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Larry Shelby

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Everything posted by Larry Shelby

  1. Ozillios Mega Scope Version 1.22.1684 is finally here. There are lots of small changes, most notably these: new UI styling faster and less sluggish resizing added summing mode (yes, it's finally here) fixed a plug-in inter-operability issue on M1 better full screen mode compatibility with multi-moniitor set-ups You can download the new version directly from the Oszillos Mega Scope Page. Please let me now via the Contact Form if you encounter any issues. Changes in version 2.22.1684: new UI styling faster and less sluggish resizing better full screen mode compatibility with multi-moniitor set-ups fixed a plug-in inter-operability issue on M1 the spectrogram is now also frozen when enabling freeze improved spectrum display support for 3 dB and 4.5 dB slopes You can download the new version directly from the Spectrum 2 Page. Please let me now via the Contact Form if you encounter any issues. Updates for other Plug-Ins JP-ME1 and RedVerb 2 also recieved the M1 compatibility updates. Update Celebration Discount If you're down this mail this far, you probably like my plug-ins (or you're just bored). This much dedication has to be rewarded Use code UPDATE-YEAH on any purchase on my site to get 30% off. The code is valid until the end of the month. Thanks to you all for your continued support. https://schulz.audio/products/
  2. $29 each at Plugin Boutique and get DUO Free! https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/show?sale_id=10445
  3. $19 at Plugin Boutique and get DUO Free! https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/72-Utility/4802-Pan-Knob
  4. $29 https://audioplugin.deals/orakle-x-by-mntra-instruments
  5. $63 with code GROUP at JRR Includes Fluid Pitch & Fluid Chords https://www.jrrshop.com/pitch-innovations-fluid-bundle
  6. 12 TB is $199.99 with code WKDBS2Z67 https://www.newegg.com/seagate-expansion-12tb-black/p/N82E16822184957?Item=N82E16822184957
  7. $249.99 with code WKDBS2Z68 at Newegg https://www.newegg.com/seagate-expansion-16tb-black/p/N82E16822184959?Item=N82E16822184959&quicklink=true
  8. Soundpaint 1.1 was released today. It now contains free User Sample Import (USI) and the ability to share programs! USI automatically comes with Soundpaint when you update to 1.1 Check it out here! https://soundpaint.com/pages/free-engine
  9. These must be heard to be believed. And not on your cellphone … A true cab experience coming out of your studio monitors ?? This isn't 1 cab, but SIX packs, aka “VOL I.” 450+ IR's! ­OTTO CABS VOL I. ­SIX FULL CAB PACKS in a bundle. From my personal collection: 17 mics per cab, 5 Positions per mic. 450+ IR's ? Full Image sound without a veil ? Clear, articulate ? Note separation & definition ? Blendable, all perfectly phase aligned at every position ? Reach L O W E R than ever, Chugs / transients will jump out of your speakers ? Audio violence at its finest ­­­?*Note* Checkout for the Cabs are via the Shopify checkout, which is a different portal on my site than the II II II II. To spare confusion, feel free to make an account with the same info as your existing Otto Audio account ?? Use Code NONEHEAVIER for 50% off! $81.11 https://ottoaudio.net/products/otto-cabs-vol-i
  10. The Free Sample Friday sample pack of the week is a portable djembe that I hit with a drum stick. The samples have been lightly processed to be hard-hitting and cut through a mix. You get 50 one-shots recorded in stereo. As a bonus, I added a dozen stick samples hitting the side of the djembe. https://www.samplescience.info/2022/05/nouveau-djembe.html
  11. $19.99 Dangerous Music BAX EQ: a mastering-grade Baxandall EQ Use voucher code during checkout! Flash Sale offer expires 11:59 pm PST on May 21, 2022. BAX-EQ-1999 This is a fixed price offer! The price for this product will not change if you add more plugins to your order. But you will get dynamic discounts of 20-60% on any additional purchase. https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/dangerous_bax_eq.html
  12. They're there...those were the only 11 I didn't have either, but NOW do...and everything after those 11 are duplicates.
  13. Acon Digital has released version 7.4 of their powerful audio editor Acoustica for Windows and Mac. Acoustica is available in a Premium Edition and a lower cost Standard Edition. The Premium Edition includes a new ARA2 plug-in that offers the complete functionality of Acoustica's clip editor and can be seamlessly integrated into digital audio workstations (DAWs) with ARA2 support. ARA takes away the hassle of transferring clips back and forth between the host application and Acoustica, and DAW sessions are kept up-to-date automatically. Discover Acoustica 7.4 https://acondigital.com/products/acoustica-audio-editor/
  14. 7....we won't make it at this pace...
  15. 30 Days FREE! Great opportunity to try things and figure out what you want to buy, or if subs work for you, then to subscribe Get instant access to Forbidden Planet and over 42,0000 award-winning EastWest virtual instruments with a Free 30 Day Trial of ComposerCloud+ (new subscribers only). This is a limited time only offer – so hurry and sign up today! https://www.soundsonline.com/composercloud
  16. Kilohearts Ultimate is $354.63 at EveryPlugin https://everyplugin.com/khs-ultimate.html
  17. NOTE: Please DO NOT post what you donate. Keep that between you and your maker!
  18. If you REALLY want to show your gratitude...find a good charity and donate. I have finally made it out of abject poverty into mediocre poverty, and am VERY grateful, so find a GOOD NON-PROFIT and donate to it, or to a poor family you may know! THAT would be the ULTIMATE way to show your gratitude! And if you know of a REALLY GOOD CHARITY (NOT a Political one), then post it here for others to donate! It's time to help those less fortunate than ourselves! Charity (love) covers a multitude of sins!
  19. How dare they issue an update while I'm eating dinner!
  20. Record at home or the go with the Connect II USB Audio Interface! Starting at $69.99 https://www.cadaudio.com/products/new-products/cx2 CAD Audio New Products NAMM 2022 - YouTube
  21. Seeing as that this is only one studio, the Waves Nx Studio Collection seems to be better value as it has 4 Studios...and is only $10 more...but it also won't last "ten years", but you WILL pay WUP for 10 Years.
  22. Ooops...I completely forgot this was the Alan Meyerson Signature Edition.
  24. Develop Device 50% Off Storewide! https://developdevice.com/ • Custom Cabinet IRs • EZdrummer 3 Templates • Fractal Audio AX8 Presets • Fractal Audio Axe-Fx II Presets • Fractal Audio Axe-Fx III Presets • Fractal Audio FM3 Presets • GetGood Drums Premixed Templates • HoTone Ampero Presets • Kemper Profiles • Line 6 Helix Presets • Line 6 HX Stomp Presets • Line 6 POD GO Presets • Neural DSP Plugins Presets • Neural DSP Quad Cortex Captures • NUX MG-30 Presets • Superior Drummer 3 Presets • Templates for all major DAWs
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