15. How did you do that? EDIT: I see that it offers it to you when adding to the cart
  16. I was amazed at how well Discover sounds..and it's only a few hundred Megabytes
  17. I asked 8DIO on Facebook were the new freebie was for today....NO REPLY I asked them on the Website, in chat, where the new freebie was... They said they extended the Requiem Freebie through today... Funny, no email (again) and no notice on their site of the "extension"
  18. We're celebrating summer and the addition of Joey Sturgis Drums to the JST store by having a massive sale on every drum plugin you could possibly need! Everything you need to create powerful, tight, cutting-edge and creative drum mixes is currently all in one bundle for under $100. That's an $800 savings off the original price if you purchase these one by one! Through Sunday at 11:59pm EST, get the JST Drum Production Summer Bundle for only $97 - but note this deal is gone starting Monday, so this is your heads up. $97 https://joeysturgistones.com/collections/everything/products/jst-drum-production-summer-bundle
  19. From you account. Under the product it says "More Details" and the download is there
  20. https://www.waves.com/free-plugins-waves-update-plan-2021
  21. A phenomenal pipe organ & sound design instrument. Experience O: Forbes Pipe Organ sampled from the renowned Harold Miossi Hall, at the Performing Arts Center in San Luis Obispo, California. The O: Forbes Pipe Organ sets itself apart with sonic and design flexibility, providing ready-made traditional and modern pipe combinations as well as sound design capabilities that deliver big in modern scoring situations. A stunning, versatile instrument ready for your next score! ONLY $149 | EXPLORE NOW https://cinesamples.com/product/o-forbes-pipe-organ
  22. They do offer "Afterpay" which lets you split it into 4 payments...
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