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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Flintpope brings you old-school string sounds with twelve variations on a theme of low fidelity orchestral audio. This is no Mellotron but it does hark back to that era when the Prog bands used fake strings, mainly because they were cheaper than the real thing, but more interestingly to add a peculiar dreamy atmosphere to those classic late sixties and early seventies productions. Get a stack of twelve libraries in one instrument that aims to give you a taste of the pre-Fairlight era of recording. Free or pay what you like you beauty! FULL KONTAKT required... https://ko-fi.com/s/1fe0491728
  2. $17.60 at ADSR https://www.adsrsounds.com/product/software/caelum-audio-schlap-compressor-plugin/
  3. Check 'em out here - as low as $9 https://harrisonconsolesstore.onfastspring.com/Plugin-Specials
  4. This is on KVR all the time for less than $10
  5. $19 https://karanyisounds.com/product/polyscape-pro/
  6. Virtuoso playing, lower tempos, and a deep & warm tone $49 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/upright_bass_2.html
  7. Introducing: Drift A library of tranquil, relaxing, synthesized pad tones and chord progressions that will melt your stresses and gently sweep you away to deep meditative relaxation. Available in your PreSonus Sphere account or in our shop. $9.95 https://shop.presonus.com/PreSonus-Drift
  8. Run the SAA to autoupdate!
  9. Lite version is FREE! Mac only! https://novonotes.gumroad.com/l/kJTxs
  10. If I sell it, once the buyer has successfully activated I delete it. If I activate it myself then I retain the document for future use if needed.
  11. FLUX:: Session Analyzer now includes loudness metering with metering modes for norms in the ITU-1770 and EBU-R128 standards, and for streaming platforms such as; Spotify, Apple, YouTube, Apple, Netflix, and more. Now with full support for standard hardware I/O using ASIO and Core Audio, in addition to the SampleGrabber plugin, with up to 2 channels, Mono/Stereo. The Session Analyzer v22.01 is a FREE UPGRADE for all current owners of the Studio Session Analyzer / Studio Session Pack. Simply install the latest 22.01 version from FLUX:: Center and you're good to go! Loudness Metering LUFS - EBU R128 / PLOUD Real-time metering statistics (In the Spectrum, Spectrogram and Scope Layouts) Loudness Metering Modes with various standards for streaming platforms including; Spotify, Apple, YouTube, Apple, Netflix, and more Fully configurable meters including Dolby Dialogue Intelligence™ option Hardware I/O Support Mono / Stereo (2 Channels) Hardware I/O - ASIO / Core Audio SampleGrabber plugin (available in all standard plug-in formats) Sample rates up to 384 kHz (DXD), including; 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192, 384 DXD. Run the Flux Center to update, or get it here https://www.flux.audio/download/
  12. Softube Model 84 for $79 for the next 48 hours or so. https://www.softube.com/model-84-polyphonic-synthesizer And get 79% Off Softube Spring Reverb when purchased along with Model 84! https://www.softube.com/products/sr
  13. FREE! This is just a quick note to say that I've released a new free sample library: Metal Desk Lamp. The library contains both percussion and pads created with a classic "architect" lamp, an idea that will probably make more sense to you if you watch this fun experiment video I made about it. Also worth mentioning: this is the last week for the Violin Ensemble's $20 introductory price. After January 27th, it goes up to $40. https://www.decentsamples.com/product/metal-desk-lamp/
  14. Get Deal $39.99 $399 CRISPY-3999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends January 22 - 11:59 PM PST This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional plugins you may purchase. *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_crispytuner.html
