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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Get it at only €69 (€109) and save 36% until May, 26th! https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/products/maize
  2. Is It Like Mixing On Speakers? https://www.genelec.com/aural-id
  3. + 10% off w/ promo code BTEBRB522,limited offer - Total Price $180 after code https://www.newegg.com/western-digital-blue-2tb/p/N82E16820250089?Item=N82E16820250089&utm_medium=Email&utm_source=Automation042822&cm_mmc=EMC-Automation042822-_-EMC042822-Index-_-Internal+SSDs-_-N82E16820250089&ignorebbr=1
  4. I don't even watch TV....I use it as a monitor....
  5. Save 40% off on BSA Clipper for a limited time only! (Expiration not identified). $29 (reg. $49) Dead. Simple. Clipping The only way to achieve modern loudness without destroying the punch and impact is with smart, purposeful clipping in the mix. Other clippers on the market are overcomplicated, overpriced, ugly, or all of the above… so we decided to make the clipper every real mixer wants: a dead-simple tool that gets the job done in seconds. AAX, AU, VST3 versions 64bit compatible https://blacksaltaudio.com/clipper/
  6. Got this message when updating from BitDefender The file C:\ProgramData\Waves Audio\Modules\WavesLicenseEngine.bundle\Contents\Win32\WavesLicenseEngine.dll is infected with Gen:Variant.Razy.675976 and was moved to quarantine. It is recommended that you run a System Scan to make sure your system is clean
  7. Ha....good catch VB...didn't even notice that...I made up one to fix it in the OP!
  8. Run SDC to update on exit
  9. Run Waves Central to update Afterwards, WavesLicenseEngine Updated
  10. From Shareware on Sale https://sharewareonsale.com/s/free-prodad-vitascene-v2-le-100-discount
  11. $29.99 https://audioplugin.deals/muze-acoustic-bundle
  12. Larry Shelby

    Melda 16

    MeldaProduction has announced the 16th round of the Eternal Madness Discount 2022! 50% OFF some of the most powerful audio plugins on the market until May 1st (23:59:59 UTC). MSuperLooper - a looper for all your needs! MDynamicsMB - everything from extremely realistic halls to unbelievable effects, with spatial positioning. MStereoGenerator - a powerful frequency shifter for everything from mild stereo expansion to complete destruction. MModernCompressor - the ultimate wave-shaper in which you can draw your own shapes in each of up to 6 bands! https://www.meldaproduction.com/emd
  13. Info here https://www.steinberg.net/nuendo/
  14. Yes, the Slate only gets updated if Overloud updates the regular TH-U...
  15. New Monitor is set up...and I like it. It seems "clearer" than the 50", and set up was simple. We'll see how it goes for a few days before I commit to keeping it.
  16. Ozone was a few weeks ago....and Neutron was yesterday
  17. Duet By Desing is Half Off Also Traditional Price: $119.98 - New Price: $59.99 Sale Price: $29.99 Promo Code: DBD50 https://www.beladmedia.com/duet-by-design/
  18. YOUTH SALE - SOLO AND CHOIR - SAVE 50% V CHOIR by design Traditional Price: $139.98 - New Price: $69.99 Sale Price: $34.99 Promo Code: VCB50 https://www.beladmedia.com/v-choir-by-design/
  19. The dots are closer together, making for a better picture, so yes...more DPI
  20. I'd use 1080P for regular use, and only switch to 4K for watching movies or the VERY RARE video game
  21. We're happy to announce that all of our products are now officially native M1 compatible! Updates are available via UVI Portal
  22. Up to 75% off https://everyplugin.com/mcdsp.html
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