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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Apogee FX bundle includes: Pultec EQP-1A, Pultec MEQ-5, Opto-3A, ModEQ 6, and ModComp. $299.40 https://apogeedigital.com/products/apogee-fx-bundle
  2. VOLUME H ! One of the world's most famous vintage reverb from the 80s, with its distinctive, smooth and rich sound. VOLUME I ! If you’re looking for Phil Spector’s extreme ‘Wall of Sound’, with huge walls of electric guitars laden with reverb and distortion, give this reverb a shot. https://www.acustica-audio.com/store/marketplace/ Silver Official Page https://www.silvereverb.studio/
  3. I believe you are thinking of MODO Bass 2... No EZBass 2 in the pipeline yet, that I'm aware of. No expansions come with EZBass except the core, so the answer to your question is no, it won't be included.
  4. Some of our plugins have their 2nd hand versions - after the trial period expires they do not start producing unpleasant noises but continue working in your projects. You only lose access to some of their features. Namely, those are Front DAW, Royal Compressor, QuickAG and QuickBass. Newly, Electrum Core joins the club. Enjoy your free guitar amp and cab after its trial expires. https://unitedplugins.com/ElectrumCore/
  5. Codes sent out for an additional $5 off...check your email
  6. and up to 3 free plugins https://www.waves.com/bundles#sort:path~type~order=.default-order~number~asc|views:view=grid-view|paging:currentPage=0|paging:number=20
  7. $29.99 https://audioplugin.deals/apeshyt-808-by-braumah-beats/
  8. At Best Service https://www.bestservice.com/big_bang_orchestra_free_basics.html (yes, I know it's always been free...it's just never been an offer - always with the player)
  9. No extra discount https://www.jrrshop.com/plug-mix-pro-series-pack-e-max-optomax-tube-exciter
  10. We are writing you because we have just partnered with KVR Audio to provide a support forum dedicated to HoRNet Plugins. In this forum you will be able to find support from us and other users like you so if you have any question or idea for a new plugin, that place is the right place to go! Just please keep the discussion polite and don't offend others, but I'm sure you know how to behave on an internet forum and I'm also sure many of you already are KVR Audio members so there is no need to create a new account. You can find the forum here, or just click on the yellow button below :): https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=309
  11. $29.99 Brainworx bx_console SSL 4000 G: Officially endorsed by SSL. Classic 72 channel G Series desk in your DAW - with TMT! Use voucher code during checkout! Flash Sale offer expires 11:59 PM PST on April 21, 2022. SSL-4000G-2999 This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional purchase. Local European VAT taxes may be added, only if required by law in your country. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_console_ssl_4000_g.html
  12. Anniversary Sale Celebrate 11 years with us! ? 35% OFF Plugins https://www.audiothing.net/plugins/
  13. Free Update For Seventh Heaven Professional Supporting 7.1.6 Atmos Reverb And Ducking https://www.liquidsonics.com/2022/04/20/seventh-heaven-professional-1-4-update-adds-ducking-and-surround-up-to-7-1-6/
  14. https://www.reaper.fm/download.php
  15. That's my life's mantra right there!
  16. The textures and tones of lo-fi have never sounded better than they do in our brand new SD-1 Vol. 2 sound bank for ANA 2 Ultra Bundle. With this batch of crackly keys, dusty basses and tastefully re-sampled percussion, these sounds are almost beautifully dirty, a perfect way to give an otherwise pristine track a little grit. Get a glimpse of lo-fi paradise with just one click! Open Slate Digital Connect and install it today. Don't have Slate Digital Connect? No big deal! Just click here to get started. Slate Digital Connect updated to 1.3.2 https://slatedigital.com/ana2-ultra-bundle/
  17. The updates can be obtained via your 2B Played Music account or via the download link from the original order email, if you have already purchased the product. https://2bplayed.com/
  18. $99.99 at GameStop https://www.gamestop.com/gaming-accessories/memory/xbox-one/products/seagate-8tb-game-drive-hub-for-xbox/308653.html
  19. n two days we're launching a brand new library with English singer, songwriter, guitarist, producer, and DJ Fink If you're not familiar yet take look at his impressive roster of collaborators! Set a reminder for the launch event this Thursday:
  20. Yumtone H4 is pure digital magic. This Japanese FM synthesizer called the Electone HC-4 was introduced to the market in the late 80s and it featured two 44-note keybeds, a foot pedal system, drum/rhythm machine, 16-operator FM voices and much more. $19 https://soundiron.com/products/yumtone-h4
  21. $30 Dark. Deep. Booms. 33 Programs / 5 Parts 192 Real-Time Samples™ / 399.2MB Soundpaint™ Engine (Free) VST, AU and Standalone https://soundpaint.com/products/hybrid-booms-and-hits
  22. $199 https://wavelet-audio.com/groth/
  23. THE ART OF STORYTELLING Create extraordinary, evolving soundscapes with this organic library of eclectic instruments. From classic woodwinds to rare chordophones, LORES makes it easy to add magic to your scores. $199 https://www.native-instruments.com/en/products/komplete/cinematic/lores/
  24. $99 https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/on-sale.html
  25. For Bapu: downloaded and installed
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