  15. Ueberschall has announced the release of their newest loop library, Upright Bass 2. As part of the Instrument Series, this product focuses on the upright bass. Here is what they say about the library: In skilled hands, the upright bass is an amazingly expressive instrument, capable of adding instant character and class to a musical arrangement. As a follow-up to the original Upright Bass release, Upright Bass 2 is a further product in the Elastik Instrument Series, each of which focuses on a single instrument. As before, it features virtuoso playing, captured in pristine audio quality. However, the performances in this release contrast with the original by delivering generally lower tempos and a deeper, warmer, tone, with plenty of sub-bass content and the perfect amount of room ambience to let the performances breathe. Upright Bass 2 provides a collection of authentic phrases, filled with musical details, that can easily be combined to create a totally realistic performance. The library contains over 800MB of samples, with nearly 450 different loops and phrases. These are organized into 30 folders, each containing between 9 and 21 phrases and phrase variations. The folders focus on giving enough variations to create a realistic, varied contrabass accompaniment while not wandering too far away from the original theme. Individual loops have a length of 2 or 4 bars and can easily be combined to create longer performances providing plenty of musical variation. With Elastik's time-stretching and pitch-shifting capabilities, the phrases can easily be mixed and matched between folders, or to suit the needs of an existing musical project. Summary: Credits: Upright Bass played by Christian Flohr. 840 MB, 445 Loops & Phrases. Instrument: Upright Bass. Elastik Soundbank for Mac/Win - AU/VST/AAX/StandAlone. Elastik Player included - no sampler required. Price: 49,- Euro. http://www.ueberschall.com/goto/693/Upright_Bass_2
  16. During this weekend use this direct discount link to get Horror Box with a 50% discount: 12 Euros - https://electronikoundlab.gumroad.com/l/cMaMM/wzn0sb8 Offer active until January 24, 2022 at 8:00 UTC+2
  17. Only for 24 hours, special price for Love-Fi! €17 (taxes not included) Click on the following link to get your direct discount: https://quietmusic.gumroad.com/l/FHeGz/8j4l5tf Offer active until January 21, 2022 AT 23:00 UTC+2
  18. $94.99 at Best Buy https://www.bestbuy.com/site/wd-easystore-5tb-external-usb-3-0-portable-hard-drive-black/6406512.p?skuId=6406512
  19. Bass Guitar - Virtual Instrument Plugin (Pc/Mac VST, AU,AAX) $37 Download: http://www.auditory-lab.com/bassguitar.html
  20. Download here http://reaper.fm/download.php REAPER 6.46: The Gang Makes a DAW Changelog items below may include • links to more information. Batch converter fix normalization (6.44 regression) • resolve item-related wildcards properly when converting a media item that originated in a different project • macOS fix arrow key keyboard navigation issues for various windows (6.43 regression) fix keyboard focus after closing transport selection/bpm edit boxes improve appearance of routing matrix in dark mode and default theme Media items fix adjusting media to tempo suggested by filename or metadata when inserting via action add actions to normalize items to common gain, or separately, using most recent settings show warning or error (depending on context) when some items could not be normalized Metadata add ASWG dialogue projection level field add OGG, Opus to displayed list of render formats that support Vorbis metadata MIDI editor improve scroll behavior when adjusting zoom • improve zoom to content action behavior • ReaScript Lua built-in print() function output is visible using DebugView on Windows • fix incorrect fuzzy matching in TrackFX_AddByName() etc • improve gfx_blit() documentation • Windows fix DirectX plug-in preset menu fix new VST path addition on 64-bit Automation fix potential incorrect automation when envelopes disabled outside of automation items • Control surfaces fix OSC control of FX wet/dry knob • FX add actions to clear delta solo for all FX on selected tracks or all FX in the project Import add cancel button to multiple media item import dialog JSFX fix set_pin_mapping() high-bit issue Metronome fix count-in issue at 180bpm 3/4 • MIDI add actions to reload track support data (bank/program files, notation, etc) for individual MIDI items or all items in the project • MIDI inline editor improve default note view sizing mp3 close .reapindex files when media is set offline • RS5k fix incorrect resampling at end of sample (most obvious with r8brain free) Theme fix layout actions for single-character layout names • Tracks if tracks are removed while renaming a track in TCP/MCP, close edit field VST do not allow scanning root directories on macOS/linux (revert 6.44 change) • WavPack fix incorrect truncation in 16-bit mode •
  21. For the last 10 days of January, save up to £199 ($271) per purchase by adding 2 or more items to your cart in our buy one get one free deal! This will mark the first time we've ever run this type of deal... we hope you enjoy. Stay creative! https://insanitysamples.com/
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