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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. There are currently 40 FREE LABS instruments
  2. Which is the Corporate Political Rhetoric version of The Singles will use up more of your choices in the group buy so the collections aren't included. Thanx! ( I speak FLUENT "Corporateze") I admit I am surprised that they are included at all, but that inclusion should warrant the collections also being included IMO...but it's IK...so normal doesn't apply here As you were...
  3. The coolest waterphone plugin goes 50% off. You are welcome to purchase it now - half price. Ends 20.08. New price $39 (reg. 78$). https://soundyan.com/waterphone
  4. Adam Monroe Music has released version 2.0 of Adam Monroe's Tremolo, a free Tremolo effect plugin for Windows and macOs. Version 2.0 includes updated support for macOs Big Sur. In addition to the standard sine wave, new standard and experimental waveforms have been added to the tremolo and stereo-panner effects, these include: Triangle. Square. Saw. Assassin. Ghost. Distorted. Jaggy. Mountain. The number of presets have also been increased to 50. Price: Free/Donation. The plugin is available in in VST AU and AAX formats. https://adammonroemusic.com/free-tremolo-vst/tremolo-vst-free.html
  5. Blip Interactive has announced the version 2.1.2 update for NanoStudio 2. This update adds MIDI clock out for external devices, Ableton Link Start/Stop Sync support and a new IAP soundpack containing 10 high quality studio drum kits. NanoStudio 2 is a mobile music production environment for synthesis, sampling, arranging, editing and mixing. It's a complete in-the-box solution, enabling you to develop your initial musical ideas right through to a final master with an intuitive workflow. NanoStudio 2 is a host for AUv3 plugins but also functions well as a self-contained app, providing a versatile synth with multiple synthesis methods, a drum pad sampler and many built-in effects including a compressor, look-ahead limiter, reverb, EQ with spectrum analyzer, chorus, phaser and waveshaper. Heavy optimization makes large and complex projects possible. https://www.blipinteractive.co.uk/nanostudio2/
  6. After the recent release of SPATIO Plate, ANWIDA Soft has announced the release of SPATIO Inverse, the second premium plugin in the SPATIO reverb suite. SPATIO Inverse is a VST3/AU plugin that offers inverse reverberation. Inverse reverb is a special audio effect: a backwards reverb that slowly builds up instead of decreasing. Very popular throughout the 80's, especially on snare drums, this effect creates a haunting, unique ambience effect and can be used with other modules (i.e. tremolo, delay, reverbs) to create stunning sounds. SPATIO Inverse comes with a signed installer for Windows and signed/notarized installer for OS X/macOS. It loads natively in macOS Big Sur running on Apple Silicon. Intro Price: $25 (50% off; Reg. $49) until August 15th, 2021 11.59 PM CET. https://www.anwida.com/as_plugins/spatio-inverse/
  7. I guess my question doesn't warrant an answer...
  8. Or get both for $49 https://harrisonconsoles.com/mixbus-bundle-and-training
  9. For one week only, get Undertow plugin by Psychic Modulation for only $20 (reg. $49). Use code UNDERTOW20 at checkout. Undertow is a Beat Bending Dub Box designed primarily as a Multi-FX Unit for beats and drum loops. Available for Windows and Mac. https://www.psychicmodulation.com/undertow.html
  10. Pro Tools 2021.7 was released today. It’s what we would describe as a “housekeeping release” with no new features included but several bug fixes. Do any of these affect your workflow? Run the Avid App Manager to udpate
  11. That still didn't answer my question...
  12. Download this FREE expansion pack for Alpha Organ. From sci-fi atmospheric soundscapes & sweeping warm pads to gritty synth textures & Mellotron vibes and much more! This free preset pack includes 20 new custom fx presets and is available only to existing owners of Alpha Organ On Sale now for only $44 (Reg. $69) https://soundiron.com/products/alpha-organ https://soundiron.com/blogs/news/free-download-alpha-organ-expansion-pack
  13. $108 https://www.timespace.com/collections/cinematique-instruments/products/cinematique-instruments-colors-bundle
  14. If you play virtual guitar you could use a "clean" guitar VI and use Amplitube as the "Amp Section"...
  15. $39 https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/6284-Session-Keys-Electric-W
  16. Brandon Chapa just dropped a real gem for his producer friends. He's very excited to announce The "Pastel Omnisphere Bank" to you. Inside are 22 creative patches perfect for ANY genre that is hot today to mix some color into your productions. Product details: 22 Custom Omnisphere Patches Perfect for any genre Omnisphere 2.6 or Higher Required Mac And PC With Any DAW Easy How To Install Instructions Unzipped 2.9 MB / Zipped 2MB https://r-loops.com/sample-pack/brandon-chapa/pastel-free-omnisphere-bank/6428
  17. TALOS – EARTH-SHATTERING BRASS! Talos is all about big ensemble sizes (12 French Horns and 12 Low Brass players: 4x Tubas, 4x Cimbassi, 4x Bass Trombones) that can go from soft and subtle to earth-shatteringly epic. Check out what this monstrous brass ensemble sounds like HERE. One of the main goals and challenges for the library was to create something that can go the full sonic range in a larger than life ensemble size but still retain all of the realism. We also ensured that Talos not only blends perfectly with our other libraries (Jaeger, Cerberus, etc.) but truly sits well in a mix and enhances your writing experience. People asked us for bigger ensembles, we delivered. People asked for stronger dynamics, we delivered. Talos was designed to perfectly match and expand what Jaeger offers. Add all the extra weight you need to your compositions with this gigantic brass titan. Get Talos today for just $199!! Get the library HERE https://www.audioimperia.com/collections/best-sellers/products/talos-epic-brass-ensembles SALE ENDS AUGUST 9TH, 1AM PST
  18. $19 Hi fellow musician Get Vapor Keys 2, our flagship retroscape collection of carefully recorded FM and analog classics for Kontakt 6. Taste the luxury of the 90s! https://karanyisounds.com/product/vapor-keys-2/
  19. Hey Pete...why aren't the Electromagnetik and Cinekinetic Collections included?
  20. $50 https://www.uvi.net/gypsy-jazzy
  21. That's considered a "Gratis" product and has no value so won't work for the group buy...
  22. FUTURE-FACING BEATS BACKYARD JAMS delivers the eclectic, feel-good vibes of a movement that swept dancefloors across the world. Futuristic funk, sunny soul, jazz, and hip hop collide in an Expansion packed with live guitar licks, vintage pads, organic percussion, and freewheeling dancefloor flavors. $49 https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/expansions/backyard-jams/
  23. Those words would NEVER pass my lips...LOL
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