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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Out Now! Wave comes with 162 additional presets for Heatup3 inspired by vintage lofi hiphop music. A highly versatile addition for your Heatup3 workstation including a wide range of presets. Expand your library with new bass, bells, leads, pads, plucks, strings, synths, keys and more. https://initialaudio.com/ 40% OFF ALL EXPANSION PACKS Choose from over 80 expansion packs for Heatup3, Sektor and Slice. Get inspired by thausands of new instruments, presets and samples in many genres and styles.
  2. Use code 25STJ and get 25% direct from PG Music $96.75 Ends in 24 hrs!
  3. Introducing iQ5050 Get it now for only $5.99 ­Unique Character Equalizer This 5 band equalizer's character is all in its smooth sound and unique slopes. IQ505 has a variable response depending on the frequency, clearing mud on the narrow Qs, perfect for more musical boosts and cuts. Use the smooth knob to soften harsher frequency boosts, use the warm switch in each band to give even more character to your tracks. And now you can get it with a 76% off right now! https://audioassault.mx/collections/plugins/products/iq505
  4. Introducing the fourth and final installment of Native Voice. Featuring a female vocalist of Norwegian descent, EIRA (Pronounced: AY – ruh) is certain to unleash your creative genius. Though the vocal phrases in use do not include actual words of meaning, the soloist sings with an indigenous tongue and the user is creating the illusion of language. $69.99 https://www.beladmedia.com/native-voice-eira/
  5. $99 at Sweetwater! PG Music Band-in-a-Box 2022 Pro for Windows for $99 at Sweetwater, reg. $129. https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/BIAB22ProW--pg-music-band-in-a-box-2022-pro-for-windows-download
  6. 49 Euros - 50% OFF - coupon SPRING https://www.orbplugins.com/
  7. $20 for all 13 items https://www.humblebundle.com/software/photography-projects-software
  8. Zen is a free instrument for Windows and Mac compatible with our QM Sounds player. Sound Bank created from a Tibetan singing bowl tuned to 432 Hz and processed with high quality effect pedals and plugins. QM Sounds is the name given to our new sample player, focused on relaxation music, meditation, ambient, lofi, field recordings and many more. The player itself is free to download, but you will be able to load free and paid libraries created by Quiet Music with different instruments and audio equipment, both modern and vintage. A single player but with different skins, with very inspiring and relaxing sounds. DOWNLOAD: https://quietmusic.eu/qm-sounds
  9. $36 https://soundiron.com/products/gritkit
  10. https://www.bestservice.com/deals/best_service_exclusive_up_to_90_off_waves_4042.html
  11. Might want to hold out and see what other Discounters offer...
  12. Also, you get a FREE copy of Mega Brass when buying from Impact Soundworks! This product qualifies for a free copy of Mega Brass with code FREEMEGABRASS Mega Brass | $49 $0 https://impactsoundworks.com/product/megabrass/
  13. $115 https://www.thomannmusic.com/pg_music_biab_2022_pro_pc_download.htm
  14. Two amazing Toontrack titles at jaw-dropping price cuts, available this weekend only!* Ready to progress? Here are two deals for immediate success. Progressive Foundry SDX and Progressive Fusion MIDI https://www.bestservice.com/deals/toontrack_weekend_deal_4032.html
  15. 10.66 Euros https://2bplayed.com/product/lowend-friend/
  16. It's the one you got for free and it doesn't qualify for the promotion. I did the same thing hoping it would qualify, but is says right on the page at IK "Free products do not qualify for this promotion"
  17. Flux Mini 2 In anticipation of our upcoming release of Flux Pro on 6th May, we thought we should remake our first Flux Mini plugin with a sleeker UI, better performance, and new features. You can now control multiple parameters at once, fix the graph to milliseconds as well as the host tempo, output the graph as MIDI CC messages and control the shape of curves with 2 control points. From simple side-chains to manic modulations, sculpt some life into your sounds - flux it up and have some fluxing fun! https://www.caelumaudio.com/CaelumAudio/?Page=FluxMini2
  18. $29 at Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/claps_stomps_and_snaps_bundle.html
  19. Plugins for Mastering Get your tracks ready for streaming with Waves’ pro mastering tools, from the industry-standard L2 and L3 level maximizers, to vintage models like Abbey Road TG Mastering and J37 Tape, to the precision WLM loudness meter. All Mastering Plugins $29.99 https://everyplugin.com/catalogsearch/advanced/result?manufacturer[]=6
  20. $20.99 https://audioplugin.deals/aviram-harp-guitar-by-aviram-dayan-production
  21. Check 'em out here https://www.bigfishaudio.com/weeklyspecials
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