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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Run the Steinberg Download Assistant to update
  2. Select Products for $5 each https://zero-g.co.uk/collections/5-days-5-dollars-sale
  3. $26.97 each....spend $50 or more and code YNY23 gets another 10% off https://everyplugin.com/cla-plugins-sale.html
  4. Get Deal $49.99 $349 SSL-9000J-4999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends January 28 - 11:59 PM PST This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional plugins you may purchase. *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_console_ssl_9000_j.html
  5. $89.99 with code EMCBN2734 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/western-digital-blue-1tb/p/N82E16820250088?item=N82E16820250088&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=IGNEFL012722&cm_mmc=EMC-IGNEFL012722-_-EMC-012722-Index-_-InternalSSDs-_-20250088-S5A1A&ignorebbr=1
  6. Introducing: Thunder Rhodes Add a bit of drag-and-drop soul in your productions. Over 190 loops of expertly-performed, royalty-free Rhodes piano loops. Included with PreSonus Sphere memberships or available to purchase at the link below. $19.95 https://shop.presonus.com/PreSonus-Thunder-Rhodes
  7. Flash Offer Supercharge your sound with 1000 extra sounds by upgrading to Analog Lab V for just 39$ until January 31st Log in to your account for upgrade! https://www.arturia.com/products/analog-classics/analoglab-v/overview
  8. 60% off - $99.60 at Loot Audio https://www.lootaudio.com/category/plugins/lunacy-audio/cube-plugin
  9. Get it here https://zero-g.co.uk/products/arc
  10. At Plugin Boutique Use Coupon – Spire30 Valid until 1st February (23:59 PST) https://www.pluginboutique.com/products/3187
  11. $19.99 on the KVR Marketplace Use coupon Code "10KVPS" to get 10% off all ProSoundz products in the KVR Marketplace until February 25th, 2022. https://www.kvraudio.com/marketplace/storm-kontakt-library-by-prosoundz
  12. Normally $70, Space Kit is available at introductory pricing this week for only $12 Space Kit brings together 4 of Puremagnetik's space and perception altering devices. Designed to animate incoming audio through phase manipulation, echo chambers, vocoders and more, each one of the devices in Space Kit has been been created to help you sculpt hyper-sensory spatial development of your audio. https://puremagnetik.com/products/splice-kit-a-suite-of-recording-manipulation-devices
  13. Xhun Audio has announced the forthcoming release of ZeroBox, an analogue modeling simulation of an iconic bass line synthesizer. The basic approach / idea behind ZeroBox is to meticulously preserve the physics and behavior of the analogue circuit components, topology and quirks as found in the original 1980s hardware, while at the same time expanding such device's possibilities by the introduction of a series of "mods" and "circuit bents" as found on many so-called "DIY projects" from the 1990s. More information about ZeroBox (including product images and signal path walkthrough) will follow within the next few days on KVR Audio official forum. ZeroBox is expected to be released during the month of February, 2022. https://www.xhun-audio.com/
  14. Sand3, Scarlet4, Azure2, and Aquamarine4 join the updates for Monterey... and the deals! https://www.acustica-audio.com/pages/promos
  15. The sale will last until January 29th and you can get it using the code 012250BUNDLEP Using the discount code in this email you'll be able to get every bundle with a 50% discount. Our bundles already allow you to have our plugins 40% off so with this sale we are offering you a 40%+50% double discount! https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/category/bundles/
  16. Get Deal $79.99 $329 SHCA-7999 Use this voucher code during checkout! Offer ends January 27 - 11:59 PM PST This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional plugins you may purchase. *Local VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/shadow_hills_class_a_mastering_comp.html
  17. $169.99 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07G3QMPB5/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1&tag=pcmagtechdeal-20&ascsubtag=02jfQ3OUEGRBuVKYZC1k9kZ
  18. 49 Euro intro price https://rastsound.com/downloads/bass-boutique/
  19. In the DP 11.04 release, we focused on general bug fixes and improvements within the program, while adding a few key enhancements as well DP11 enhancements include: Optimized file opening and closing speed Optimized chunk paste speed Other chunk-related improvements And more Download the updates today - link below https://linktr.ee/motutech
  20. We've released an update to all our plugins with bug fixes and optimisations. Click the images below to download the latest installer. Release notes per plugin here https://masteringthemix.zendesk.com/hc/en-gb/sections/360003181597-Release-Notes Windows Installer https://masteringthemix.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c53f967373f0d2ca45fc19000&id=f775d8be59&e=47fb32d8f9 Mac Installer https://masteringthemix.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=c53f967373f0d2ca45fc19000&id=22a283392a&e=47fb32d8f9
  21. Get ready for one of the world's best analog designs in the box. Soma is out now! Soma has revolutionized the passive tube EQ approach with crystal-clear sound and unparalleled flexibility. Brainworx emulation takes this high-end analog EQ to a new level offering plugin-only features. Only for Subs for now...or get a 14 day free trial https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/knif_audio_soma.html
  22. Get it here http://www.morevox.com/web/freebbie.html
  23. Aevium is a powerfully unique collection of fierce lead synths and atmospheric pads, developed in partnership with the premier sound effects and foley production house BOOM Library. $59 intro price https://soundiron.com/products/aevium
  24. 6 days for 11€ instead of 180€ https://www.audiotent.com/presets/coda/
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